module Parliament module Utils module TestHelpers module VCRHelper begin require 'vcr' LOADED_VCR = true rescue LoadError puts 'VCR Helper could not find VCR. This may be expected in production environments.' LOADED_VCR = false end def self.load_rspec_config(config) return unless LOADED_VCR # URIs that appear frequently parliament_uri = 'http://localhost:3030' bandiera_uri = 'http://localhost:5000' opensearch_uri = '' VCR.configure do |config| config.cassette_library_dir = 'spec/fixtures/vcr_cassettes' config.hook_into :webmock config.configure_rspec_metadata! config.default_cassette_options = { # record: :new_episodes record: :once } # Create a simple matcher which will 'filter' any request URIs on the fly config.register_request_matcher :filtered_uri do |request_1, request_2| parliament_match = request_1.uri.sub(ENV['PARLIAMENT_BASE_URL'], parliament_uri) == request_2.uri.sub(ENV['PARLIAMENT_BASE_URL'], parliament_uri) if ENV['PARLIAMENT_BASE_URL'] bandiera_match = request_1.uri.sub(ENV['BANDIERA_URL'], bandiera_uri) == request_2.uri.sub(ENV['BANDIERA_URL'], bandiera_uri) if ENV['BANDIERA_URL'] opensearch_match = request_1.uri.sub(ENV['OPENSEARCH_DESCRIPTION_URL'], opensearch_uri) == request_2.uri.sub(ENV['OPENSEARCH_DESCRIPTION_URL'], opensearch_uri) if ENV['OPENSEARCH_DESCRIPTION_URL'] parliament_match || bandiera_match || opensearch_match end config.default_cassette_options = { match_requests_on: [:method, :filtered_uri] } # Dynamically filter our sensitive information config.filter_sensitive_data('') { ENV['PARLIAMENT_AUTH_TOKEN'] } if ENV['PARLIAMENT_AUTH_TOKEN'] config.filter_sensitive_data(parliament_uri) { ENV['PARLIAMENT_BASE_URL'] } if ENV['PARLIAMENT_BASE_URL'] config.filter_sensitive_data(bandiera_uri) { ENV['BANDIERA_URL'] } if ENV['BANDIERA_URL'] config.filter_sensitive_data(opensearch_uri) { ENV['OPENSEARCH_DESCRIPTION_URL'] } if ENV['OPENSEARCH_DESCRIPTION_URL'] # Dynamically filter n-triple data config.before_record do |interaction| should_ignore = ['_:node', '^^', '^^', '^^'] # Check if content type header exists and if it includes application/n-triples if interaction.response.headers['Content-Type'] && interaction.response.headers['Content-Type'].include?('application/n-triples') # Split our data by line lines = interaction.response.body.split("\n") # How many times have we seen a predicate? predicate_occurrances = # Iterate over each line, decide if we need to filter it. lines.each do |line| next if should_ignore.any? { |condition| line.include?(condition) } next unless line.include?('"') # require 'pry'; binding.pry # Split on '> <' to get a Subject and Predicate+Object split subject, predicate_and_object = line.split('> <') # Get the actual object predicate, object = predicate_and_object.split('> "') # Get the last part of a predicate URI predicate_type = predicate.split('/').last # Get the number of times we've seen this predicate occurrance = predicate_occurrances[predicate_type] predicate_occurrances[predicate_type] = predicate_occurrances[predicate_type] + 1 # Try and build a new object value based on the predicate new_object = "#{predicate_type} - #{occurrance}\"" # Replace the object value index = object.index('"') object[0..index] = new_object if index new_line = "#{subject}> <#{predicate}> \"#{object}" config.filter_sensitive_data(new_line) { line } end end end end config end end end end end