# encoding: UTF-8 require 'spec_helper' describe Alchemy::Language do before(:each) do @language = Factory(:language) end it "should return a label for code" do @language.label(:code).should == 'kl' end it "should return a label for name" do @language.label(:name).should == 'Klingonian' end context "with language_code and empty country_code" do it "#code should return language locale only" do @language.country_code = '' @language.code.should == 'kl' end context "adding a value for country code" do it "#code should return a joined locale" do @language.country_code = 'cr' @language.code.should == 'kl-cr' end it "should update all associated Pages with self.code as value for Page#language_code" do @page = Factory(:page, :language => @language) @language.country_code = 'cr' @language.save @page.reload; @page.language_code.should == 'kl-cr' end end end context "with country_code and_language_code" do context "removing the country_code" do it "should update all associated PagesĀ“s language_code with Language#code" do language = Factory(:language_with_country_code) @page = Factory(:page, :language => language) language.country_code = '' language.save @page.reload; @page.language_code.should == "kl" end end end it "should not be deletable if it is the default language" do @default_language = Alchemy::Language.find_by_default(true) if !@default_language @default_language = Factory(:language, :name => "default", :code => "aa", :frontpage_name => "intro", :default => true) end expect { @default_language.destroy }.should raise_error end describe "before save" do describe "#remove_old_default if default attribute has changed to true" do it "should unset the default status of the old default-language" do @default_language = Alchemy::Language.get_default @language.update_attributes(:default => true) @default_language.reload @default_language.default.should be(false) end end end context "after_update" do describe "#set_pages_language if languageĀ“s code has changed" do it "should update all its pages with the new code" do @page = Factory(:page, :language => @language) @other_page = Factory(:page, :language => @language, :name => 'Another Page') @language.update_attributes(:code => "fo") @language.reload; @page.reload; @other_page.reload [@page.language_code, @other_page.language_code].should == [@language.code, @language.code] end end describe "#unpublish_pages" do it "should set all pages to unpublic if it gets set to unpublic" do @page = Factory(:page, :language => @language) @other_page = Factory(:page, :language => @language, :name => 'Another Page') @language.update_attributes(:public => false) @language.reload; @page.reload; @other_page.reload [@page.public?, @other_page.public?].should == [false, false] end end end end