require 'sinatra/base' require 'coffee-script' require 'rack/contrib/try_static' require 'sass' require 'pathname' require 'fileutils' require_relative 'version' require_relative 'atomic_write' require_relative 'sourcemaps' require_relative 'asset_compiler' # A little idiosyncrastic asset server. # Does very simple things: # * sensible detector for default pages (they render from Sinatra view templates) # * automatic compilation of CoffeeScript and SASS assets - just request them with .js and .css # and Vitrine will find them and compile them for you on the spot class Vitrine::App < Sinatra::Base set :show_exceptions, false set :raise_errors, true # Sets whether Vitrine will output messages about dynamic assets set :silent, true set :public_folder, ->{ File.join(settings.root, 'public') } use Vitrine::AssetCompiler # For extensionless things try to pick out the related templates # from the views directory, and render them with a default layout. # If no template is found fallback to halting on 404 # so that Vitrine can be cascaded from. get /^([^\.]+)$/ do | extensionless_path | render_template_or_static(extensionless_path) end # Allow "fake" form submits post /^([^\.]+)$/ do | extensionless_path | render_template_or_static(extensionless_path) end def render_template_or_static(extensionless_path) probable_html = extensionless_path + "/index.html" html_path = File.join(settings.public_folder, probable_html) if File.exist? html_path # Might want to investigate... # send_file html_path else render_template(extensionless_path) end end def render_template(extensionless_path) # Find the related view specific_view = extensionless_path + ".*" view_index = extensionless_path + "/index.*" # Catch-all template for HTML5 apps using pushState catch_all = "/catch_all.*" possible_globs = [specific_view, view_index, catch_all] # Glob for all the possibilites possibilites = do | pattern | Dir.glob(File.join(settings.views, pattern)) end.flatten.reject do | e | File.basename(e) =~ /^\./ # except invisibles and self-links end # Try the first template that has been found template_path = possibilites.shift # If nothing is found try downstream or bail unless template_path err ={|e| e.inspect }.join(', ') if @app return forward else halt 404, "No template found - tried #{err}, and no downstream Rack handler present" end end relative_path = log "-> #{extensionless_path.inspect} : Rendering via template #{relative_path.to_s.inspect}" locals = {} # Auto-pick the template engine out of the extension template_engine = File.extname(template_path).gsub(/^\./, '') render(template_engine,, :layout => get_layout, :locals => locals) end def get_layout layouts = Dir.glob(File.join(settings.views, 'layout.*')) layouts.any? ? :layout : false end def log(msg) $stderr.puts(msg) unless settings.silent? end end