module Katello module Concerns module BaseTemplateScopeExtensions extend ActiveSupport::Concern extend ApipieDSL::Module apipie :class, 'Base macros related to content hosts to use within a template' do name 'Base Content' sections only: %w[all reports provisioning jobs partition_tables] end apipie :method, 'Returns an erratum by ID' do required :id, Integer, desc: 'Errata ID' returns Object, desc: 'The erratum object' end def errata(id) Katello::Erratum.in_repositories(Katello::Repository.readable).with_identifiers(id).map(&:attributes).first.slice!('created_at', 'updated_at') end apipie :method, 'Returns subscriptions for the host' do required :host, 'Host::Managed', desc: 'Host object to get subscriptions for' returns array_of: 'Subscription', desc: 'Array with subscription object' end def host_subscriptions(host) host.subscriptions end apipie :method, 'Returns subscription names for the host' do required :host, 'Host::Managed', desc: 'Host object to get subscriptions for' returns array_of: String, desc: "Array with names of host's subscriptions" end def host_subscriptions_names(host) end apipie :method, 'Returns Red Hat subscription names for the host' do required :host, 'Host::Managed', desc: 'Host object to get subscriptions for' returns array_of: String, desc: "Array with names of host's subscriptions" end def host_redhat_subscription_names(host) host.subscriptions.redhat.pluck(:name) end apipie :method, 'Returns the count of Red Hat subscriptions consumed for the host' do required :host, 'Host::Managed', desc: 'Host object to get subscriptions for' returns Integer, desc: "Count of consumed Red Hat subscriptions" end def host_redhat_subscriptions_consumed(host) presenter = end apipie :method, 'Returns content facet for the host' do desc "Content facet is an object containing the host's content-related metadata and associations" required :host, 'Host::Managed', desc: 'Host object to get content facet for' returns 'ContentFacet' end def host_content_facet(host) host.content_facet end apipie :method, 'Returns service level for the host' do required :host, 'Host::Managed', desc: 'Host object to get service level for' returns String, example: 'host_sla(host) #=> "Standard"' end def host_sla(host) host_subscription_facet(host)&.service_level end apipie :method, 'Returns installed products for the host' do required :host, 'Host::Managed', desc: 'Host object to get products for' returns array_of: 'Product', desc: "Array of installed product objects on the host" end def host_products(host) host_subscription_facet(host)&.installed_products end apipie :method, 'Returns installed product names for the host' do required :host, 'Host::Managed', desc: 'Host object to get products for' returns array_of: String, desc: 'Array with names of installed products on the host' end def host_products_names(host) products = host_products(host) if products else [] end end apipie :method, 'Returns the host collections the host belongs to' do required :host, 'Host::Managed', desc: 'Host object to get the host collections for' returns array_of: 'HostCollection', desc: "Array of the host collection objects the host belongs to" end def host_collections(host) host.host_collections end apipie :method, 'Returns names of the host collections the host belongs to' do required :host, 'Host::Managed', desc: 'Host object to get the host collections for' returns array_of: String, desc: 'Array with names of the host collections the host belongs to' end def host_collections_names(host) end apipie :method, 'Returns subscription name of the pool' do required :pool, 'Katello::Pool', desc: 'Pool object to get subscription name of' returns String, desc: 'Name of the subscription' end def sub_name(pool) return unless pool pool.subscription&.name end apipie :method, 'Returns subscription SKU' do required :pool, 'Katello::Pool', desc: 'Pool object to get subscription SKU of' returns String, desc: "SKU's ID of the subscription" end def sub_sku(pool) return unless pool pool.subscription&.cp_id end apipie :method, 'Returns the smart proxy that the host was registered through' do required :host, 'Host::Managed', desc: 'Host object to get smart proxy of' returns String, desc: 'Hostname of the smart proxy' end def