module Inch module Language module Ruby module Evaluation module Role module Method # Role assigned to methods without parameters class WithoutParameters < Base applicable_unless :has_parameters? end # Role assigned to methods with many parameters # # @see CodeObject::Ruby::MethodObject#has_many_parameters? class WithManyParameters < Base applicable_if :has_many_parameters? priority +2 end # Role assigned to methods where the return value is typed in the docs class WithReturnType < Base applicable_if :return_typed? end # Role assigned to methods where the return value is not typed class WithoutReturnType < Missing applicable_unless :return_typed? def suggestion "Describe what '#{}' returns" end end # Role assigned to methods where the return value is decribed in the # docs class WithReturnDescription < Base applicable_if :return_described? end # Role assigned to methods where the return value is not decribed class WithoutReturnDescription < Missing applicable_unless :return_described? def suggestion "Describe what '#{}' returns" end end # Role assigned to methods with many lines # # @see CodeObject::Ruby::MethodObject#has_many_lines? class WithManyLines < Base applicable_if :has_many_lines? priority +2 end # Role assigned to methods whose name end in a '!' class WithBangName < Base applicable_if :bang_name? priority +3 end # Role assigned to methods whose name end in a '?' class WithQuestioningName < Base applicable_if :questioning_name? priority -4 end # Role assigned to methods which are aliased class HasAlias < Base applicable_if :has_alias? priority +2 end # Role assigned to methods that are constructors class Constructor < Base applicable_if :constructor? end # Role assigned to methods that are getters class Getter < Base applicable_if :getter? end # Role assigned to methods that are setters class Setter < Base applicable_if :setter? end # Role assigned to methods that are overriding another method class Overridden < Base applicable_if :overridden? # It seems more important to document the overridden method, # than the overriding one priority -2 # This role doesnot assign a score. def score nil end # This role sets a min_score. def min_score @value.to_f end end end end end end end end