module Searchgasm module Search # = Searchgasm Pagination # # Adds in pagination functionality to searchgasm module Pagination def self.included(klass) klass.class_eval do alias_method_chain :limit=, :pagination alias_method_chain :offset=, :pagination alias_method :per_page, :limit alias_method :per_page=, :limit= end end def limit_with_pagination=(value) # :nodoc: r_value = self.limit_without_pagination = value @page_count = nil if @set_page = (@queued_page || @page) # retry setting page else @page = nil # the memoized page is invalid, so reset it end r_value end def offset_with_pagination=(value) #:nodoc r_value = self.offset_without_pagination = value @set_page = @queued_page = @page = nil r_value end # The current page that the search is on def page @page ||= (offset.blank? || limit.blank?) ? 1 : (offset.to_f / limit).floor + 1 end alias_method :current_page, :page # Lets you change the page for the next search def page=(value) @set_page = true if value.blank? value = nil @page = value return @offset = @page end v = value.to_i if limit.blank? @queued_page = v @page = 1 @offset = nil else @queued_page = nil @page = v v -= 1 unless v == 0 @offset = v * limit end value end # The total number of pages in your next search def page_count @page_count ||= (per_page.blank? || per_page <= 0) ? 1 : (count / per_page.to_f).ceil end alias_method :page_total, :page_count # Always returns 1, this is a convenience method def first_page 1 end # Changes the page to 1 and then runs the "all" search. What's different about this method is that it does not raise an exception if you are on the first page. Unlike prev_page! and next_page! # I don't think an exception raised is warranted, because you are expecting the same results each time it is ran. def first_page! = first_page all end # Changes the page to the page - 1 def prev_page - 1 end # Changes the page to page - 1 and runs the "all" search. Be careful with this method because if you are on the first page an exception is raised telling you that you are on the first page. # I thought about just running the first page search again, but that seems confusing and unexpected. def prev_page! raise("You are on the first page") if page == first_page = prev_page all end # Change the page to page + 1 def next_page + 1 end # Changes the page to page + 1 and calls the "all" method. Be careful with this method because if you are on the last page an exception is raised telling you that you are on the last page. # I thought about just running the lat page search again, but that seems confusing and unexpected. def next_page! raise("You are on the last page") if page == last_page = next_page all end # Always returns the page_count, this is a convenience method def last_page page_count end # Changes the page to the last page and runs the "all" search. What's different about this method is that it does not raise an exception if you are on the last page. Unlike prev_page! and next_page! # I don't think an exception raised is warranted, because you are expecting the same results each time it is ran. def last_page! = last_page all end end end end