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Grape is a REST-like API micro-framework for Ruby. It's designed to run on Rack or complement existing web application frameworks such as Rails and Sinatra by providing a simple DSL to easily develop RESTful APIs. It has built-in support for common conventions, including multiple formats, subdomain/prefix restriction, content negotiation, versioning and much more. ## Stable Release You're reading the documentation for the stable release of Grae [0.14.0](https://github.com/ruby-grape/grape/blob/v0.14.0/README.md). Please read [UPGRADING](UPGRADING.md) when upgrading from a previous version. ## Project Resources * [Grape Website](http://www.ruby-grape.org) * Need help? [Grape Google Group](http://groups.google.com/group/ruby-grape) ## Installation Grape is available as a gem, to install it just install the gem: gem install grape If you're using Bundler, add the gem to Gemfile. gem 'grape' Run `bundle install`. ## Basic Usage Grape APIs are Rack applications that are created by subclassing `Grape::API`. Below is a simple example showing some of the more common features of Grape in the context of recreating parts of the Twitter API. ```ruby module Twitter class API < Grape::API version 'v1', using: :header, vendor: 'twitter' format :json prefix :api helpers do def current_user @current_user ||= User.authorize!(env) end def authenticate! error!('401 Unauthorized', 401) unless current_user end end resource :statuses do desc 'Return a public timeline.' get :public_timeline do Status.limit(20) end desc 'Return a personal timeline.' get :home_timeline do authenticate! current_user.statuses.limit(20) end desc 'Return a status.' params do requires :id, type: Integer, desc: 'Status id.' end route_param :id do get do Status.find(params[:id]) end end desc 'Create a status.' params do requires :status, type: String, desc: 'Your status.' end post do authenticate! Status.create!({ user: current_user, text: params[:status] }) end desc 'Update a status.' params do requires :id, type: String, desc: 'Status ID.' requires :status, type: String, desc: 'Your status.' end put ':id' do authenticate! current_user.statuses.find(params[:id]).update({ user: current_user, text: params[:status] }) end desc 'Delete a status.' params do requires :id, type: String, desc: 'Status ID.' end delete ':id' do authenticate! current_user.statuses.find(params[:id]).destroy end end end end ``` ## Mounting ### Rack The above sample creates a Rack application that can be run from a rackup `config.ru` file with `rackup`: ```ruby run Twitter::API ``` And would respond to the following routes: GET /api/statuses/public_timeline GET /api/statuses/home_timeline GET /api/statuses/:id POST /api/statuses PUT /api/statuses/:id DELETE /api/statuses/:id Grape will also automatically respond to HEAD and OPTIONS for all GET, and just OPTIONS for all other routes. ### ActiveRecord without Rails If you want to use ActiveRecord within Grape, you will need to make sure that ActiveRecord's connection pool is handled correctly. The easiest way to achieve that is by using ActiveRecord's `ConnectionManagement` middleware in your `config.ru` before mounting Grape, e.g.: ```ruby use ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::ConnectionManagement run Twitter::API ``` ### Alongside Sinatra (or other frameworks) If you wish to mount Grape alongside another Rack framework such as Sinatra, you can do so easily using `Rack::Cascade`: ```ruby # Example config.ru require 'sinatra' require 'grape' class API < Grape::API get :hello do { hello: 'world' } end end class Web < Sinatra::Base get '/' do 'Hello world.' end end use Rack::Session::Cookie run Rack::Cascade.new [API, Web] ``` ### Rails Place API files into `app/api`. Rails expects a subdirectory that matches the name of the Ruby module and a file name that matches the name of the class. In our example, the file name location and directory for `Twitter::API` should be `app/api/twitter/api.rb`. Modify `application.rb`: ```ruby config.paths.add File.join('app', 'api'), glob: File.join('**', '*.rb') config.autoload_paths += Dir[Rails.root.join('app', 'api', '*')] ``` Modify `config/routes`: ```ruby mount Twitter::API => '/' ``` Additionally, if the version of your Rails is 4.0+ and the application uses the default model layer of ActiveRecord, you will want to use the [hashie-forbidden_attributes gem](https://github.com/Maxim-Filimonov/hashie-forbidden_attributes). This gem disables the security feature of `strong_params` at the model layer, allowing you the use of Grape's own params validation instead. ```ruby # Gemfile gem 'hashie-forbidden_attributes' ``` See [below](#reloading-api-changes-in-development) for additional code that enables reloading of API changes in development. ### Modules You can mount multiple API implementations inside another one. These don't have to be different versions, but may be components of the same API. ```ruby class Twitter::API < Grape::API mount Twitter::APIv1 mount Twitter::APIv2 end ``` You can also mount