como_subcmd_config error: Option combination mismatch! Addition heading info. Usage: como_subcmd_config [-p ] [-u +] <> Options: -p User password. -u Username(s). Subcommands: add Add file to repo. rm Remove file from repo. commit Commit (pending) changes to repo. Copyright (c) 2013 by Como Tester Addition footer info. Option Combinations: |--# One or more of: | |-- | |-- Options for: como_subcmd_config Given "help": false Given "password": false Given "username": false Given "terminator": false Given "add": false Given "rm": false Given "commit": false Options for: como_subcmd_config Given "help": false Given "password": true Given "username": false Given "terminator": false Given "add": false Given "rm": false Given "commit": false Value "password": passwd como_subcmd_config error: Option "-f" missing for "como_subcmd_config add"... Addition heading info. Subcommand "add" usage: como_subcmd_config add [-fo] [-u ] -f -fo Force operation. -u Username. -f File. Addition footer info. Option Combinations: |--# One of: | |-- | |-- | |--# Not: | | |--<-fo> como_subcmd_config error: No argument given for "-f"... Addition heading info. Subcommand "add" usage: como_subcmd_config add [-fo] [-u ] -f -fo Force operation. -u Username. -f File. Addition footer info. Option Combinations: |--# One of: | |-- | |-- | |--# Not: | | |--<-fo> como_subcmd_config error: Option combination mismatch! Addition heading info. Usage: como_subcmd_config [-p ] [-u +] <> Options: -p User password. -u Username(s). Subcommands: add Add file to repo. rm Remove file from repo. commit Commit (pending) changes to repo. Copyright (c) 2013 by Como Tester Addition footer info. Option Combinations: |--# One or more of: | |-- | |-- como_subcmd_config error: Option combination mismatch! Addition heading info. Subcommand "add" usage: como_subcmd_config add [-fo] [-u ] -f -fo Force operation. -u Username. -f File. Addition footer info. Option Combinations: |--# One of: | |-- | |-- | |--# Not: | | |--<-fo> como_subcmd_config error: Option combination mismatch! Addition heading info. Subcommand "add" usage: como_subcmd_config add [-fo] [-u ] -f -fo Force operation. -u Username. -f File. Addition footer info. Option Combinations: |--# One of: | |-- | |-- | |--# Not: | | |--<-fo> como_subcmd_config error: No default option specified for "-f"... Addition heading info. Usage: como_subcmd_config [-p ] [-u +] <> Options: -p User password. -u Username(s). Subcommands: add Add file to repo. rm Remove file from repo. commit Commit (pending) changes to repo. Copyright (c) 2013 by Como Tester Addition footer info. Options for: como_subcmd_config Given "help": false Given "password": true Given "username": true Given "terminator": false Given "add": false Given "rm": false Given "commit": false Value "password": pass Value "username": ["name1", "add"] como_subcmd_config error: Option combination mismatch! Addition heading info. Subcommand "add" usage: como_subcmd_config add [-fo] [-u ] -f -fo Force operation. -u Username. -f File. Addition footer info. Option Combinations: |--# One of: | |-- | |-- | |--# Not: | | |--<-fo> como_subcmd_config error: Option combination mismatch! Addition heading info. Subcommand "add" usage: como_subcmd_config add [-fo] [-u ] -f -fo Force operation. -u Username. -f File. Addition footer info. Option Combinations: |--# One of: | |-- | |-- | |--# Not: | | |--<-fo> como_subcmd_config error: Option combination mismatch! Addition heading info. Subcommand "add" usage: como_subcmd_config add [-fo] [-u ] -f -fo Force operation. -u Username. -f File. Addition footer info. Option Combinations: |--# One of: | |-- | |-- | |--# Not: | | |--<-fo> Options for: como_subcmd_config Given "help": false Given "password": true Given "username": false Given "terminator": false Given "add": true Given "rm": false Given "commit": false Value "password": pass Value "add": false Options for: add Given "help": false Given "force": true Given "username": false Given "file": true Value "force": true Value "file": file Addition heading info. Subcommand "add" usage: como_subcmd_config add [-fo] [-u ] -f -fo Force operation. -u Username. -f File. Addition footer info. Option Combinations: |--# One of: | |-- | |-- | |--# Not: | | |--<-fo> como_subcmd_config error: No default option specified for "rm"... Addition heading info. Subcommand "add" usage: como_subcmd_config add [-fo] [-u ] -f -fo Force operation. -u Username. -f File. Addition footer info. Option Combinations: |--# One of: | |-- | |-- | |--# Not: | | |--<-fo> como_subcmd_config error: No default option specified for "commit"... Addition heading info. Subcommand "add" usage: como_subcmd_config add [-fo] [-u ] -f -fo Force operation. -u Username. -f File. Addition footer info. Option Combinations: |--# One of: | |-- | |-- | |--# Not: | | |--<-fo> como_subcmd_config error: No default option specified for "commit"... Addition heading info. Subcommand "add" usage: como_subcmd_config add [-fo] [-u ] -f -fo Force operation. -u Username. -f File. Addition footer info. Option Combinations: |--# One of: | |-- | |-- | |--# Not: | | |--<-fo> Options for: como_subcmd_config Given "help": false Given "password": true Given "username": false Given "terminator": false Given "add": false Given "rm": true Given "commit": false Value "password": pass Value "rm": false Options for: rm Given "help": false Given "force": false Given "file": false como_subcmd_config error: No default option specified for "-h"... Subcommand "rm" usage: como_subcmd_config rm [-hm] [-fo] [-f ] -hm Help for me. -fo Force operation. -f File. Options for: como_subcmd_config Given "help": false Given "password": true Given "username": false Given "terminator": false Given "add": false Given "rm": true Given "commit": false Value "password": pass Value "rm": false Options for: rm Given "help": false Given "force": false Given "file": false como_subcmd_config error: No default option specified for "commit"... Subcommand "rm" usage: como_subcmd_config rm [-hm] [-fo] [-f ] -hm Help for me. -fo Force operation. -f File. Options for: como_subcmd_config Given "help": false Given "password": true Given "username": false Given "terminator": false Given "add": false Given "rm": true Given "commit": false Value "password": pass Value "rm": false Options for: rm Given "help": false Given "force": false Given "file": false Options for: como_subcmd_config Given "help": false Given "password": true Given "username": false Given "terminator": false Given "add": false Given "rm": true Given "commit": false Value "password": pass Value "rm": false Options for: rm Given "help": false Given "force": false Given "file": true Value "file": commit Options for: como_subcmd_config Given "help": false Given "password": true Given "username": false Given "terminator": false Given "add": false Given "rm": false Given "commit": true Value "password": pass Value "commit": false Options for: commit Given "help": false Given "quiet": false Given "username": false Given "": false Options for: como_subcmd_config Given "help": false Given "password": true Given "username": false Given "terminator": false Given "add": false Given "rm": false Given "commit": true Value "password": pass Value "commit": false Options for: commit Given "help": false Given "quiet": false Given "username": false Given "": true Value "": ["dii", "duu"] Options for: como_subcmd_config Given "help": false Given "password": true Given "username": false Given "terminator": false Given "add": false Given "rm": false Given "commit": true Value "password": pass Value "commit": false Options for: commit Given "help": false Given "quiet": false Given "username": true Given "": true Value "username": user1 Value "": ["dii", "duu"] Addition heading info. Subcommand "commit" usage: como_subcmd_config commit [-q] [-u ] [] -q Quiet operation. -u Username. File(s) to commit. Addition footer info. Addition heading info. Subcommand "commit" usage: como_subcmd_config commit [-q] [-u ] [] -q Quiet operation. -u Username. File(s) to commit. Addition footer info. Addition heading info. Subcommand "commit" usage: como_subcmd_config commit [-q] [-u ] [] -q Quiet operation. -u Username. File(s) to commit. Addition footer info. Addition heading info. Subcommand "commit" usage: como_subcmd_config commit [-q] [-u ] [] -q Quiet operation. -u Username. File(s) to commit. Addition footer info. Options for: como_subcmd_config Given "help": false Given "password": true Given "username": false Given "terminator": false Given "add": false Given "rm": false Given "commit": true Value "password": foo Value "commit": false Options for: commit Given "help": false Given "quiet": false Given "username": false Given "": true Value "": ["foo"] External: ["external", "arguments"]