module ActiveScaffold::Actions module Mark def self.included(base) base.before_filter :mark_authorized?, :only => :mark base.before_filter :assign_marked_records_to_model base.helper_method :marked_records end def mark if mark? || mark_all_scope_forced? do_mark else do_demark end if marked_records.length > 0 count = marked_records.length flash[:info] = as_(:records_marked, :count => count, :model => active_scaffold_config.label(:count => count)) end respond_to_action(:mark) end protected def mark_respond_to_html do_list list_respond_to_html end def mark_respond_to_js if params.delete(:id) # so find_page doesn't filter by :id do_search if respond_to? :do_search, true set_includes_for_columns if active_scaffold_config.actions.include? :list @page = find_page(:pagination => active_scaffold_config.mark.mark_all_mode != :page) render :action => 'on_mark' else @include_checkboxes = true render :action => 'on_mark', :locals => {:checked => mark?} end end # We need to give the ActiveRecord classes a handle to currently marked records. We don't want to just pass the object, # because the object may change. So we give ActiveRecord a proc that ties to the marked_records_method on this ApplicationController. def assign_marked_records_to_model active_scaffold_config.model.marked_records = marked_records end def mark? @mark ||= [true, 'true', 1, '1', 'T', 't'].include?(params[:value].class == String ? params[:value].downcase : params[:value]) end def mark_all_scope_forced? params[:mark_target] == 'scope' unless params[:id] end def do_mark if params[:id] find_if_allowed(params[:id], :read).as_marked = true elsif active_scaffold_config.mark.mark_all_mode == :page && !mark_all_scope_forced? each_record_in_page { |record| record.as_marked = true } else each_record_in_scope { |record| record.as_marked = true } end end def do_demark if params[:id] find_if_allowed(params[:id], :read).as_marked = false elsif active_scaffold_config.mark.mark_all_mode == :page each_record_in_page { |record| record.as_marked = false } else each_record_in_scope { |record| record.as_marked = false } end end def do_destroy super @record.as_marked = false if successful? end # The default security delegates to ActiveRecordPermissions. # You may override the method to customize. def mark_authorized? authorized_for?(:crud_type => :read) end def mark_formats (default_formats + active_scaffold_config.formats).uniq end end end