on a path, which is similar to using `prefix` inside the mounted API itself. ```ruby class Twitter::API < Grape::API mount Twitter::APIv1 => '/v1' end ``` ## Versioning There are four strategies in which clients can reach your API's endpoints: `:path`, `:header`, `:accept_version_header` and `:param`. The default strategy is `:path`. ### Path ```ruby version 'v1', using: :path ``` Using this versioning strategy, clients should pass the desired version in the URL. curl http://localhost:9292/v1/statuses/public_timeline ### Header ```ruby version 'v1', using: :header, vendor: 'twitter' ``` Currently, Grape only supports versioned media types in the following format: ``` vnd.vendor-and-or-resource-v1234+format ``` Basically all tokens between the final `-` and the `+` will be interpreted as the version. Using this versioning strategy, clients should pass the desired version in the HTTP `Accept` head. curl -H Accept:application/vnd.twitter-v1+json http://localhost:9292/statuses/public_timeline By default, the first matching version is used when no `Accept` header is supplied. This behavior is similar to routing in Rails. To circumvent this default behavior, one could use the `:strict` option. When this option is set to `true`, a `406 Not Acceptable` error is returned when no correct `Accept` header is supplied. When an invalid `Accept` header is supplied, a `406 Not Acceptable` error is returned if the `:cascade` option is set to `false`. Otherwise a `404 Not Found` error is returned by Rack if no other route matches. ### Accept-Version Header ```ruby version 'v1', using: :accept_version_header ``` Using this versioning strategy, clients should pass the desired version in the HTTP `Accept-Version` header. curl -H "Accept-Version:v1" http://localhost:9292/statuses/public_timeline By default, the first matching version is used when no `Accept-Version` header is supplied. This behavior is similar to routing in Rails. To circumvent this default behavior, one could use the `:strict` option. When this option is set to `true`, a `406 Not Acceptable` error is returned when no correct `Accept` header is supplied. ### Param ```ruby version 'v1', using: :param ``` Using this versioning strategy, clients should pass the desired version as a request parameter, either in the URL query string or in the request body. curl http://localhost:9292/statuses/public_timeline?apiver=v1 The default name for the query parameter is 'apiver' but can be specified using the `:parameter` option. ```ruby version 'v1', using: :param, parameter: 'v' ``` curl http://localhost:9292/statuses/public_timeline?v=v1 ## Describing Methods You can add a description to API methods and namespaces. ```ruby desc 'Returns your public timeline.' do detail 'more details' params API::Entities::Status.documentation success API::Entities::Entity failure [[401, 'Unauthorized', 'Entities::Error']] named 'My named route' headers XAuthToken: { description: 'Valdates your identity', required: true }, XOptionalHeader: { description: 'Not really needed', required: false } end get :public_timeline do Status.limit(20) end ``` * `detail`: A more enhanced description * `params`: Define parameters directly from an `Entity` * `success`: (former entity) The `Entity` to be used to present by default this route * `failure`: (former http_codes) A definition of the used failure HTTP Codes and Entities * `named`: A helper to give a route a name and find it with this name in the documentation Hash * `headers`: A definition of the used Headers ## Parameters Request parameters are available through the `params` hash object. This includes `GET`, `POST` and `PUT` parameters, along with any named parameters you specify in your route strings. ```ruby get :public_timeline do Status.order(params[:sort_by]) end ``` Parameters are automatically populated from the request body on `POST` and `PUT` for form input, JSON and XML content-types. The request: ``` curl -d '{"text": "140 characters"}' 'http://localhost:9292/statuses' -H Content-Type:application/json -v ``` The Grape endpoint: ```ruby post '/statuses' do Status.create!(text: params[:text]) end ``` Multipart POSTs and PUTs are supported as well. The request: ``` curl --form image_file='@image.jpg;type=image/jpg' http://localhost:9292/upload ``` The Grape endpoint: ```ruby post 'upload' do # file in params[:image_file] end ``` In the case of conflict between either of: * route string parameters * `GET`, `POST` and `PUT` parameters * the contents of the request body on `POST` and `PUT` route string parameters will have precedence. ### Declared Grape allows you to access only the parameters that have been declared by your `params` block. It filters out the params that have been passed, but are not allowed. Consider the following API endpoint: ````ruby format :json post 'users/signup' do { 'declared_params' => declared(params) } end ```` If we do not specify any params, `declared` will return an empty `Hashie::Mash` instance. **Request** ````bash curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:9292/users/signup -d '{"user": {"first_name":"first name", "last_name": "last name"}}' ```` **Response** ````json { "declared_params": {} } ```` Once we add parameters requirements, grape will start returning only the declared params. ````ruby format :json params do requires :user, type: Hash do requires :first_name, type: String requires :last_name, type: String end end post 'users/signup' do { 'declared_params' => declared(params) } end ```` **Request** ````bash curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:9292/users/signup -d '{"user": {"first_name":"first name", "last_name": "last name", "random": "never shown"}}' ```` **Response** ````json { "declared_params": { "user": { "first_name": "first name", "last_name": "last name" } } } ```` The returned hash is a `Hashie::Mash` instance, allowing you to access parameters via dot notation: ```ruby declared(params).user == declared(params)['user'] ``` The `#declared` method is not available to `before` filters, as those are evaluated prior to parameter coercion. ### Include missing By default `declared(params)` includes parameters that have `nil` values. If you want to return only the parameters that are not `nil`, you can use the `include_missing` option. By default, `include_missing` is set to `true`. Consider the following API: ````ruby format :json params do requires :first_name, type: String optional :last_name, type: String end post 'users/signup' do { 'declared_params' => declared(params, include_missing: false) } end ```` **Request** ````bash curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:9292/users/signup -d '{"user": {"first_name":"first name", "random": "never shown"}}' ```` **Response with include_missing:false** ````json { "declared_params": { "user": { "first_name": "first name" } } } ```` **Response with include_missing:true** ````json { "declared_params": { "first_name": "first name", "last_name": null } } ```` It also works on nested hashes: ````ruby format :json params do requires :user, :type => Hash do requires :first_name, type: String optional :last_name, type: String requires :address, :type => Hash do requires :city, type: String optional :region, type: String end end end post 'users/signup' do { 'declared_params' => declared(params, include_missing: false) } end ```` **Request** ````bash curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:9292/users/signup -d '{"user": {"first_name":"first name", "random": "never shown", "address": { "city": "SF"}}}' ```` **Response with include_missing:false** ````json { "declared_params": { "user": { "first_name": "first name", "address": { "city": "SF" } } } } ```` **Response with include_missing:true** ````json { "declared_params": { "user": { "first_name": "first name", "last_name": null, "address": { "city": "Zurich", "region": null } } } } ```` Note that an attribute with a `nil` value is not considered *missing* and will also be returned when `include_missing` is set to `false`: **Request** ````bash curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:9292/users/signup -d '{"user": {"first_name":"first name", "last_name": null, "address": { "city": "SF"}}}' ```` **Response with include_missing:false** ````json { "declared_params": { "user": { "first_name": "first name", "last_name": null, "address": { "city": "SF"} } } } ```` ## Parameter Validation and Coercion You can define validations and coercion options for your parameters using a `params` block. ```ruby params do requires :id, type: Integer optional :text, type: String, regexp: /\A[a-z]+\z/ group :media do requires :url end optional :audio do requires :format, type: Symbol, values: [:mp3, :wav, :aac, :ogg], default: :mp3 end mutually_exclusive :media, :audio end put ':id' do # params[:id] is an Integer end ``` When a type is specified an implicit validation is done after the coercion to ensure the output type is the one declared. Optional parameters can have a default value. ```ruby params do optional :color, type: String, default: 'blue' optional :random_number, type: Integer, default: -> { Random.rand(1..100) } optional :non_random_number, type: Integer, default: Random.rand(1..100) end ``` Note that default values will be passed through to any validation options specified. The following example will always fail if `:color` is not explicitly provided. ```ruby params do optional :color, type: String, default: 'blue', values: ['red', 'green'] end ``` The correct implementation is to ensure the default value passes all validations. ```ruby params do optional :color, type: String, default: 'blue', values: ['blue', 'red', 'green'] end ``` ### Supported Parameter Types The following are all valid types, supported out of the box by Grape: * Integer * Float * BigDecimal * Numeric * Date * DateTime * Time * Boolean * String * Symbol * Rack::Multipart::UploadedFile (alias `File`) * JSON ### Custom Types and Coercions Aside from the default set of supported types listed above, any class can be used as a type so long as an explicit coercion method is supplied. If the type implements a class-level `parse` method, Grape will use it automatically. This method must take one string argument and return an instance of the correct type, or raise an exception to indicate the value was invalid. E.g., ```ruby class Color attr_reader :value def initialize(color) @value = color end def self.parse(value) fail 'Invalid color' unless %w(blue red green).include?