= 2.0 === ???, 2009 * Speed-up of Camping::Mab (thanks zimbatm!) * @state is now an alias of @env['rack.session'] * Camping.use injects a Rack middleware. * Update Flipbook to RDoc 2.4 * Removed old examples. * Updated examples/blog.rb * Camping::Apps returns! * Session-cookies now timeout naturally (thanks jenna!) * You can now `throw :halt` to halt the response in a helper. * Camping::H#u is gone (was an alias to merge!) * Camping::Session now uses session-cookies. The AR-backend is gone for now. * camping/db.rb has been renamed to camping/ar.rb. * Camping now uses Rack internally. Every app responds to #call. = 1.6 === Never released * Camping::Apps removed, it wasn't reliable. * bin/camping server kinds splitted in various files. * NotFound and ServerError controllers changed to methods : r404 : called when a controller was not found r500 : called on uncaught exception r501 : called on undefined method All of those can be overridden at your taste. * Markaby no longer required. Like AR, is it autoloaded on (Mab) usage. * Camping::H is now inheriting from Hash instead of HashWithIndifferentAccess. * Which made possible to remove the last strict dependency : active_support * #errors_for removed, it wasn't really used * Bug fixes ! = 1.5 === 3rd Oct, 2006 * Camping::Apps stores an array of classes for all loaded apps. * bin/camping can be given a directory. Like: camping examples/ * Console mode -- thank zimbatm. Use: camping -C yourapp.rb * Call controllers with Camping.method_missing. Tepee.get(:Index) #=> (Response) Blog.post(:Delete, id) #=> (Response) Blog.post(:Login, :input => {'username' => 'admin', 'password' => 'camping'}) #=> # Blog.get(:Info, :env => {:HTTP_HOST => 'wagon'}) #=> #'wagon'} ...> * Using \r\n instead of \n on output. FastCGI has these needs. * ActiveRecord no longer required or installed. * If you refer to Models::Base, however, ActiveRecord will be loaded with autoload. (see lib/camping/db.rb) * new Camping::FastCGI.serve which will serve a whole directory of apps (see http://code.whytheluckystiff.net/camping/wiki/TheCampingServer) * ~/.campingrc can contain database connection info if you want your default to be something other than SQLite. database: adapter: mysql username: camping socket: /tmp/mysql.sock password: NOFORESTFIRES database: camping * controllers are now *ordered*. uses the inherited hook to keep track of all classes created with R. those classes are scanned, in order, when a request is made. any other controllers are handled first. so if you plan on overriding the urls method, be sure to subclass from R(). * Console mode will load .irbrc in the working directory, if present. (for example, in my ~/git/balloon directory, i have this in the .irbrc: include Balloon::Models when camping -C balloon.rb gets run, the models all get included in main.) * And, of course, many other bugfixes from myself and the loyal+kind zimbatm... * Markaby updated to 0.5. (See its CHANGELOG.) = 1.4.2 === 18th May, 2006 * Efficient file uploads for multipart/form-data POSTs. * Camping tool now uses Mongrel, if available. If not, sticks with WEBrick. * Multiple apps can be loaded with the camping tool, each mounted according to their file name. = 1.4.1 === 3rd May, 2006 * Streaming HTTP support. If body is IO, will simply pass to the controller. Mongrel, in particular, supports this nicely. = 1.4 === 11th April, 2006 * Moved Camping::Controllers::Base to Camping::Base. * Moved Camping::Controllers::R to Camping::R. * New session library (lib/camping/session.rb). * WEBrick handler (lib/camping/webrick.rb) and Mongrel handler (lib/camping/mongrel.rb). * Helpers#URL, builds a complete URL for a route. Returns a URI object. This way relative links could just return self.URL.path. * Base#initialize takes over some of Base#service's duties. * ENV now available as @env in controllers and views. * Beautiful multi-page docs without frames! = 1.3 === 28th January, 2006 * bin/camping: an application launcher. * Camping.run(request, response) now changed to controller = Camping.run(request, env) * This means outputting the response is the wrapper/server's job. See bin/camping, you can do a controller.to_s at the least. * Controllers::Base.env is the new thread-safe home for ENV. * The input hash now works more like Rails params. You can call keys like methods or with symbols or strings. * Queries are now parsed more like PHP/Rails, in that you can denote structure with brackets: post[user]=_why;post[id]=2 * Auto-prefix table names, to help prevent name clash. * Helpers.errors_for simple validation. * Lots of empty :href and :action attributes, a bug. * New single-page flipbook RDoc template. = 1.2 === 23rd January, 2006 * Camping.goes allows fresh modules build from all Camping parts. * File uploads now supported (multipart/form-data). * Helpers.R can rebuild routes. * Helpers./ for tracing paths from the root. = 1.1 === 19th January, 2006 * Allowed request and response streams to be passed in, to allow WEBrick and FastCGI support. = 1.0 === 17th January, 2006 * Initial checkin, see announcement at http://redhanded.hobix.com/bits/campingAMicroframework.html.