require 'lockfile' require 'net/smtp' require 'digest/md5' require 'cgi' require 'zlib' require 'rubygems/package' require 'rbbt/util/tar' class Hash def chunked_values_at(keys, max = 5000) Misc.ordered_divide(keys, max).inject([]) do |acc,c| new = self.values_at(*c) new.annotate acc if new.respond_to? :annotate and acc.empty? acc.concat(new) end end end class ParameterException < StandardError; end class FieldNotFoundError < StandardError;end class Aborted < Exception; end class TryAgain < Exception; end class ClosedStream < Exception; end module LaterString def to_s yield end end Lockfile.refresh = false if ENV["RBBT_NO_LOCKFILE_REFRESH"] == "true" module Misc def self.read_stream(stream, size) str = nil while not str =[stream],nil,nil,1) raise ClosedStream if stream.eof? end while str.length < size raise ClosedStream if stream.eof?[stream],nil,nil,1) if new = str << new end end str end def self.parse_cmd_params(str) return str if Array === str str.scan(/ (?:["']([^"']*?)["']) | ([^"'\s]+) /x).flatten.compact end def self.correct_icgc_mutation(pos, ref, mut_str) mut = mut_str mut = '-' * (mut_str.length - 1) if mut =~/^-[ACGT]/ mut = "+" << mut if ref == '-' [pos, [mut]] end def self.correct_vcf_mutation(pos, ref, mut_str) muts = mut_str.nil? ? [] : mut_str.split(',') while ref.length >= 1 and muts.reject{|m| m[0] == ref[0]}.empty? ref = ref[1..-1] pos = pos + 1 muts = muts.collect{|m| m[1..-1]} end muts = muts.collect do |m| case when ref.empty? "+" << m when (m.length < ref.length and (m.empty? or ref.index(m))) "-" * (ref.length - m.length) when (ref.length == 1 and m.length == 1) m else Log.debug{"Cannot understand: #{[ref, m]} (#{ muts })"} '-' * ref.length + m end end [pos, muts] end def self.pid_exists?(pid) return false if pid.nil? begin Process.getpgid(pid.to_i) true rescue Errno::ESRCH false end end COLOR_LIST = %w(#BC80BD #CCEBC5 #FFED6F #8DD3C7 #FFFFB3 #BEBADA #FB8072 #80B1D3 #FDB462 #B3DE69 #FCCDE5 #D9D9D9) def self.colors_for(list) unused = COLOR_LIST.dup used = {} colors = list.collect do |elem| if used.include? elem used[elem] else color = unused.shift used[elem]=color color end end [colors, used] end #def self.collapse_ranges_old(ranges) # processed = [] # last = nil # ranges.sort_by{|range| range.begin }.each do |range| # rbegin = range.begin # rend = range.end # if last.nil? or rbegin > last # processed << range # last = rend # else # new_processed = [] # processed.each do |processed_range| # if processed_range.end < rbegin # new_processed << processed_range # else # eend = [rend, processed_range.end].max # new_processed << (processed_range.begin..eend) # break # end # end # processed = new_processed # last = rend if rend > last # end # end # # processed #end def self.collapse_ranges(ranges) processed = [] last = nil final = [] ranges.sort_by{|range| range.begin }.each do |range| rbegin = range.begin rend = range.end if last.nil? or rbegin > last processed << [rbegin, rend] last = rend else new_processed = [] processed.each do |pbegin,pend| if pend < rbegin final << [pbegin, pend] else eend = [rend, pend].max new_processed << [pbegin, eend] break end end processed = new_processed last = rend if rend > last end end final.concat processed final.collect{|b,e| (b..e)} end def self.total_length(ranges) Misc.collapse_ranges(ranges).inject(0) do |total,range| total += range.end - range.begin + 1 end end def self.random_sample_in_range(total, size) p = if size > total / 10 template = ( - 1).to_a size.times do |i| pos = (rand * (total - i)).floor if pos == template.length - 1 v = template.pop else v, n = template[pos], template[-1] template.pop template[pos] = n end p << v end else size.times do pos = nil while pos.nil? pos = (rand * total).floor if p.include? pos pos = nil end end p << pos end end p end def self.sample(ary, size, replacement = false) if ary.respond_to? :sample ary.sample size else total = ary.length p = random_sample_in_range(total, size) ary.values_at *p end end Log2Multiplier = 1.0 / Math.log(2.0) def self.log2(x) Math.log(x) * Log2Multiplier end def self.prepare_entity(entity, field, options = {}) return entity unless defined? Entity return entity unless String === entity or Array === entity options ||= {} dup_array = options.delete :dup_array if Annotated === field or Entity.respond_to?