begin require 'webby' rescue LoadError require 'rubygems' require 'webby' end SITE = # Webby defaults SITE.content_dir = 'content' SITE.output_dir = 'output' SITE.layout_dir = 'layouts' SITE.template_dir = 'templates' SITE.exclude = %w[tmp$ bak$ ~$ CVS \.svn] SITE.page_defaults = { 'layout' => 'default' } # Items used to deploy the webiste = 'user@hostname.tld' SITE.remote_dir = '/not/a/valid/dir' SITE.rsync_args = %w(-av --delete) # Options passed to the 'tidy' program when the tidy filter is used SITE.tidy_options = '-indent -wrap 80' # Load the other rake files in the tasks folder Dir.glob('tasks/*.rake').sort.each {|fn| import fn} # EOF