module Amoeba class Config DEFAULTS = { enabled: false, inherit: false, do_preproc: false, parenting: false, raised: false, dup_method: :dup, remap_method: nil, includes: {}, excludes: {}, clones: [], customizations: [], overrides: [], null_fields: [], coercions: {}, prefixes: {}, suffixes: {}, regexes: {}, known_macros: [:has_one, :has_many, :has_and_belongs_to_many] } # ActiveRecord 3.x have different implementation of deep_dup if ::ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR == 3 DEFAULTS.instance_eval do def deep_dup each_with_object(dup) do |(key, value), hash| hash[key.deep_dup] = value.deep_dup end end end Object.class_eval do def deep_dup duplicable? ? dup : self end end end DEFAULTS.freeze DEFAULTS.each do |key, value| value.freeze if value.is_a?(Array) || value.is_a?(Hash) class_eval <<-EOS, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{key} # def enabled @config[:#{key}] # @config[:enabled] end # end EOS end def initialize(klass) @klass = klass @config = self.class::DEFAULTS.deep_dup end alias_method :upbringing, :raised def enable @config[:enabled] = true end def disable @config[:enabled] = false end def raised(style = :submissive) @config[:raised] = style end def propagate(style = :submissive) @config[:parenting] ||= style @config[:inherit] = true end def push_value_to_array(value, key) res = @config[key] if value.is_a?(::Array) res = value elsif value res << value end @config[key] = res.uniq end def push_array_value_to_hash(value, config_key) @config[config_key] = {} value.each do |definition| definition.each do |key, val| fill_hash_value_for(config_key, key, val) end end end def push_value_to_hash(value, config_key) if value.is_a?(Array) push_array_value_to_hash(value, config_key) else value.each do |key, val| fill_hash_value_for(config_key, key, val) end end @config[config_key] end def fill_hash_value_for(config_key, key, val) @config[config_key][key] = val if val || (!val.nil? && config_key == :coercions) end def include_association(value = nil, options = {}) enable @config[:excludes] = {} value = value.is_a?(Array) ? Hash[! { |v| [v, options] }] : { value => options } push_value_to_hash(value, :includes) end def include_associations(*values) values.flatten.each { |v| include_association(v) } end # TODO: remove this method in v3.0.0 def include_field(value = nil) warn 'include_field is deprecated and will be removed in version 3.0.0; please use include_association instead' include_association(value) end def exclude_association(value = nil, options = {}) enable @config[:includes] = {} value = value.is_a?(Array) ? Hash[! { |v| [v, options] }] : { value => options } push_value_to_hash(value, :excludes) end def exclude_associations(*values) values.flatten.each { |v| exclude_association(v) } end # TODO: remove this method in v3.0.0 def exclude_field(value = nil) warn 'exclude_field is deprecated and will be removed in version 3.0.0; please use exclude_association instead' exclude_association(value) end def clone(value = nil) enable push_value_to_array(value, :clones) end def recognize(value = nil) enable push_value_to_array(value, :known_macros) end { override: 'overrides', customize: 'customizations', nullify: 'null_fields' }.each do |method, key| class_eval <<-EOS, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{method}(value = nil) # def override(value = nil) @config[:do_preproc] = true # @config[:do_preproc] = true push_value_to_array(value, :#{key}) # push_value_to_array(value, :overrides) end # end EOS end { set: 'coercions', prepend: 'prefixes', append: 'suffixes', regex: 'regexes' }.each do |method, key| class_eval <<-EOS, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{method}(value = nil) # def set(value = nil) @config[:do_preproc] = true # @config[:do_preproc] = true push_value_to_hash(value, :#{key}) # push_value_to_hash(value, :coercions) end # end EOS end def through(value) @config[:dup_method] = value.to_sym end def remapper(value) @config[:remap_method] = value.to_sym end end end