(:formats) and Entity.formats.include? field params = options.dup params[:format] ||= params.delete "format" params.merge!(:format => field) unless params.include?(:format) and not ((f = params[:format]).nil? or (String === f and f.empty?)) mod = Entity === field ? field : Entity.formats[field] entity = mod.setup( ((entity.frozen? and not entity.nil?) ? entity.dup : ((Array === entity and dup_array) ? entity.collect{|e| e.nil? ? e : e.dup} : entity) ), params ) end entity end ARRAY_MAX_LENGTH = 1000 STRING_MAX_LENGTH = ARRAY_MAX_LENGTH * 10 def self.sanitize_filename(filename, length = 254) if filename.length > length if filename =~ /(\..{2,9})$/ extension = $1 else extension = '' end post_fix = "--#{filename.length}@#{length}_#{Misc.digest(filename)[0..4]}" + extension filename = filename[0..(length - post_fix.length - 1)] << post_fix else filename end filename end def self.fingerprint(obj) case obj when nil "nil" when TrueClass "true" when FalseClass "false" when Symbol ":" << obj.to_s when String if obj.length > 100 "'" << obj.slice(0,20) << "<...#{obj.length}...>" << obj.slice(-10,10) << " " << "'" else "'" << obj << "'" end when AnnotatedArray "<A: #{fingerprint Annotated.purge(obj)} #{fingerprint}>" when Array if (length = obj.length) > 10 "[#{length}--" << (obj.values_at(0,1, length / 2, -2, -1).collect{|e| fingerprint(e)} * ",") << "]" else "[" << (obj.collect{|e| fingerprint(e) } * ",") << "]" end when TSV obj.with_unnamed do "TSV:{"<< fingerprint(obj.all_fields|| []).inspect << ";" << fingerprint(obj.keys).inspect << "}" end when Hash if obj.length > 10 "H:{"<< fingerprint(obj.keys) << ";" << fingerprint(obj.values) << "}" else new = "{" obj.each do |k,v| new << k.to_s << '=>' << fingerprint(v) << ' ' end if new.length > 1 new[-1] = "}" else new << '}' end new end else obj.to_s end end def self.remove_long_items(obj) case when TSV === obj remove_long_items((obj.all_fields || []) + obj.keys.sort) when (Array === obj and obj.length > ARRAY_MAX_LENGTH) remove_long_items(obj[0..ARRAY_MAX_LENGTH-2] << "TRUNCATED at #{ ARRAY_MAX_LENGTH } (#{obj.length})") when (Hash === obj and obj.length > ARRAY_MAX_LENGTH) remove_long_items(obj.collect.compact[0..ARRAY_MAX_LENGTH-2] << ["TRUNCATED", "at #{ ARRAY_MAX_LENGTH } (#{obj.length})"]) when (String === obj and obj.length > STRING_MAX_LENGTH) obj[0..STRING_MAX_LENGTH-1] << " TRUNCATED at #{STRING_MAX_LENGTH} (#{obj.length})" when Hash === obj new = {} obj.each do |k,v| new[k] = remove_long_items(v) end new when Array === obj obj.collect do |e| remove_long_items(e) end else obj end end #def self.remove_long_items(obj) # return fingerprint(obj) #end def self.ensembl_server(organism) date = organism.split("/")[1] if date.nil? "" else "#{ date }" end end def self.filename?(string) String === string and string.length > 0 and string.length < 250 and File.exists?(string) end def self.max(list) max = nil list.each do |v| next if v.nil? max = v if max.nil? or v > max end max end def self.google_venn(list1, list2, list3, name1 = nil, name2 = nil, name3 = nil, total = nil) name1 ||= "list 1" name2 ||= "list 2" name3 ||= "list 3" sizes = [list1, list2, list3, list1 & list2, list1 & list3, list2 & list3, list1 & list2 & list3].collect{|l| l.length} total = total.length if Array === total label = "#{name1}: #{sizes[0]} (#{name2}: #{sizes[3]}, #{name3}: #{sizes[4]})" label << "|#{name2}: #{sizes[1]} (#{name1}: #{sizes[3]}, #{name3}: #{sizes[5]})" label << "|#{name3}: #{sizes[2]} (#{name1}: #{sizes[4]}, #{name2}: #{sizes[5]})" if total label << "| INTERSECTION: #{sizes[6]} TOTAL: #{total}" else