registered_through(host) host_subscription_facet(host)&.registered_through end apipie :method, 'Returns time the host was registered at' do required :host, 'Host::Managed', desc: 'Host object to get registration time of' returns 'ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone', desc: 'Registration time of the host' end def registered_at(host) host_subscription_facet(host)&.registered_at end apipie :method, 'Returns IDs of the applicable errata on the host' do required :host, 'Host::Managed', desc: 'Host object to get the applicable errata for' returns array_of: Integer, desc: 'Array with applicable errata IDs of the host' end def host_applicable_errata_ids(host) end apipie :method, 'Returns filtered applicable errata for the host' do required :host, 'Host::Managed', desc: 'Host object to get the applicable errata for' optional :filter, String, desc: 'Filter to apply on applicable errata', default: '' returns array_of: 'Erratum', desc: 'Filtered applicable errata for the host' end def host_applicable_errata_filtered(host, filter = '') host.applicable_errata.includes(:cves).search_for(filter) end apipie :method, 'Returns version of the latest applicable RPM package' do required :host, 'Host::Managed', desc: 'Host object to get the applicable RPM package version on' required :package, String, desc: 'Name of the package' returns String, desc: 'Package version' end def host_latest_applicable_rpm_version(host, package) host.applicable_rpms.where(name: package).order(:version_sortable).limit(1).pluck(:nvra).first end apipie :method, 'Loads Pool objects' do desc 'This macro returns a collection of Pools matching search criteria. The collection is loaded in bulk, 1000 records at a time.' keyword :search, String, desc: 'A search term to limit the resulting collection, using standard search syntax', default: '' keyword :includes, Array, of: [String, Symbol], desc: 'An array of associations represented by strings or symbols, to be included in the SQL query. The list can be extended from plugins and can not be fully documented here. Most used associations are :subscription, :products, :organization', default: nil returns array_of: 'Pool', desc: 'The collection that can be iterated over using each_record' end def load_pools(search: '', includes: nil) load_resource(klass: Pool.readable, search: search, permission: nil, includes: includes) end apipie :method, 'Returns the last time the host checked in via RHSM' do required :host, 'Host::Managed', desc: 'Host object to get the last time the host checked in' returns 'ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone', desc: 'The last time the host checked in via RHSM' end def last_checkin(host) host&.subscription_facet&.last_checkin end apipie :method, 'Load errata applications' do desc 'This macro returns a collection of task records relating to errata being applied. The collection is loaded in bulk, 1000 records at a time.' keyword :filter_errata_type, String, desc: "Errata type. One of: #{Katello::Erratum::TYPES.join(', ')}", default: nil keyword :include_last_reboot, String, desc: "Set to 'yes' to include the last reboot time of each host", default: 'yes' keyword :since, String, desc: 'Return errata applications after this date' keyword :up_to, String, desc: 'Return errata applications before this date' keyword :status, String, desc: 'Task status. One of: "pending", "success", "error", "warning"' keyword :host_filter, String, desc: 'A filter term to limit the resulting collection, using standard filter syntax', default: nil returns array_of: 'Erratum', desc: 'The collection that can be iterated over using each_record' end # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize # rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity # rubocop:disable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity def load_errata_applications(filter_errata_type: nil, include_last_reboot: 'yes', since: nil, up_to: nil, status: nil, host_filter: nil) result = [] filter_errata_type = filter_errata_type.presence || 'all' search_up_to = up_to.present? ? "ended_at < \"#{up_to}\"" : nil search_since = since.present? ? "ended_at > \"#{since}\"" : nil search_result = status.present? && status != 'all' ? "result = #{status}" : nil