# frozen_string_literal: true module GoodJob # Active Record model that represents an +ActiveJob+ job. # There is not a table in the database whose discrete rows represents "Jobs". # The +good_jobs+ table is a table of individual {GoodJob::Execution}s that share the same +active_job_id+. # A single row from the +good_jobs+ table of executions is fetched to represent a Job. # class Job < BaseExecution # Raised when an inappropriate action is applied to a Job based on its state. ActionForStateMismatchError = Class.new(StandardError) # Raised when GoodJob is not configured as the Active Job Queue Adapter AdapterNotGoodJobError = Class.new(StandardError) # Attached to a Job's Execution when the Job is discarded. DiscardJobError = Class.new(StandardError) class << self delegate :table_name, to: GoodJob::Execution def table_name=(_value) raise NotImplementedError, 'Assign GoodJob::Execution.table_name directly' end end self.primary_key = 'active_job_id' self.advisory_lockable_column = 'active_job_id' belongs_to :batch, class_name: 'GoodJob::BatchRecord', inverse_of: :jobs, optional: true has_many :executions, -> { order(created_at: :asc) }, class_name: 'GoodJob::Execution', foreign_key: 'active_job_id', inverse_of: :job # rubocop:disable Rails/HasManyOrHasOneDependent has_many :discrete_executions, -> { order(created_at: :asc) }, class_name: 'GoodJob::DiscreteExecution', foreign_key: 'active_job_id', primary_key: :active_job_id, inverse_of: :job # rubocop:disable Rails/HasManyOrHasOneDependent after_destroy lambda { GoodJob::DiscreteExecution.where(active_job_id: active_job_id).delete_all if discrete? # TODO: move into association `dependent: :delete_all` after v4 } # Only the most-recent unretried execution represents a "Job" default_scope { where(retried_good_job_id: nil) } # Get Jobs finished before the given timestamp. # @!method finished_before(timestamp) # @!scope class # @param timestamp (DateTime, Time) # @return [ActiveRecord::Relation] scope :finished_before, ->(timestamp) { where(arel_table['finished_at'].lteq(timestamp)) } # First execution will run in the future scope :scheduled, -> { where(finished_at: nil).where(coalesce_scheduled_at_created_at.gt(DateTime.current)).where(params_execution_count.lt(2)) } # Execution errored, will run in the future scope :retried, -> { where(finished_at: nil).where(coalesce_scheduled_at_created_at.gt(DateTime.current)).where(params_execution_count.gt(1)) } # Immediate/Scheduled time to run has passed, waiting for an available thread run scope :queued, -> { where(finished_at: nil).where(coalesce_scheduled_at_created_at.lteq(DateTime.current)).joins_advisory_locks.where(pg_locks: { locktype: nil }) } # Advisory locked and executing scope :running, -> { where(finished_at: nil).joins_advisory_locks.where.not(pg_locks: { locktype: nil }) } # Finished executing (succeeded or discarded) scope :finished, -> { where.not(finished_at: nil).where(retried_good_job_id: nil) } # Completed executing successfully scope :succeeded, -> { finished.where(error: nil) } # Errored but will not be retried scope :discarded, -> { finished.where.not(error: nil) } scope :unfinished_undiscrete, -> { where(finished_at: nil, retried_good_job_id: nil, is_discrete: [nil, false]) } # The job's Active Job UUID # @return [String] def id active_job_id end # Override #reload to add a custom scope to ensure the reloaded record is the head execution # @return [Job] def reload(options = nil) self.class.connection.clear_query_cache # override with the `where(retried_good_job_id: nil)` scope override_query = self.class.where(retried_good_job_id: nil) fresh_object = if options && options[:lock] self.class.unscoped { override_query.lock(options[:lock]).find(id) } else self.class.unscoped { override_query.find(id) } end @attributes = fresh_object.instance_variable_get(:@attributes) @new_record = false @previously_new_record = false self end # This job's most recent {Execution} # @param reload [Booelan] whether to reload executions # @return [Execution] def head_execution(reload: false) executions.reload if reload executions.load # memoize the results executions.last end # This job's initial/oldest {Execution} # @return [Execution] def tail_execution executions.first end # The number of times this job has been executed, according to Active Job's serialized state. # @return [Numeric] def executions_count aj_count = serialized_params.fetch('executions', 0) # The execution count within serialized_params is not updated # once the underlying execution has been executed. if status.in? [:discarded, :succeeded, :running] aj_count + 1 else aj_count end end # The number of times this job has been executed, according to the number of GoodJob {Execution} records. # @return [Numeric] def preserved_executions_count executions.size end # The most recent error message. # If the job has been retried, the error will be fetched from the previous {Execution} record. # @return [String] def recent_error error || executions[-2]&.error end # Errors for the job to be displayed in the Dashboard. # @return [String] def display_error return error if error.present? serialized_params.fetch('exception_executions', {}).map do |exception, count| "#{exception}: #{count}" end.join(', ') end # Return formatted serialized_params for display in the dashboard # @return [Hash] def display_serialized_params serialized_params.merge({ _good_job: attributes.except('serialized_params', 'locktype', 'owns_advisory_lock'), }) end # Used when displaying this job in the GoodJob dashboard. # @return [String] def display_name job_class end # Tests whether the job is being executed right now. # @return [Boolean] def running? # Avoid N+1 Query: `.includes_advisory_locks` if has_attribute?(:locktype) self['locktype'].present? else advisory_locked? end end # Tests whether the job has finished (succeeded or discarded). # @return [Boolean] def finished? finished_at.present? && retried_good_job_id.nil? end # Tests whether the job has finished but with an error. # @return [Boolean] def discarded? finished? && error.present? end # Tests whether the job has finished without error # @return [Boolean] def succeeded? finished? && !discarded? end # Retry a job that has errored and been discarded. # This action will create a new {Execution} record for the job. # @return [ActiveJob::Base] def retry_job with_advisory_lock do execution = head_execution(reload: true) active_job = execution.active_job raise AdapterNotGoodJobError unless active_job.class.queue_adapter.is_a? GoodJob::Adapter raise ActionForStateMismatchError if execution.finished_at.blank? || execution.error.blank? # Update the executions count because the previous execution will not have been preserved # Do not update `exception_executions` because that comes from rescue_from's arguments active_job.executions = (active_job.executions || 0) + 1 new_active_job = nil GoodJob::CurrentThread.within do |current_thread| current_thread.execution = execution execution.class.transaction(joinable: false, requires_new: true) do new_active_job = active_job.retry_job(wait: 0, error: execution.error) execution.error_event = ERROR_EVENT_RETRIED if execution.error && execution.class.error_event_migrated? execution.save! end end new_active_job end end # Discard a job so that it will not be executed further. # This action will add a {DiscardJobError} to the job's {Execution} and mark it as finished. # @return [void] def discard_job(message) with_advisory_lock do _discard_job(message) end end # Force discard a job so that it will not be executed further. Force discard allows discarding # a running job. # This action will add a {DiscardJobError} to the job's {Execution} and mark it as finished. def force_discard_job(message) _discard_job(message) end # Reschedule a scheduled job so that it executes immediately (or later) by the next available execution thread. # @param scheduled_at [DateTime, Time] When to reschedule the job # @return [void] def reschedule_job(scheduled_at = Time.current) with_advisory_lock do execution = head_execution(reload: true) raise ActionForStateMismatchError if execution.finished_at.present? execution.update(scheduled_at: scheduled_at) end end # Destroy all of a discarded or finished job's executions from the database so that it will no longer appear on the dashboard. # @return [void] def destroy_job with_advisory_lock do execution = head_execution(reload: true) raise ActionForStateMismatchError if execution.finished_at.blank? destroy end end # Utility method to determine which execution record is used to represent this job # @return [String] def _execution_id attributes['id'] end # Utility method to test whether this job's underlying attributes represents its most recent execution. # @return [Boolean] def _head? _execution_id == head_execution(reload: true).id end private def _discard_job(message) execution = head_execution(reload: true) active_job = execution.active_job(ignore_deserialization_errors: true) raise ActionForStateMismatchError if execution.finished_at.present? job_error = GoodJob::Job::DiscardJobError.new(message) update_execution = proc do execution.update( { finished_at: Time.current, error: GoodJob::Execution.format_error(job_error), }.tap do |attrs| attrs[:error_event] = ERROR_EVENT_DISCARDED if self.class.error_event_migrated? end ) end if active_job.respond_to?(:instrument) active_job.send :instrument, :discard, error: job_error, &update_execution else update_execution.call end end end end