label << "| INTERSECTION: #{sizes[6]}" end max = total || sizes.max sizes = sizes.collect{|v| (v.to_f/max * 100).to_i.to_f / 100} url = "{sizes * ","}&chco=FF6342,ADDE63,63C6DE,FFFFFF&chdl=#{label}" end def self.sum(list) list.compact.inject(0.0){|acc,e| acc += e} end def self.mean(list) sum(list) / list.compact.length end def return nil if list.length < 3 mean = mean(list) Math.sqrt(list.compact.inject(0.0){|acc,e| d = e - mean; acc += d * d}) / (list.compact.length - 1) end def self.consolidate(list) list.inject(nil){|acc,e| if acc.nil? acc = e else acc.concat e acc end } end def self.positional2hash(keys, *values) if Hash === values.last extra = values.pop inputs = Misc.zip2hash(keys, values) inputs.delete_if{|k,v| v.nil? or (String === v and v.empty?)} inputs = Misc.add_defaults inputs, extra inputs.delete_if{|k,v| not keys.include?(k) and not (Symbol === k ? keys.include?(k.to_s) : keys.include?(k.to_sym))} inputs else Misc.zip2hash(keys, values) end end def self.send_email(from, to, subject, message, options = {}) IndiferentHash.setup(options) options = Misc.add_defaults options, :from_alias => nil, :to_alias => nil, :server => 'localhost', :port => 25, :user => nil, :pass => nil, :auth => :login server, port, user, pass, from_alias, to_alias, auth = Misc.process_options options, :server, :port, :user, :pass, :from_alias, :to_alias, :auth msg = <<-END_OF_MESSAGE From: #{from_alias} <#{from}> To: #{to_alias} <#{to}> Subject: #{subject} #{message} END_OF_MESSAGE Net::SMTP.start(server, port, server, user, pass, auth) do |smtp| smtp.send_message msg, from, to end end def self.counts(array) counts = {} array.each do |e| counts[e] ||= 0 counts[e] += 1 end counts end def self.proportions(array) total = array.length proportions = 0 array.each do |e| proportions[e] += 1.0 / total end class << proportions; self;end.class_eval do def to_s sort{|a,b| a[1] == b[1] ? a[0] <=> b[0] : a[1] <=> b[1]}.collect{|k,c| "%3d\t%s" % [c, k]} * "\n" end end proportions end IUPAC2BASE = { "A" => ["A"], "C" => ["C"], "G" => ["G"], "T" => ["T"], "U" => ["U"], "R" => "A or G".split(" or "), "Y" => "C or T".split(" or "), "S" => "G or C".split(" or "), "W" => "A or T".split(" or "), "K" => "G or T".split(" or "), "M" => "A or C".split(" or "), "B" => "C or G or T".split(" or "), "D" => "A or G or T".split(" or "), "H" => "A or C or T".split(" or "), "V" => "A or C or G".split(" or "), "N" => %w(A C T G), } BASE2COMPLEMENT = { "A" => "T", "C" => "G", "G" => "C", "T" => "A", "U" => "A", } THREE_TO_ONE_AA_CODE = { "ala" => "A", "arg" => "R", "asn" => "N", "asp" => "D", "cys" => "C", "glu" => "E", "gln" => "Q", "gly" => "G", "his" => "H", "ile" => "I", "leu" => "L", "lys" => "K", "met" => "M", "phe" => "F", "pro" => "P", "ser" => "S", "thr" => "T", "trp" => "W", "tyr" => "Y", "val" => "V" } CODON_TABLE = { "ATT" => "I", "ATC" => "I", "ATA" => "I", "CTT" => "L", "CTC" => "L", "CTA" => "L", "CTG" => "L", "TTA" => "L", "TTG" => "L", "GTT" => "V", "GTC" => "V", "GTA" => "V", "GTG" => "V", "TTT" => "F", "TTC" => "F", "ATG" => "M", "TGT" => "C", "TGC" => "C", "GCT" => "A", "GCC" => "A", "GCA" => "A", "GCG" => "A", "GGT" => "G", "GGC" => "G", "GGA" => "G", "GGG" => "G", "CCT" => "P", "CCC" => "P", "CCA" => "P", "CCG" => "P", "ACT" => "T", "ACC" => "T", "ACA" => "T", "ACG" => "T", "TCT" => "S", "TCC" => "S", "TCA" => "S", "TCG" => "S", "AGT" => "S", "AGC" => "S", "TAT" => "Y", "TAC" => "Y", "TGG" => "W", "CAA" => "Q", "CAG" => "Q", "AAT" => "N", "AAC" => "N", "CAT" => "H", "CAC" => "H", "GAA" => "E", "GAG" => "E", "GAT" => "D", "GAC" => "D", "AAA" => "K", "AAG" => "K", "CGT" => "R", "CGC" => "R", "CGA" => "R", "CGG" => "R", "AGA" => "R", "AGG" => "R", "TAA" => "*", "TAG" => "*", "TGA" => "*", } #def self.fast_align(reference, sequence) # #require 'narray' # init_gap = -1 # gap = -2 # diff = -2 # same = 2 # cols = sequence.length + 1 # rows = reference.length + 1 # a =, rows) # for spos in 0..cols-1 do