module Berkshelf # All tasks that operate on the Berkshelf shelf. class Shelf < Thor desc "list", "List all cookbooks and their versions" def list cookbooks = store.cookbooks.inject({}) do |hash, cookbook| (hash[cookbook.cookbook_name] ||= []).push(cookbook.version) hash end if cookbooks.empty? Berkshelf.formatter.msg "There are no cookbooks in the Berkshelf shelf" else Berkshelf.formatter.msg "Cookbooks in the Berkshelf shelf:" cookbooks.sort.each do |cookbook, versions| Berkshelf.formatter.msg(" * #{cookbook} (#{versions.sort.join(", ")})") end end end method_option :version, aliases: "-v", type: :string, desc: "Version to show" desc "show", "Display information about a cookbook in the Berkshelf shelf" def show(name) cookbooks = find(name, options[:version]) if options[:version] Berkshelf.formatter.msg "Displaying '#{name}' (#{options[:version]}) in the Berkshelf shelf:" else Berkshelf.formatter.msg "Displaying all versions of '#{name}' in the Berkshelf shelf:" end cookbooks.each do |cookbook| Berkshelf.formatter.msg("\n") end end method_option :version, aliases: "-v", type: :string, desc: "Version to remove" method_option :force, aliases: "-f", type: :boolean, desc: "Force removal, even if other cookbooks are contingent", default: false desc "uninstall", "Remove a cookbook from the Berkshelf shelf" def uninstall(name) cookbooks = find(name, options[:version]) cookbooks.each { |c| uninstall_cookbook(c, options[:force]) } end no_tasks do # Shortcut helper to the CookbookStore # # @return [Berkshelf::CookbookStore] def store Berkshelf.cookbook_store end # Find a cookbook in the store by name and version. If the no version # is given, all cookbooks with the given name are returned. Otherwise, # only the cookbook matching the given version is returned. # # @param [String] name # the name of the cookbook to find # @param [String, nil] version # the version of the cookbook to find # # @raise [CookbookNotFound] # if the cookbook does not exist # # @return [Array] # the list of cookbooks that match the parameters - this is always an # array! def find(name, version = nil) cookbooks = if version [store.cookbook(name, version)].compact else store.cookbooks(name).sort end if cookbooks.empty? raise, version, "in the Berkshelf shelf") end cookbooks end # Uninstall a cookbook from the CookbookStore. This method assumes the # cookbook exists, so perform that validation elsewhere. # # By default, this method will request confirmation from the user to # delete a cookbook that is a dependency on another (contingent). This # behavior can be overridden by setting the second parameter `force` to # true. # # @param [Berkshelf::CachedCookbook] cookbook # the cookbook to uninstall # @param [Boolean] force # if false, the user will need to confirm before uninstalling # if contingencies exist def uninstall_cookbook(cookbook, force = false) unless options[:force] || (contingent = contingencies(cookbook)).empty? contingent = { |c| "#{c.cookbook_name} (#{c.version})" }.join(", ") confirm = Berkshelf.ui.ask("[#{contingent}] depend on #{cookbook.cookbook_name}.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue? (y/N)") exit unless confirm.to_s.upcase[0] == "Y" end FileUtils.rm_rf(cookbook.path) Berkshelf.formatter.msg("Successfully uninstalled #{cookbook.cookbook_name} (#{cookbook.version})") end # Return a list of all cookbooks which are contingent upon the given # cookbook. # # @param [Berkshelf::CachedCookbook] cookbook # the cached cookbook to search for dependencies against # # @return [Array] # the list of cookbooks which depend on the parameter def contingencies(cookbook) { |c| c.dependencies.include?(cookbook.cookbook_name) } end end end class Cli < Thor desc "shelf SUBCOMMAND", "Interact with the cookbook store" subcommand "shelf", Berkshelf::Shelf end end