# encoding: utf-8
module Github
class Repos::Contents < API
# These API methods let you retrieve the contents of files within a repository as Base64 encoded content
# Get the README
# This method returns the preferred README for a repository.
# = Examples
# github = Github.new
# github.repos.contents.readme 'user-name', 'repo-name'
def readme(user_name, repo_name, params={})
get_request("/repos/#{user_name}/#{repo_name}/readme", params)
# Get contents
# This method returns the contents of any file or directory in a repository.
# = Examples
# github = Github.new
# github.repos.contents.get 'user-name', 'repo-name', 'path'
def get(user_name, repo_name, path, params={})
get_request("/repos/#{user_name}/#{repo_name}/contents/#{path}", params)
alias :find :get
# Get archive link
# This method will return a 302 to a URL to download a tarball or zipball
# archive for a repository. Please make sure your HTTP framework is configured
# to follow redirects or you will need to use the Location header to make
# a second GET request.
# Note: For private repositories, these links are temporary and expire quickly.
# = Parameters
# * :archive_format - Required string - either tarball or zipball
# * :ref - Optional string - valid Git reference, defaults to master
# = Examples
# github = Github.new
# github.repos.contents.archive 'user-name', 'repo-name',
# "archive_format" => "tarball",
# "ref" => "master"
def archive(user_name, repo_name, params={})
archive_format = params.delete('archive_format') || 'zipball'
ref = params.delete('ref') || 'master'
get_request("/repos/#{user_name}/#{repo_name}/#{archive_format}/#{ref}", params)
end # Repos::Contents
end # Github