module Graticule module Distance # # The Haversine Formula works better at small distances than the Spherical Law of Cosines # # Thanks to Chris Veness ( # for distance formulas. # class Haversine < DistanceFormula # Calculate the distance between two Locations using the Haversine formula # # Graticule::Distance::Haversine.distance( # => 42.7654, :longitude => -86.1085), # => 41.849838, :longitude => -87.648193) # ) # #=> 101.061720831836 # def self.distance(from, to, units = :miles) from_longitude = deg2rad(from.longitude) from_latitude = deg2rad(from.latitude) to_longitude = deg2rad(to.longitude) to_latitude = deg2rad(to.latitude) latitude_delta = to_latitude - from_latitude longitude_delta = to_longitude - from_longitude a = sin(latitude_delta/2)**2 + cos(from_latitude) * cos(to_latitude) * sin(longitude_delta/2)**2 c = 2 * atan2(sqrt(a), sqrt(1-a)) d = EARTH_RADIUS[units.to_sym] * c end end end end