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end def a_string_ending_with(*args, &block); end def a_string_including(*args, &block); end def a_string_matching(*args, &block); end def a_string_starting_with(*args, &block); end def a_truthy_value(*args, &block); end def a_value(*args, &block); end def a_value_between(*args, &block); end def a_value_within(*args, &block); end def aggregate_failures(label = nil, metadata = nil, &block); end def all(expected); end def an_instance_of(*args, &block); end def an_object_eq_to(*args, &block); end def an_object_eql_to(*args, &block); end def an_object_equal_to(*args, &block); end def an_object_existing(*args, &block); end def an_object_having_attributes(*args, &block); end def an_object_matching(*args, &block); end def an_object_responding_to(*args, &block); end def an_object_satisfying(*args, &block); end def be(*args); end def be_a(klass); end def be_a_kind_of(expected); end def be_an(klass); end def be_an_instance_of(expected); end def be_between(min, max); end def be_falsey; end def be_falsy(*args, &block); end def be_instance_of(expected); end def be_kind_of(expected); end def be_nil; end def be_truthy; end def be_within(delta); end def change(receiver = nil, message = nil, &block); end def changing(*args, &block); end def contain_exactly(*items); end def containing_exactly(*args, &block); end def cover(*values); end def covering(*args, &block); end def end_with(*expected); end def ending_with(*args, &block); end def eq(expected); end def eq_to(*args, &block); end def eql(expected); end def eql_to(*args, &block); end def equal(expected); end def equal_to(*args, &block); end def exist(*args); end def existing(*args, &block); end def expect(value = nil, &block); end def have_attributes(expected); end def having_attributes(*args, &block); end def include(*expected); end def including(*args, &block); end def match(expected); end def match_array(items); end def match_regex(*args, &block); end def matching(*args, &block); end def method_missing(method, *args, &block); end def output(expected = nil); end def raise_error(error = nil, message = nil, &block); end def raise_exception(error = nil, message = nil, &block); end def raising(*args, &block); end def respond_to(*names); end def respond_to_missing?(method, *arg1); end def responding_to(*args, &block); end def satisfy(description = nil, &block); end def satisfying(*args, &block); end def self.alias_matcher(*args, &block); end def self.clear_generated_description; end def self.configuration; end def self.generated_description; end def self.is_a_describable_matcher?(obj); end def self.is_a_matcher?(obj); end def self.last_description; end def self.last_expectation_handler; end def self.last_expectation_handler=(arg0); end def self.last_matcher; end def self.last_matcher=(arg0); end def start_with(*expected); end def starting_with(*args, &block); end def throw_symbol(expected_symbol = nil, expected_arg = nil); end def throwing(*args, &block); end def within(*args, &block); end def yield_control; end def yield_successive_args(*args); end def yield_with_args(*args); end def yield_with_no_args; end def yielding_control(*args, &block); end def yielding_successive_args(*args, &block); end def yielding_with_args(*args, &block); end def yielding_with_no_args(*args, &block); end extend RSpec::Matchers::DSL end module RSpec::Matchers::EnglishPhrasing def self.list(obj); end def self.split_words(sym); end end module RSpec::Matchers::Composable def &(matcher); end def ===(value); end def and(matcher); end def description_of(object); end def or(matcher); end def self.should_enumerate?(item); end def self.surface_descriptions_in(item); end def self.unreadable_io?(object); end def should_enumerate?(item); end def surface_descriptions_in(item); end def unreadable_io?(object); end def values_match?(expected, actual); end def with_matchers_cloned(object); end def |(matcher); end end class RSpec::Matchers::Composable::DescribableItem < Struct def inspect; end def item; end def item=(_); end def pretty_print(pp); end def self.[](*arg0); end def self.inspect; end def self.members; end def self.new(*arg0); end end module RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn end class RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher def actual; end def actual_formatted; end def assert_ivars(*expected_ivars); end def description; end def diffable?; end def expected; end def expected_formatted; end def expects_call_stack_jump?; end def initialize(expected = nil); end def match_unless_raises(*exceptions); end def matcher_name; end def matcher_name=(arg0); end def matches?(actual); end def present_ivars; end def rescued_exception; end def self.matcher_name; end def self.underscore(camel_cased_word); end def supports_block_expectations?; end include RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher::DefaultFailureMessages include RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher::HashFormatting include RSpec::Matchers::Composable end module RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher::HashFormatting def improve_hash_formatting(inspect_string); end def self.improve_hash_formatting(inspect_string); end end module RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher::DefaultFailureMessages def failure_message; end def failure_message_when_negated; end def self.has_default_failure_messages?(matcher); end end module RSpec::Matchers::DSL def alias_matcher(new_name, old_name, options = nil, &description_override); end def define(name, &declarations); end def define_negated_matcher(negated_name, base_name, &description_override); end def matcher(name, &declarations); end def warn_about_block_args(name, declarations); end end module RSpec::Matchers::DSL::Macros def assign_attributes(attr_names); end def chain(method_name, *attr_names, &definition); end def define_user_override(method_name, user_def, &our_def); end def description(&definition); end def diffable; end def failure_message(&definition); end def failure_message_when_negated(&definition); end def match(options = nil, &match_block); end def match_unless_raises(expected_exception = nil, &match_block); end def match_when_negated(&match_block); end def supports_block_expectations; end end module RSpec::Matchers::DSL::Macros::Deprecated def failure_message_for_should(&definition); end def failure_message_for_should_not(&definition); end def match_for_should(&definition); end def match_for_should_not(&definition); end end module RSpec::Matchers::DSL::DefaultImplementations def chained_method_clause_sentences; end def description; end def diffable?; end def expects_call_stack_jump?; end def supports_block_expectations?; end include RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher::DefaultFailureMessages end class RSpec::Matchers::DSL::Matcher def actual; end def actual_arg_for(block); end def block_arg; end def expected; end def expected_as_array; end def initialize(name, declarations, matcher_execution_context, *expected, &block_arg); end def inspect; end def method_missing(method, *args, &block); end def name; end def rescued_exception; end def respond_to_missing?