require 'spec_helper' describe SimpleSolr::ActiveRecord do describe SimpleDocument do it "provides simple_solr class method" do SimpleDocument.should respond_to(:simple_solr) end it "stores simple_solr fields" do SimpleDocument.simple_solr_fields.should eq({:id => nil, :title => nil}) end context "save" do let(:document) { SimpleDocument.create! :title => 'Omg Ponies' } it "posts to solr" do SimpleDocument.should_receive(:post).with("test.local:8983/solr/update?commit=true", :body => "#{}Omg Ponies") end end context "destroy" do let(:document) { SimpleDocument.create! :title => 'Omg Ponies' } it "posts to solr" do SimpleDocument.should_receive(:post).with("test.local:8983/solr/update?commit=true", :body => "#{}Omg Ponies") SimpleDocument.should_receive(:post).with("test.local:8983/solr/update?commit=true", :body => "#{}") document.destroy end end context "when unconfigured" do before do SimpleSolr.stub_chain(:configuration, :present?).and_return(false) end it "does nothing" do SimpleDocument.should_not_receive(:post) document = :title => 'Omg Ponies' end end end describe FullDocument do let(:document) { FullDocument.create :title => "Rainbows" } it "posts to solr after save" do FullDocument.should_receive(:post).with("test.local:8983/solr?commit=true", :body => "full-document-#{}Rainbows#{document.created_at}false") end end end