(value) new(value) end end # ... params do requires :color, type: Color, default: Color.new('blue') end get '/stuff' do # params[:color] is already a Color. params[:color].value end ``` Alternatively, a custom coercion method may be supplied for any type of parameter using `coerce_with`. Any class or object may be given that implements a `parse` or `call` method, in that order of precedence. The method must accept a single string parameter, and the return value must match the given `type`. ```ruby params do requires :passwd, type: String, coerce_with: Base64.method(:decode) requires :loud_color, type: Color, coerce_with: ->(c) { Color.parse(c.downcase) } requires :obj, type: Hash, coerce_with: JSON do requires :words, type: Array[String], coerce_with: ->(val) { val.split(/\s+/) } optional :time, type: Time, coerce_with: Chronic end end ``` ### Multipart File Parameters Grape makes use of `Rack::Request`'s built-in support for multipart file parameters. Such parameters can be declared with `type: File`: ```ruby params do requires :avatar, type: File end post '/' do # Parameter will be wrapped using Hashie: params.avatar.filename # => 'avatar.png' params.avatar.type # => 'image/png' params.avatar.tempfile # => # end ``` ### First-Class `JSON` Types Grape supports complex parameters given as JSON-formatted strings using the special `type: JSON` declaration. JSON objects and arrays of objects are accepted equally, with nested validation rules applied to all objects in either case: ```ruby params do requires :json, type: JSON do requires :int, type: Integer, values: [1, 2, 3] end end get '/' do params[:json].inspect end # ... client.get('/', json: '{"int":1}') # => "{:int=>1}" client.get('/', json: '[{"int":"1"}]') # => "[{:int=>1}]" client.get('/', json: '{"int":4}') # => HTTP 400 client.get('/', json: '[{"int":4}]') # => HTTP 400 ``` Additionally `type: Array[JSON]` may be used, which explicitly marks the parameter as an array of objects. If a single object is supplied it will be wrapped. ```ruby params do requires :json, type: Array[JSON] do requires :int, type: Integer end end get '/' do params[:json].each { |obj| ... } # always works end ``` For stricter control over the type of JSON structure which may be supplied, use `type: Array, coerce_with: JSON` or `type: Hash, coerce_with: JSON`. ### Multiple Allowed Types Variant-type parameters can be declared using the `types` option rather than `type`: ```ruby params do requires :status_code, types: [Integer, String, Array[Integer, String]] end get '/' do params[:status_code].inspect end # ... client.get('/', status_code: 'OK_GOOD') # => "OK_GOOD" client.get('/', status_code: 300) # => 300 client.get('/', status_code: %w(404 NOT FOUND)) # => [404, "NOT", "FOUND"] ``` As a special case, variant-member-type collections may also be declared, by passing a `Set` or `Array` with more than one member to `type`: ```ruby params do requires :status_codes, type: Array[Integer,String] end get '/' do params[:status_codes].inspect end # ... client.get('/', status_codes: %w(1 two)) # => [1, "two"] ``` ### Validation of Nested Parameters Parameters can be nested using `group` or by calling `requires` or `optional` with a block. In the above example, this means `params[:media][:url]` is required along with `params[:id]`, and `params[:audio][:format]` is required only if `params[:audio]` is present. With a block, `group`, `requires` and `optional` accept an additional option `type` which can be either `Array` or `Hash`, and defaults to `Array`. Depending on the value, the nested parameters will be treated either as values of a hash or as values of hashes in an array. ```ruby params do optional :preferences, type: Array do requires :key requires :value end requires :name, type: Hash do requires :first_name requires :last_name end end ``` ### Dependent Parameters Suppose some of your parameters are only relevant if another parameter is given; Grape allows you to express this relationship through the `given` method in your parameters block, like so: ```ruby params do optional :shelf_id, type: Integer given :shelf_id do requires :bin_id, type: Integer end end ``` ### Built-in Validators #### `allow_blank` Parameters can be defined as `allow_blank`, ensuring that they contain a value. By default, `requires` only validates that a parameter was sent in the request, regardless its value. With `allow_blank: false`, empty values or whitespace only values are invalid. `allow_blank` can be combined with both `requires` and `optional`. If the parameter is required, it has to contain a value. If it's optional, it's possible to not send it in the request, but if it's being sent, it has to have some value, and not