a[spos, 0] = spos * init_gap end # for rpos in 0..rows-1 do a[0, rpos] = rpos * init_gap end # spos = 1 # while spos < cols do # rpos = 1 # while rpos < rows do # match = a[spos-1,rpos-1] + (sequence[spos-1] != reference[rpos-1] ? diff : same) # skip_sequence = a[spos-1,rpos] + gap # skip_reference = a[spos,rpos-1] + gap # a[spos,rpos] = [match, skip_sequence, skip_reference].max # rpos += 1 # end # spos += 1 # end # start = Misc.max(a[-1,0..rows-1]) # start_pos = a[-1,0..rows-1].to_a.index start # ref = '' # seq = '' # rpos = start_pos # spos = cols - 1 # while spos > 0 and rpos > 0 # score = a[spos,rpos] # score_match = a[spos-1,rpos-1] # score_skip_reference = a[spos,rpos-1] # score_skip_sequence = a[spos-1,rpos] # case # when score == score_match + (sequence[spos-1] != reference[rpos-1] ? diff : same) # ref << reference[rpos-1] # seq << sequence[spos-1] # spos -= 1 # rpos -= 1 # when score == score_skip_reference + gap # ref << reference[rpos-1] # seq << '-' # rpos -= 1 # when score == score_skip_sequence + gap # seq << sequence[spos-1] # ref << '-' # spos -= 1 # else # raise "stop" # end # end # while (rpos > 0) # ref << reference[rpos-1] # seq = seq << '-' # rpos -= 1 # end # while (spos > 0) # seq << sequence[spos-1] # ref = ref + '-' # spos -= 1 # end # # [ref.reverse + reference[start_pos..-1], seq.reverse + '-' * (rows - start_pos - 1)] #end def self.IUPAC_to_base(iupac) IUPAC2BASE[iupac] end def self.is_filename?(string) return true if string.respond_to? :exists return true if String === string and string.length < 265 and File.exists? string return false end def self.sorted_array_hits(a1, a2) e1, e2 = a1.shift, a2.shift counter = 0 match = [] while true break if e1.nil? or e2.nil? case e1 <=> e2 when 0 match << counter e1, e2 = a1.shift, a2.shift counter += 1 when -1 while not e1.nil? and e1 < e2 e1 = a1.shift counter += 1 end when 1 e2 = a2.shift e2 = a2.shift while not e2.nil? and e2 < e1 end end match end def self.intersect_sorted_arrays(a1, a2) e1, e2 = a1.shift, a2.shift intersect = [] while true break if e1.nil? or e2.nil? case e1 <=> e2 when 0 intersect << e1 e1, e2 = a1.shift, a2.shift when -1 e1 = a1.shift while not e1.nil? and e1 < e2 when 1 e2 = a2.shift e2 = a2.shift while not e2.nil? and e2 < e1 end end intersect end def self.merge_sorted_arrays(a1, a2) e1, e2 = a1.shift, a2.shift new = [] while true case when (e1 and e2) case e1 <=> e2 when 0 new << e1 e1, e2 = a1.shift, a2.shift when -1 new << e1 e1 = a1.shift when 1 new << e2 e2 = a2.shift end when e2 new << e2 new.concat a2 break when e1 new << e1 new.concat a1 break else break end end new end def self.binary_include?(array, elem) upper = array.size - 1 lower = 0 return -1 if upper < lower while(upper >= lower) do idx = lower + (upper - lower) / 2 value = array[idx] case elem <=> value when 0 return true when -1 upper = idx - 1 when 1 lower = idx + 1 else raise "Cannot compare #{[elem.inspect, value.inspect] * " with "}" end end return false end def self.array2hash(array, default = nil) hash = {} array.each do |key, value| value = default.dup if value.nil? and not default.nil? hash[key] = value end hash end def self.zip2hash(list1, list2) hash = {} list1.each_with_index do |e,i| hash[e] = list2[i] end hash end def self.process_to_hash(list) result = yield list zip2hash(list, result) end def self.env_add(var, value, sep = ":", prepend = true) ENV[var] ||= "" return if ENV[var] =~ /(#{sep}|^)#{Regexp.quote value}(#{sep}|$)/ if prepend ENV[var] = value + sep + ENV[var] else ENV[var] += sep + ENV[var] end end def self.benchmark(repeats = 1, message = nil) require 'benchmark' res = nil begin measure = Benchmark.measure do repeats.times do res = yield end end if message puts "#{message }: #{ repeats } repeats" else puts "Benchmark for #{ repeats } repeats" end puts measure rescue Exception puts "Benchmark aborted" raise $! end res end def self.profile_html(options = {}) require 'ruby-prof' RubyProf.start begin res = yield rescue Exception puts "Profiling aborted" raise $! ensure result = RubyProf.stop printer = TmpFile.with_file do |dir| FileUtils.mkdir_p dir unless File.exists? dir printer.print(:path => dir, :profile => 'profile') CMD.cmd("firefox -no-remote '#{ dir }'") end end res end def self.profile_graph(options = {}) require 'ruby-prof' RubyProf.start begin res = yield rescue Exception puts "Profiling aborted" raise $! ensure result = RubyProf.stop #result.eliminate_methods!