(method, include_private = nil); end extend RSpec::Matchers::DSL::Macros extend RSpec::Matchers::DSL::Macros::Deprecated include RSpec::Matchers include RSpec::Matchers::Composable include RSpec::Matchers::DSL::DefaultImplementations end class RSpec::Matchers::MatcherDelegator def base_matcher; end def initialize(base_matcher); end def initialize_copy(other); end def method_missing(*args, &block); end def respond_to_missing?(name, include_all = nil); end include RSpec::Matchers::Composable end class RSpec::Matchers::AliasedMatcher < RSpec::Matchers::MatcherDelegator def description; end def failure_message; end def failure_message_when_negated; end def initialize(base_matcher, description_block); end def method_missing(*arg0); end end class RSpec::Matchers::AliasedMatcherWithOperatorSupport < RSpec::Matchers::AliasedMatcher end class RSpec::Matchers::AliasedNegatedMatcher < RSpec::Matchers::AliasedMatcher def does_not_match?(*args, &block); end def failure_message; end def failure_message_when_negated; end def matches?(*args, &block); end def optimal_failure_message(same, inverted); end end class RSpec::Matchers::ExpectedsForMultipleDiffs def diffs(differ, actual); end def initialize(expected_list); end def message_with_diff(message, differ, actual); end def self.diff_label_for(matcher); end def self.for_many_matchers(matchers); end def self.from(expected); end def self.truncated(description); end end module RSpec::Support def self.require_rspec_expectations(f); end def self.require_rspec_matchers(f); end end module RSpec::Expectations def self.configuration; end def self.differ; end def self.fail_with(message, expected = nil, actual = nil); end end class RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationTarget def initialize(value); end def self.for(value, block); end def target; end include RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationTarget::InstanceMethods end module RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationTarget::UndefinedValue end module RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationTarget::InstanceMethods def not_to(matcher = nil, message = nil, &block); end def prevent_operator_matchers(verb); end def to(matcher = nil, message = nil, &block); end def to_not(matcher = nil, message = nil, &block); end end class RSpec::Expectations::BlockExpectationTarget < RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationTarget def enforce_block_expectation(matcher); end def not_to(matcher, message = nil, &block); end def supports_block_expectations?(matcher); end def to(matcher, message = nil, &block); end def to_not(matcher, message = nil, &block); end end module RSpec::Expectations::Syntax def default_should_host; end def disable_expect(syntax_host = nil); end def disable_should(syntax_host = nil); end def enable_expect(syntax_host = nil); end def enable_should(syntax_host = nil); end def expect_enabled?(syntax_host = nil); end def self.default_should_host; end def self.disable_expect(syntax_host = nil); end def self.disable_should(syntax_host = nil); end def self.enable_expect(syntax_host = nil); end def self.enable_should(syntax_host = nil); end def self.expect_enabled?(syntax_host = nil); end def self.should_enabled?(syntax_host = nil); end def self.warn_about_should!; end def self.warn_about_should_unless_configured(method_name); end def should_enabled?(syntax_host = nil); end def warn_about_should!; end def warn_about_should_unless_configured(method_name); end end class BasicObject def should(matcher = nil, message = nil, &block); end def should_not(matcher = nil, message = nil, &block); end end class RSpec::Expectations::Configuration def add_should_and_should_not_to(*modules); end def backtrace_formatter; end def backtrace_formatter=(arg0); end def color?; end def false_positives_handler; end def include_chain_clauses_in_custom_matcher_descriptions=(arg0); end def include_chain_clauses_in_custom_matcher_descriptions?; end def initialize; end def max_formatted_output_length=(length); end def on_potential_false_positives; end def on_potential_false_positives=(behavior); end def reset_syntaxes_to_default; end def syntax; end def syntax=(values); end def warn_about_potential_false_positives=(boolean); end def warn_about_potential_false_positives?; end end module RSpec::Expectations::Configuration::NullBacktraceFormatter def self.format_backtrace(backtrace); end end class InvalidName___Class_0x00___Differ_1 end module RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationHelper def self.check_message(msg); end def self.handle_failure(matcher, message, failure_message_method); end def self.modern_matcher_from(matcher); end def self.with_matcher(handler, matcher, message); end end class RSpec::Expectations::PositiveExpectationHandler def self.handle_matcher(actual, initial_matcher, message = nil, &block); end def self.opposite_should_method; end def self.should_method; end def self.verb; end end class RSpec::Expectations::NegativeExpectationHandler def self.does_not_match?(matcher, actual, &block); end def self.handle_matcher(actual, initial_matcher, message = nil, &block); end def self.opposite_should_method; end def self.should_method; end def self.verb; end end class RSpec::Expectations::LegacyMatcherAdapter < RSpec::Matchers::MatcherDelegator def initialize(matcher); end def self.wrap(matcher); end end class RSpec::Expectations::LegacyMatcherAdapter::RSpec2 < RSpec::Expectations::LegacyMatcherAdapter def failure_message; end def failure_message_when_negated; end def self.interface_matches?(matcher); end end class RSpec::Expectations::LegacyMatcherAdapter::RSpec1 < RSpec::Expectations::LegacyMatcherAdapter def failure_message; end def failure_message_when_negated; end def self.interface_matches?(matcher); end end module RSpec::Expectations::Version end class RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError < Exception end class RSpec::Expectations::MultipleExpectationsNotMetError < RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError end