module Htmltoword class Document include XSLTHelper class << self include TemplatesHelper def create(content, template_name = nil, extras = false) template_name += extension if template_name && !template_name.end_with?(extension) document = new(template_file(template_name)) document.replace_files(content, extras) document.generate end def create_and_save(content, file_path, template_name = nil, extras = false), 'wb') do |out| out << create(content, template_name, extras) end end def create_with_content(template, content, extras = false) template += extension unless template.end_with?(extension) document = new(template_file(template)) document.replace_files(content, extras) document.generate end def extension '.docx' end def doc_xml_file 'word/document.xml' end def numbering_xml_file 'word/numbering.xml' end def relations_xml_file 'word/_rels/document.xml.rels' end def content_types_xml_file '[Content_Types].xml' end end def initialize(template_path) @replaceable_files = {} @template_path = template_path @image_files = [] end # # Generate a string representing the contents of a docx file. # def generate do |template_zip| buffer = Zip::OutputStream.write_buffer do |out| template_zip.each do |entry| out.put_next_entry if @replaceable_files[] && == Document.doc_xml_file source = # Change only the body of document. TODO: Improve this... source = source.sub(/()((.|\n)*?)(\s+<')) transform_and_replace(source, xslt_path('numbering'), Document.numbering_xml_file) transform_and_replace(source, xslt_path('relations'), Document.relations_xml_file) transform_doc_xml(source, extras) local_images(source) end def transform_doc_xml(source, extras = false) transformed_source = xslt(stylesheet_name: 'cleanup').transform(source) transformed_source = xslt(stylesheet_name: 'inline_elements').transform(transformed_source) transform_and_replace(transformed_source, document_xslt(extras), Document.doc_xml_file, extras) end private def transform_and_replace(source, stylesheet_path, file, remove_ns = false) stylesheet = xslt(stylesheet_path: stylesheet_path) content = stylesheet.apply_to(source) content.gsub!(/\s*xmlns:(\w+)="(.*?)\s*"/, '') if remove_ns @replaceable_files[file] = content end #generates an array of hashes with filename and full url #for all images to be embeded in the word document def local_images(source) source.css('img').each_with_index do |image,i| filename = image['data-filename'] ? image['data-filename'] : image['src'].split("/").last ext = File.extname(filename).delete(".").downcase @image_files << { filename: "image#{i+1}.#{ext}", url: image['src'], ext: ext } end end #get extension from filename and clean to match content_types def content_type_from_extension(ext) ext == "jpg" ? "jpeg" : ext end #inject the required content_types into the [content_types].xml file... def inject_image_content_types(source) doc = Nokogiri::XML(source) #get a list of all extensions currently in content_types file existing_exts = doc.css("Default").map { |node| node.attribute("Extension").value }.compact #get a list of extensions we need for our images required_exts ={ |i| i[:ext] } #workout which required extensions are missing from the content_types file missing_exts = (required_exts - existing_exts).uniq #inject missing extensions into document missing_exts.each do |ext| doc.at_css("Types").add_child( "") end #return the amended source to be saved into the zip doc.to_s end end end