#monkey patch begin ### find and replace given targets def process_running?(input) Clone.process_running?(input) end def require_directory(directory,*args) Clone.load_directory(directory,{:monkey_patch => 1},*args) end def require_ymls(directory) Clone.load_ymls( directory, {:monkey_patch => 1} ) end def get_port(port,max_port=65535 ,host="") Clone.get_port(port,max_port,host) end def exlogger(error_msg,*args) arg=Hash[*args] arg[:prefix] = String.new if arg[:prefix].nil? arg[:path] = Clone::App.exlogger if arg[:path].nil? Clone.create_on_filesystem arg[:path], 'a+' Clone.error_logger(error_msg,arg[:prefix],arg[:path]) end class Exception def logger Clone.create_on_filesystem Clone::App.exceptions, 'a+' Clone.error_logger(self.backtrace,self,Clone::App.exceptions) end end class File def self.new!(file,optionable_data=nil,optionable_file_mod="w") Clone.create_on_filesystem file, optionable_file_mod, optionable_data end def self.create(*args) arg = Hash[*args] begin ### Validation raise ArgumentError, "invalid or missing path!" if arg[:path].nil? || arg[:path].to_s.length <= 0 route_name = arg[:path] if arg[:file_mod].nil? optionable_file_mod="w" else optionable_file_mod=arg[:file_mod] end if arg[:data].nil? optionable_data=nil else optionable_data=arg[:data] end end Clone.create_on_filesystem route_name, optionable_file_mod, optionable_data end end class Class def class_methods self.methods - Object.methods end def self.class_methods self.methods - Object.methods end end class Rnd class << self def string(length,amount=1) mrg = String.new first_string = true amount.times do a_string = Random.rand(length) a_string == 0 ? a_string += 1 : a_string mrg_prt = (0...a_string).map{ ('a'..'z').to_a[rand(26)] }.join first_string ? mrg += mrg_prt : mrg+= " #{mrg_prt}" first_string = false end return mrg end def integer(length) Random.rand(length) end def boolean rand(2) == 1 end def date from = Time.at(1114924812), to = Time.now rand(from..to) end end end class Array def index_of(target_element) array = self hash = Hash[array.map.with_index.to_a] return hash[target_element] end def pinch n=1 return self[0..(self.count-2)] end end class Hash #pass single or array of keys, which will be removed, returning the remaining hash def remove!(*keys) keys.each{|key| self.delete(key) } self end #non-destructive version def remove(*keys) self.dup.remove!(*keys) end end class String def positions(oth_string) special_chrs=%w[# _ & < > @ $ . , -]+[*(0..9)]+[*("A".."Z")]+[*("a".."z")] loop do if oth_string.include? special_chrs[0] special_chrs.shift else break end end string=self return_array = Array.new loop do break if string.index(oth_string).nil? range_value= ((string.index(oth_string))..(string.index(oth_string)+oth_string.length-1)) return_array.push range_value [*range_value].each do |one_index| string[one_index]= special_chrs[0] end end ### return value return return_array end end end