an empty string/only whitespaces. ```ruby params do requires :username, allow_blank: false optional :first_name, allow_blank: false end ``` #### `values` Parameters can be restricted to a specific set of values with the `:values` option. Default values are eagerly evaluated. Above `:non_random_number` will evaluate to the same number for each call to the endpoint of this `params` block. To have the default evaluate lazily with each request use a lambda, like `:random_number` above. ```ruby params do requires :status, type: Symbol, values: [:not_started, :processing, :done] optional :numbers, type: Array[Integer], default: 1, values: [1, 2, 3, 5, 8] end ``` Supplying a range to the `:values` option ensures that the parameter is (or parameters are) included in that range (using `Range#include?`). ```ruby params do requires :latitude, type: Float, values: -90.0..+90.0 requires :longitude, type: Float, values: -180.0..+180.0 optional :letters, type: Array[String], values: 'a'..'z' end ``` Note that *both* range endpoints have to be a `#kind_of?` your `:type` option (if you don't supplied the `:type` option, it will be guessed to be equal to the class of the range's first endpoint). So the following is invalid: ```ruby params do requires :invalid1, type: Float, values: 0..10 # 0.kind_of?(Float) => false optional :invalid2, values: 0..10.0 # 10.0.kind_of?(0.class) => false end ``` The `:values` option can also be supplied with a `Proc`, evaluated lazily with each request. For example, given a status model you may want to restrict by hashtags that you have previously defined in the `HashTag` model. ```ruby params do requires :hashtag, type: String, values: -> { Hashtag.all.map(&:tag) } end ``` #### `regexp` Parameters can be restricted to match a specific regular expression with the `:regexp` option. If the value does not match the regular expression an error will be returned. Note that this is true for both `requires` and `optional` parameters. ```ruby params do requires :email, regexp: /.+@.+/ end ``` The validator will pass if the parameter was sent without value. To ensure that the parameter contains a value, use `allow_blank: false`. ```ruby params do requires :email, allow_blank: false, regexp: /.+@.+/ end ``` #### `mutually_exclusive` Parameters can be defined as `mutually_exclusive`, ensuring that they aren't present at the same time in a request. ```ruby params do optional :beer optional :wine mutually_exclusive :beer, :wine end ``` Multiple sets can be defined: ```ruby params do optional :beer optional :wine mutually_exclusive :beer, :wine optional :scotch optional :aquavit mutually_exclusive :scotch, :aquavit end ``` **Warning**: Never define mutually exclusive sets with any required params. Two mutually exclusive required params will mean params are never valid, thus making the endpoint useless. One required param mutually exclusive with an optional param will mean the latter is never valid. #### `exactly_one_of` Parameters can be defined as 'exactly_one_of', ensuring that exactly one parameter gets selected. ```ruby params do optional :beer optional :wine exactly_one_of :beer, :wine end ``` #### `at_least_one_of` Parameters can be defined as 'at_least_one_of', ensuring that at least one parameter gets selected. ```ruby params do optional :beer optional :wine optional :juice at_least_one_of :beer, :wine, :juice end ``` #### `all_or_none_of` Parameters can be defined as 'all_or_none_of', ensuring that all or none of parameters gets selected. ```ruby params do optional :beer optional :wine optional :juice all_or_none_of :beer, :wine, :juice end ``` #### Nested `mutually_exclusive`, `exactly_one_of`, `at_least_one_of`, `all_or_none_of` All of these methods can be used at any nested level. ```ruby params do requires :food do optional :meat optional :fish optional :rice at_least_one_of :meat, :fish, :rice end group :drink do optional :beer optional :wine optional :juice exactly_one_of :beer, :wine, :juice end optional :dessert do optional :cake optional :icecream mutually_exclusive :cake, :icecream end optional :recipe do optional :oil optional :meat all_or_none_of :oil, :meat end end ``` ### Namespace Validation and Coercion Namespaces allow parameter definitions and apply to every method within the namespace. ```ruby namespace :statuses do params do requires :user_id, type: Integer, desc: 'A user ID.' end namespace ':user_id' do desc "Retrieve a user's status." params do requires :status_id, type: Integer, desc: 'A status ID.' end get ':status_id' do User.find(params[:user_id]).statuses.find(params[:status_id]) end end end ``` The `namespace` method has a number of aliases, including: `group`, `resource`, `resources`, and `segment`. Use whichever reads the best for your API. You can conveniently define a route parameter as a namespace using `route_param`. ```ruby namespace :statuses do route_param :id do desc 'Returns all replies for a status.' get 'replies' do Status.find(params[:id]).replies end desc 'Returns a status.' get do Status.find(params[:id]) end end end ``` ### