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It also provides validation functionality for the `library.properties` file for your custom libraries you would like to open source. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'arduino-library' ``` And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install arduino-library ## Usage Current version only contains Ruby-based API and is meant to be consumed by other projects (in particularly, check out [Arli](https://github.com/kigster/arli) — a command-line tool and an Arduino Library Manager and installer). This project is invaluable if you are you using, for example, [arduino-cmake](https://github.com/arduino-cmake/arduino-cmake) project to build and upload your Arduino Code. ### Configuration The gem database can be configured to download the default database from a custom URL, keep a local cache in a custom file. It always downloads the index locally, and next time it's invoked, the local file is used (if and only if it's size is identical to the remote file). You can change the configuration in two ways: 1. Set environment variables before invoking the gem 2. Configure the `DefaultDatabase` class variables #### Environment Variables * `ARDUINO_CUSTOM_LIBRARY_PATH` can be used to change local top-level path to the libraries folder. * `ARDUINO_LIBRARY_INDEX_PATH` can be used to change the location of the cached index file. #### Class Variables ```ruby require 'arduino/library' Arduino::Library::DefaultDatabase.library_index_path = Arduino::Library::DefaultDatabase.library_index_url = Arduino::Library::DefaultDatabase.library_path = # then reload the database: Arduino::Library::DefaultDatabase.instance.setup ``` #### Default Values: ```ruby DEFAULT_ARDUINO_LIBRARY_INDEX_URL = 'http://downloads.arduino.cc/libraries/library_index.json.gz' DEFAULT_ARDUINO_LIBRARY_PATH = ENV['ARDUINO_CUSTOM_LIBRARY_PATH'] || (ENV['HOME'] + '/Documents/Arduino/Libraries') DEFAULT_ARDUINO_LIBRARY_INDEX_PATH = ENV['ARDUINO_LIBRARY_INDEX_PATH'] || (ENV['HOME'] + '/Documents/Arduino/Libraries/index.json.gz') ``` ### Using the top-level module If you prefer not to have hard-coded dependencies on the `Arduino::Library::*` sub-classes and sub-modules, you can use the top level module, which proxies several shortcut methods. You can access these methods in two different ways: 1. As class methods on `Arduino::Library`, for example `Arduino::Library.db_default` 2. By including the top-level module in your context, and using methods as instance methods in the current context, eg. `#db_default` Below we'll focus on the second usage, but if you prefer to use the first syntax, it's there and available for you. You can require the library for use in the DSL: ```ruby class Foo # this loads the library, and includes its methods in the current context require 'arduino/library/include end ``` #### Using `db_from` This method returns an instance of the `Arduino::Library::Database` from the provided source: ```ruby db_from('library_index.json').size # => 16 db_from('library_index.json.gz').size # => 16 db_from('http://downloads.arduino.cc/libraries/library_index.json.gz').size # => 3653 # This required downloading a 400K gzipped file into a temp file, and reading from there. ``` #### Using `db_default` This method downloads and returns the official Arduino-maintained index of Arduino libraries. ```ruby db_default.size # => 3653 ``` #### Using `library_from` This method reads from a source that can be of many formats (see below) and returns an instantiated `Arduino::Library::Model` for this library. You can then get all library attributes via corresponding methods: ```ruby library_from('spec/fixtures/audio_zero.json').name # => 'AudioZero' library_from('~/Documents/Arduino/Libraries/AudioZero/library.properties').name #=> 'AudioZero' library_from('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PaulStoffregen/DS1307RTC/master/library.properties').name #=> 'DS1307RTC' ``` #### Using `search` Method `search` is, perhaps, some of the most powerful functionality in this gem. It allows constructing very flexible and precise queries, to match any number of library attributes. The method has the following signature: ```ruby search(database = db_default, **opts) ``` `opts` is a Hash that you can use to pass attributes with matchers. All matching results are returned as an array of models. **Examples** ```ruby results = search( # direct string equality name: 'AudioZero', # regexp matching is fully supported author: /konstantin/i, # array is matched if it's a subset or equality, or if library has '*' architectures: [ 'avr' ], # or a proc for max flexibility version: proc do |value| value.start_with?('1.') end ) results.size #=> <whatever number of matches returned> ``` Note that multiple attributes must ALL match for the library to be included in the result set. ### `Arduino::Library::Database` > Downloading the index of all libraries, and searching for a library. You can load libraries from a local JSON file, or from a remote URL, eg: ```ruby require 'arduino/library' database = Arduino::Library::Database.from( 'http://downloads.arduino.cc/libraries/library_index.json.gz') ``` or, since the above link happens to be the default location of Arduino-maintained librarie index file, you can use the `default` method instead: ```ruby database = Arduino::Library::DefaultDatabase.instance ``` or, load the list from a local JSON file, that can be optionally gzipped (just like the URL): ```ruby database = Arduino::Library::Database.from('library_index.json.gz') ``` Once the library is initialized, the following operations are supported: ```ruby database.search(name: 'AudioZero', version: '1.0.1') do |audio_zero| audio_zero.website #=> http://arduino.cc/en/Reference/Audio audio_zero.architectures #=> [ 'samd' ] end ``` You can pass any of the attributes to #search, and the value can be a `String` (in which case only equality matches), or a regular expression, eg: ```ruby database.search(author: "Paul Stoffregen").size #=> 21 database.search(author: /stoffregen/i).size #=> 33 ``` You interate over multiple using either a block: ```ruby database.search(name: 'AudioZero') do |match| puts match.name # => 'AudioZero' puts match.version # => will print all versions of the library available end ``` or, just grab the return value from `#search`, which is always an array. ```ruby all_versions = database.search(name: 'AudioZero') # => [ Arduino::Library::Model<name: AudioZero, version: '1.0.1',... >, .. ] ``` ### `Arduino::Library::Model` > Use this class to operate on a single library. #### Reading Library from an External Source using `.from` You can use an intelligent class method `.from` that attempts to auto-detect the type of file or URL you are passing as an argument, and use an appropriate parser for each type. For example, to read from a JSON file: ```ruby json_file = 'spec/fixtures/audio_zero.json' model = Arduino::Library::Model.from(json_file) model.name #=> 'AudioZero' ``` Or to read from the `.properties` file: ```ruby properties_file = 'spec/fixtures/audio_zero.properties' model = Arduino::Library::Model.from(properties_file) model.name #=> 'AudioZero' ``` ### Presenters Presenters are there to convert to and from a particular format. #### `.properties` Presenter ```ruby props = Arduino::Library::Presenters::Properties.new(model).present File.open('/tmp/audio_zero.properties', 'w') do |f| f.write(props) end # this creates a file in the format: # name=AudioZero # version=1.0.1 # etc. ``` ## Development After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake spec` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to [rubygems.org](https://rubygems.org). ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at [https://github.com/kigster/arduino-library](https://github.com/kigster/arduino-library). ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).