require "net/ssh" require "net/sftp" require "rainbow" require_relative "../../utils/project" require_relative "../../utils/verbose" require_relative "execute_base" class ExecuteSSH < ExecuteBase def call(input_hostname) action[:conn_type] = :ssh hostname = input_hostname.to_s ip = config.get("#{hostname}_ip".to_sym).to_s username = config.get("#{hostname}_username".to_sym).to_s password = config.get("#{hostname}_password".to_sym).to_s port = config.get("#{hostname}_port".to_sym).to_i port = 22 if unless config.get("#{hostname}_route".to_sym) == "NODATA" # Reconfigure command with gateway. Example host1_route: IP. # hostname2 = hostname ¿not used? ip2 = ip username2 = username password2 = password command2 = action[:command] hostname = config.get("#{hostname}_route".to_sym) ip = config.get("#{hostname}_ip".to_sym).to_s username = config.get("#{hostname}_username".to_sym).to_s password = config.get("#{hostname}_password".to_sym).to_s ostype = config.get("#{hostname}_ostype".to_sym).to_s action[:command] = if ostype.downcase.start_with? "win" "echo y | plink #{username2}@#{ip2} -ssh -pw #{password2} \"#{command2}\"" else "sshpass -p #{password2} #{username2}@#{ip2} #{command2}" end end text = "TEUTON_NODATA" exitcode = 0 begin if sessions[hostname].nil? sessions[hostname] = Net::SSH.start( ip, username, port: port, password: password, keepalive: true, timeout: 30, non_interactive: true ) end if sessions[hostname].instance_of? Net::SSH::Connection::Session text = sessions[hostname].exec!(action[:command]) exitcode = text.exitstatus else text = "TEUTON_ERROR_SSH_NO_CONNECTION" exitcode = -1 end rescue Errno::EHOSTUNREACH sessions[hostname] = :nosession conn_status[hostname] = :host_unreachable text = "TEUTON_ERROR_SSH_HOST_UNREACHABLE" exitcode = -1 log("Host #{ip} unreachable!", :error) rescue Net::SSH::AuthenticationFailed sessions[hostname] = :nosession conn_status[hostname] = :error_authentication_failed text = "TEUTON_ERROR_SSH_AUTH_FAILED" exitcode = -1 log("SSH::AuthenticationFailed!", :error) rescue Net::SSH::HostKeyMismatch sessions[hostname] = :nosession conn_status[hostname] = :host_key_mismatch text = "TEUTON_ERROR_SSH_HOST_KEY" exitcode = -1 log("SSH::HostKeyMismatch!", :error) log("* The destination server's fingerprint is not matching " \ "what is in your local known_hosts file.", :error) log("* Remove the existing entry in your local known_hosts file", :error) log("* Try this => ssh-keygen -f '/home/USERNAME/.ssh/known_hosts' " \ "-R #{ip}", :error) rescue => e sessions[hostname] = :nosession conn_status[hostname] = :error text = "TEUTON_ERROR_SSH" exitcode = -1 log("[#{e.class}] SSH on <#{username}@#{ip}>" \ " exec: #{action[:command]}", :error) end result.exitcode = exitcode result.content = encode_and_split(action[:encoding], text) result.content.compact! end end