search = [search_up_to, search_since, search_result].compact.join(' and ') if Katello.with_remote_execution? condition = ["state = 'stopped' AND ((label = 'Actions::RemoteExecution::RunHostJob' AND = ?) " \ "OR label = 'Actions::Katello::Host::Erratum::Install' OR label = 'Actions::Katello::Host::Erratum::ApplicableErrataInstall')", RemoteExecutionFeature.feature('katello_errata_install').job_template_id] else condition = "state = 'stopped' AND (label = 'Actions::Katello::Host::Erratum::Install' OR label = 'Actions::Katello::Host::Erratum::ApplicableErrataInstall')" end tasks = load_resource(klass: ForemanTasks::Task, where: condition, permission: 'view_foreman_tasks', joins: 'LEFT OUTER JOIN template_invocations ON = template_invocations.run_host_job_task_id LEFT OUTER JOIN templates ON template_invocations.template_id =', select: 'foreman_tasks_tasks.*, AS template_invocation_id', search: search) only_host_ids = ::Host.search_for(host_filter).pluck(:id) if host_filter # batch of 1_000 records tasks.each do |batch| @_tasks_input = {} @_tasks_errata_cache = {} seen_errata_ids = [] seen_host_ids = [] batch.each do |task| next if skip_task?(task) seen_errata_ids = (seen_errata_ids + parse_errata(task)).uniq seen_host_ids << get_task_input(task)['host']['id'].to_i if include_last_reboot == 'yes' end seen_host_ids &= only_host_ids if only_host_ids # preload errata in one query for this batch preloaded_errata = Katello::Erratum.where(:errata_id => seen_errata_ids).pluck(:errata_id, :errata_type) preloaded_hosts = ::Host.where(:id => seen_host_ids).includes(:reported_data) batch.each do |task| next if skip_task?(task) next unless only_host_ids.nil? || only_host_ids.include?(task.input['host']['id'].to_i) parse_errata(task).each do |erratum_id| current_erratum_errata_type = preloaded_errata.find { |k, _| k == erratum_id }.last if filter_errata_type != 'all' next unless filter_errata_type == current_erratum_errata_type end hash = { :date => task.ended_at, :hostname => get_task_input(task)['host']['name'], :erratum_id => erratum_id, :erratum_type => current_erratum_errata_type, :status => task.result } if include_last_reboot == 'yes' # It is possible that we can't find the host if it has been deleted. hash[:last_reboot_time] = preloaded_hosts.find { |k, _| == get_task_input(task)['host']['id'].to_i }&.uptime_seconds&.seconds&.ago end result << hash end end end result end # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength apipie :method, 'Converts package version to be sortable' do required :version, String, desc: 'Version to convert' returns String, desc: 'Sortable version of a package' example 'For usage example please refer to **Host - compare content hosts packages** report template' end def sortable_version(version) Util::Package.sortable_version(version) end apipie :method, 'Returns true if Katello Agent infrastructure is enabled on the server' def katello_agent_enabled? Katello.with_katello_agent? end include Katello::ContentSourceHelper apipie :method, "Generate script to change a host's content source" do returns String end def change_content_source(host, ca_cert) return missing_content_source(host) unless host.content_source prepare_ssl_cert(ca_cert) + configure_subman(host.content_source) end private def host_subscription_facet(host) host.subscription_facet end def skip_task?(task) # Skip task that doesn't apply errata input = get_task_input(task) input.blank? || input['host'].blank? end def get_task_input(task) @_tasks_input[] ||= if task.label == 'Actions::Katello::Host::Erratum::ApplicableErrataInstall' task.execution_plan_action.all_planned_actions(Actions::Katello::Host::Erratum::Install).first.try(:input) || {} else task.input end end def parse_errata(task) task_input = get_task_input(task) agent_input = task_input['errata'] || task_input['content'] # Pick katello agent errata if present # Otherwise pick rex errata. There are multiple template inputs, such as errata, pre_script and post_script we only need the # errata input here. @_tasks_errata_cache[] ||= agent_input.presence || TemplateInvocationInputValue.joins(:template_input) .where("template_invocation_id = ? AND = ?", task.template_invocation_id, 'errata') .first.value.split(',') end end end end