([/annotated_array_clean_/]) printer = printer.print(STDOUT, options) end res end def self.profile(options = {}) require 'ruby-prof' RubyProf.start begin res = yield rescue Exception puts "Profiling aborted" raise $! ensure result = RubyProf.stop printer = printer.print(STDOUT, options) end res end def self.memprof require 'memprof' Memprof.start begin res = yield rescue Exception puts "Profiling aborted" raise $! ensure Memprof.stop print Memprof.stats end res end def self.do_once(&block) return nil if $__did_once $__did_once = true yield nil end def self.reset_do_once $__did_once = false end def self.insist(times = 3, sleep = nil, msg = nil) try = 0 begin yield rescue if msg Log.warn("Insisting after exception: #{$!.message} -- #{msg}") else Log.warn("Insisting after exception: #{$!.message}") end sleep sleep if sleep try += 1 retry if try < times raise $! end end def self.try3times(&block) insist(3, &block) end def self.hash2string(hash) hash.sort_by{|k,v| k.to_s}.collect{|k,v| next unless %w(Symbol String Float Fixnum Integer TrueClass FalseClass Module Class Object).include? v.class.to_s [ Symbol === k ? ":" << k.to_s : k, Symbol === v ? ":" << v.to_s : v] * "=" }.compact * "#" end def self.GET_params2hash(string) hash = {} string.split('&').collect{|item| key, value = item.split("=").values_at 0, 1 hash[key] = value.nil? ? "" : CGI.unescape(value) } hash end def self.hash2GET_params(hash) hash.sort_by{|k,v| k.to_s}.collect{|k,v| next unless %w(Symbol String Float Fixnum Integer TrueClass FalseClass Module Class Object Array).include? v.class.to_s v = case when Symbol === v v.to_s when Array === v v * "," else CGI.escape(v.to_s) end [ Symbol === k ? k.to_s : k, v] * "=" }.compact * "&" end def self.hash_to_html_tag_attributes(hash) return "" if hash.nil? or hash.empty? hash.collect{|k,v| case when (k.nil? or v.nil? or (String === v and v.empty?)) nil when Array === v [k,"'" << v * " " << "'"] * "=" when String === v [k,"'" << v << "'"] * "=" when Symbol === v [k,"'" << v.to_s << "'"] * "=" when TrueClass === v [k,"'" << v.to_s << "'"] * "=" when (Fixnum === v or Float === v) [k,"'" << v.to_s << "'"] * "=" else nil end }.compact * " " end def self.html_tag(tag, content = nil, params = {}) attr_str = hash_to_html_tag_attributes(params) attr_str = " " << attr_str if String === attr_str and attr_str != "" html = if content.nil? "<#{ tag }#{attr_str}/>" else "<#{ tag }#{attr_str}>#{ content }</#{ tag }>" end html end #def self.path_relative_to(basedir, path) # path = File.expand_path(path) unless path[0] == "/" # basedir = File.expand_path(basedir) unless basedir[0] == "/" # basedir << "/" unless basedir[-1] == "/" # case # when path == basedir # "." # #when path =~ /#{Regexp.quote basedir}\/(.*)/ # when path.index(basedir) == 0 # return path[basedir.length..-1] # else # return nil # end #end def self.path_relative_to(basedir, path) path = File.expand_path(path) unless path[0] == "/" basedir = File.expand_path(basedir) unless basedir[0] == "/" if path.index(basedir) == 0 if basedir[-1] == "/" return path[basedir.length..-1] else return path[basedir.length+1..-1] end else return nil end end def self.hostname @hostanem ||= `hostname`.strip end def self.lock(file, *args) return yield file, *args if file.nil? FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(File.expand_path(file)) unless File.exists? File.dirname(File.expand_path(file)) res = nil lock_path = File.expand_path(file + '.lock') lockfile = begin if File.exists? lockfile and Misc.hostname == (info ={|f| YAML.load(f) })["host"] and info["pid"] and not Misc.pid_exists?