# frozen_string_literal: true module Primer module Alpha # A `Dialog` is used to remove the user from the main application flow, # to confirm actions, ask for disambiguation or to present small forms. # # @accessibility # - **Dialog Accessible Name**: A dialog should have an accessible name, # so screen readers are aware of the purpose of the dialog when it opens. # Give an accessible name setting `:title`. The accessible name will be # used as the main heading inside the dialog. # - **Dialog unique id**: A dialog should be unique. Give a unique id # setting `:dialog_id`. If no `:dialog_id` is given, a default randomize # hex id is generated. # # The combination of both `:title` and `:dialog_id` establishes an # `aria-labelledby` relationship between the title and the unique id of # the dialog. class Dialog < Primer::Component status :alpha audited_at "2022-10-10" DEFAULT_SIZE = :medium SIZE_MAPPINGS = { :small => "Overlay--size-small-portrait", :medium_portrait => "Overlay--size-medium-portrait", DEFAULT_SIZE => "Overlay--size-medium", :large => "Overlay--size-large", :xlarge => "Overlay--size-xlarge", :auto => "Overlay--size-auto" }.freeze SIZE_OPTIONS = SIZE_MAPPINGS.keys DEFAULT_POSITION = :center POSITION_MAPPINGS = { DEFAULT_POSITION => "", :left => "Overlay--placement-left", :right => "Overlay--placement-right" }.freeze POSITION_OPTIONS = POSITION_MAPPINGS.keys DEFAULT_POSITION_NARROW = :inherit POSITION_NARROW_MAPPINGS = { DEFAULT_POSITION_NARROW => "", :bottom => "Overlay--placement-bottom-whenNarrow", :fullscreen => "Overlay--full-whenNarrow", :left => "Overlay--placement-left-whenNarrow", :right => "Overlay--placement-right-whenNarrow" }.freeze POSITION_NARROW_OPTIONS = POSITION_NARROW_MAPPINGS.keys # The dialog's ID value. # attr_reader :id # Optional button to open the dialog. # # @param system_arguments [Hash] The same arguments as <%= link_to_component(Primer::Beta::Button) %>. renders_one :show_button, lambda { |icon: nil, **system_arguments| system_arguments[:classes] = class_names( system_arguments[:classes] ) system_arguments[:id] = "dialog-show-#{@system_arguments[:id]}" system_arguments[:data] = (system_arguments[:data] || {}).merge({ "show-dialog-id": @system_arguments[:id] }) if icon.present? Primer::Beta::IconButton.new(icon: icon, **system_arguments) else Primer::Beta::Button.new(**system_arguments) end } # Header content. # # @param show_divider [Boolean] Show a divider between the header and body. # @param visually_hide_title [Boolean] Visually hide the `title` while maintaining a label for assistive technologies. # @param system_arguments [Hash] The arguments accepted by <%= link_to_component(Primer::Alpha::Dialog::Header) %>. renders_one :header, lambda { |show_divider: false, visually_hide_title: @visually_hide_title, **system_arguments| Primer::Alpha::Dialog::Header.new( id: @id, title: @title, subtitle: @subtitle, show_divider: show_divider, visually_hide_title: visually_hide_title, **system_arguments ) } # Required body content. # # @param system_arguments [Hash] <%= link_to_system_arguments_docs %> renders_one :body, "Body" # Footer content. # # @param show_divider [Boolean] Show a divider between the footer and body. # @param system_arguments [Hash] <%= link_to_system_arguments_docs %> renders_one :footer, "Footer" # @param id [String] The id of the dialog. # @param title [String] Describes the content of the dialog. # @param subtitle [String] Provides additional context for the dialog, also setting the `aria-describedby` attribute. # @param size [Symbol] The size of the dialog. <%= one_of(Primer::Alpha::Dialog::SIZE_OPTIONS) %> # @param position [Symbol] The position of the dialog. <%= one_of(Primer::Alpha::Dialog::POSITION_OPTIONS) %> # @param position_narrow [Symbol] The position of the dialog when narrow. <%= one_of(Primer::Alpha::Dialog::POSITION_NARROW_OPTIONS) %> # @param visually_hide_title [Boolean] If true will hide the heading title, while still making it available to Screen Readers. # @param disable_scroll [Boolean] When true, disables scrolling the page when the dialog is open. # @param system_arguments [Hash] <%= link_to_system_arguments_docs %> def initialize( title:, subtitle: nil, size: DEFAULT_SIZE, position: DEFAULT_POSITION, position_narrow: DEFAULT_POSITION_NARROW, visually_hide_title: false, id: self.class.generate_id, disable_scroll: true, **system_arguments ) @system_arguments = deny_tag_argument(**system_arguments) @id = id.to_s @title = title @subtitle = subtitle @size = size @position = position @position_narrow = position_narrow @visually_hide_title = visually_hide_title @disable_scroll = disable_scroll @system_arguments[:tag] = "dialog" @system_arguments[:id] = @id @system_arguments[:aria] = { modal: true } @system_arguments[:aria] = merge_aria( @system_arguments, { aria: { labelledby: labelledby, describedby: "#{@id}-description" } } ) @system_arguments[:classes] = class_names( "Overlay", "Overlay-whenNarrow", SIZE_MAPPINGS[fetch_or_fallback(SIZE_OPTIONS, @size, DEFAULT_SIZE)], "Overlay--motion-scaleFade", POSITION_MAPPINGS[fetch_or_fallback(POSITION_OPTIONS, @position, DEFAULT_POSITION)], POSITION_NARROW_MAPPINGS[fetch_or_fallback(POSITION_NARROW_MAPPINGS, @position_narrow, DEFAULT_POSITION_NARROW)], system_arguments[:classes], "Overlay--disableScroll" => @disable_scroll ) end def before_render with_header unless header? with_body unless body? end def labelledby "#{@id}-title" end end end end