(info["pid"])"Removing lockfile: #{lockfile}. This pid #{}. Content: #{info.inspect}") FileUtils.rm lockfile end rescue Log.warn("Error checking lockfile #{lockfile}: #{$!.message}. Removing. Content: #{begin rescue "Could not open file" end}") FileUtils.rm lockfile if File.exists?(lockfile) lockfile = retry end begin lockfile.lock do res = yield file, *args end rescue Interrupt Log.error "Process #{} interrupted while in lock: #{ lock_path }" raise $! end res end LOCK_REPO_SERIALIZER=Marshal def self.lock_in_repo(repo, key, *args) return yield file, *args if repo.nil? or key.nil? lock_key = "lock-" << key begin if repo[lock_key] and Misc.hostname == (info = LOCK_REPO_SERIALIZER.load(repo[lock_key]))["host"] and info["pid"] and not Misc.pid_exists?(info["pid"])"Removing lockfile: #{lock_key}. This pid #{}. Content: #{info.inspect}") repo.out lock_key end rescue Log.warn("Error checking lockfile #{lock_key}: #{$!.message}. Removing. Content: #{begin repo[lock_key] rescue "Could not open file" end}") repo.out lock_key if repo.include? lock_key end while repo[lock_key] sleep 1 end repo[lock_key] = LOCK_REPO_SERIALIZER.dump({:hostname => Misc.hostname, :pid =>}) res = yield lock_key, *args repo.delete lock_key res end def self.common_path(dir, file) file = File.expand_path file dir = File.expand_path dir return true if file == dir while File.dirname(file) != file file = File.dirname(file) return true if file == dir end return false end # WARN: probably not thread safe... def self.in_dir(dir) old_pwd = FileUtils.pwd res = nil begin FileUtils.mkdir_p dir unless File.exists? dir dir res = yield ensure old_pwd end res end def self.to_utf8(string) string.encode("UTF-16BE", :invalid => :replace, :undef => :replace, :replace => "?").encode('UTF-8') end def self.fixutf8(string) return nil if string.nil? return string if (string.respond_to? :valid_encoding? and string.valid_encoding?) or (string.respond_to? :valid_encoding and string.valid_encoding) if string.respond_to?(:encode) string.encode("UTF-16BE", :invalid => :replace, :undef => :replace, :replace => "?").encode('UTF-8') else require 'iconv' @@ic ||='UTF-8//IGNORE', 'UTF-8') @@ic.iconv(string) end end def self.fixascii(string) if string.respond_to?(:encode) self.fixutf8(string).encode("ASCII-8BIT") else string end end def self.sensiblewrite(path, content = nil, &block) return if File.exists? path Misc.lock path + '.sensible_write' do if not File.exists? path begin tmp_path = path + '.sensible_write' case when block_given?, 'w', &block) when String === content, 'w') do |f| f.write content end when (IO === content or StringIO === content), 'w') do |f| while l = content.gets; f.write l; end end else, 'w') do |f| end end tmp_path, path rescue Exception FileUtils.rm_f tmp_path if File.exists? tmp_path FileUtils.rm_f path if File.exists? path raise $! end end end end def self.add_defaults(options, defaults = {}) case when Hash === options new_options = options.dup when String === options new_options = string2hash options else raise "Format of '#{options.inspect}' not understood. It should be a hash" end defaults.each do |key, value| next if options.include? key new_options[key] = value end new_options end def self.digest(text) Digest::MD5.hexdigest(text) end HASH2MD5_MAX_STRING_LENGTH = 1000 HASH2MD5_MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH = 100 def self.hash2md5(hash) str = "" keys = hash.keys keys = keys.clean_annotations if keys.respond_to? :clean_annotations keys = keys.sort_by{|k| k.to_s} if hash.respond_to? :unnamed unnamed = hash.unnamed hash.unnamed = true end keys.each do |k| next if k == :monitor or k == "monitor" or k == :in_situ_persistence or k == "in_situ_persistence" v = hash[k] case when TrueClass === v str << k.to_s << "=>true" when FalseClass === v str << k.to_s << "=>false" when Hash === v str << k.to_s << "=>" << hash2md5(v) when Symbol === v str << k.to_s << "=>" << v.to_s when (String === v and v.length > HASH2MD5_MAX_STRING_LENGTH) str << k.to_s << "=>" << v[0..HASH2MD5_MAX_STRING_LENGTH] << "; #{ v.length }" when String === v str << k.to_s << "=>" << v when (Array === v and v.length > HASH2MD5_MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH) str << k.to_s << "=>[" << v[0..HASH2MD5_MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH] * "," << "; #{ v.length }]" when Array === v str << k.to_s << "=>[" << v * "," << "]" else v_ins = v.inspect case when v_ins =~ /:0x0/ str << k.to_s << "=>" << v_ins.sub(/:0x[a-f0-9]+@/,'') else str << k.to_s << "=>" << v_ins end end str << "_" << hash2md5( if defined? Annotated and Annotated === v end hash.unnamed = unnamed if hash.respond_to? :unnamed if str.empty? "" else digest(str) end end def self.process_options(hash, *keys) if keys.length == 1 hash.include?(keys.first.to_sym) ? hash.delete(keys.first.to_sym) : hash.delete(keys.first.to_s) else keys.collect do |key| hash.include?(key.to_sym) ? hash.delete(key.to_sym) : hash.delete(key.to_s) end end end def self.pull_keys(hash, prefix) new = {} hash.keys.each do |key| if key.to_s =~ /#{ prefix }_(.*)/ case when String === key new[$1] = hash.delete key when Symbol === key new[$1.to_sym] = hash.delete key end else if key.to_s == prefix.to_s new[key] = hash.delete key end end end new end def self.string2const(string) return nil if string.nil? mod = Kernel string.to_s.split('::').each do |str| mod = mod.const_get str end mod end def self.string2hash_old(string) options = {} string.split(/#/).each do |str| if str.match(/(.*)=(.*)/) option, value = $1, $2 else option, value = str, true end option = option.sub(":",'').to_sym if option.chars.first == ':' value = value.sub(":",'').to_sym if String === value and value.chars.first == ':' if value == true options[option] = option.to_s.chars.first != '!' else options[option] = Thread.start do $SAFE = 0; case when value =~ /^(?:true|T)$/i true when value =~ /^(?:false|F)$/i false when Symbol === value value when (String === value and value =~ /^\/(.*)\/$/) /#{$1}/ else begin Kernel.const_get value rescue begin raise if value =~ /[a-z]/ and defined? value eval(value) rescue Exception value end end end end.value end end options end def self.string2hash(string) options = {} string.split('#').each do |str| key, sep, value = str.partition "=" key = key[1..-1].to_sym if key[0] == ":" options[key] = true and next if value.empty? options[key] = value[1..-1].to_sym and next if value[0] == ":" options[key] ={value[1..-2]}/) and next if value[0] == "/" and value[-1] == "/" options[key] = value[1..-2] and next if value =~ /^['"].*['"]$/ options[key] = value.to_i and next if value =~ /^\d+$/ options[key] = value.to_f and next if value =~ /^\d*\.\d+$/ options[key] = true and next if value == "true" options[key] = false and next if value == "false" options[key] = value and next options[key] = begin saved_safe = $SAFE $SAFE = 0 eval(value) rescue Exception value ensure $SAFE = saved_safe end end return options options = {} string.split(/#/).each do |str| if str.match(/(.*)=(.*)/) option, value = $1, $2 else option, value = str, true end option = option.sub(":",'').to_sym if option.chars.first == ':' value = value.sub(":",'').to_sym if String === value and value.chars.first == ':' if value == true options[option] = option.to_s.chars.first != '!' else options[option] = Thread.start do $SAFE = 0; case when value =~ /^(?:true|T)$/i true when value =~ /^(?:false|F)$/i false when Symbol === value value when (String === value and value =~ /^\/(.*)\/$/) /#{$1}/ else begin Kernel.const_get value rescue begin raise if value =~ /[a-z]/ and defined? value eval(value) rescue Exception value end end end end.value end end options end def self.field_position(fields, field, quiet = false) return field if Integer === field or Range === field raise FieldNotFoundError, "Field information missing" if fields.nil? && ! quiet fields.each_with_index{|f,i| return i if f == field} field_re = /^#{field}$/i fields.each_with_index{|f,i| return i if f =~ field_re} raise FieldNotFoundError, "Field #{ field.inspect } was not found" unless quiet end # Divides the array into +num+ chunks of the same size by placing one # element in each chunk iteratively. def self.divide(array, num) num = 1 if num == 0 chunks = [] num.to_i.times do chunks << [] end array.each_with_index{|e, i| c = i % num chunks[c] << e } chunks end # Divides the array into chunks of +num+ same size by placing one # element in each chunk iteratively. def self.ordered_divide(array, num) last = array.length - 1 chunks = [] current = 0 while current <= last next_current = [last, current + num - 1].min chunks << array[current..next_current] current = next_current + 1 end chunks end def self.open_pipe sout, sin = IO.pipe raise "No block given" unless block_given?{ begin yield sin rescue Log.exception $! raise $! ensure sin.close end } sout end def self.append_zipped(current, new) current.each do |v| n = new.shift if Array === n v.concat new else v << n end end current end def self.zip_fields(array) return [] if array.empty? or (first = array.first).nil?*array[1..-1]) end def self.camel_case(string) return string if string !~ /_/ && string =~ /[A-Z]+.*/ string.split(/_|(\d+)/).map{|e| (e =~ /^[A-Z]{2,}$/ ? e : e.capitalize) }.join end def self.camel_case_lower(string) string.split('_').inject([]){ |buffer,e| buffer.push(buffer.empty? ? e.downcase : (e =~ /^[A-Z]{2,}$/ ? e : e.capitalize)) }.join end def self.snake_case(string) return nil if string.nil? string = string.to_s if Symbol === string string. gsub(/([A-Z]{2,})([A-Z][a-z])/,'\1_\2'). gsub(/([a-z])([A-Z])/,'\1_\2'). gsub(/\s/,'_').gsub(/[^\w_]/, ''). split("_").collect{|p| p.match(/[A-Z]{2,}/) ? p : p.downcase } * "_" end # source: # author: Ethan Kramer ( def self.humanize(value, options = {}) if options.empty? options[:format] = :sentence end values = [] values = value.split('_') values.each_index do |index| # lower case each item in array # Miguel Vazquez edit: Except for acronyms values[index].downcase! unless values[index].match(/[a-zA-Z][A-Z]/) end if options[:format] == :allcaps values.each do |value| value.capitalize! end if options.empty? options[:seperator] = " " end return values.join " " end if options[:format] == :class values.each do |value| value.capitalize! end return values.join "" end if options[:format] == :sentence values[0].capitalize! unless values[0].match(/[a-zA-Z][A-Z]/) return values.join " " end if options[:format] == :nocaps return values.join " " end end end #TODO: REMOVE #class RBBTError < StandardError # attr_accessor :info # # alias old_to_s to_s # def to_s # str = old_to_s.dup # if info # str << "\n" << "Additional Info:\n---\n" << info << "---" # end # str # end #end module IndiferentHash def self.setup(hash) hash.extend IndiferentHash end def merge(other) new = self.dup IndiferentHash.setup(new) other.each do |k,value| new.delete k new[k] = value end new end def [](key) res = super(key) return res unless res.nil? case key when Symbol, Module super(key.to_s) when String super(key.to_sym) else super(key) end end def values_at(*key_list) key_list.inject([]){|acc,key| acc << self[key]} end def include?(key) case key when Symbol, Module super(key) || super(key.to_s) when String super(key) || super(key.to_sym) else super(key) end end def delete(key) case key when Symbol, Module super(key) || super(key.to_s) when String super(key) || super(key.to_sym) else super(key) end end end module PDF2Text def self.pdftotext(filename, options = {}) require 'rbbt/util/cmd' require 'rbbt/util/tmpfile' require 'rbbt/util/open' TmpFile.with_file(, options.merge(:nocache => true)).read) do |pdf_file| CMD.cmd("pdftotext #{pdf_file} -", :pipe => false, :stderr => true) end end end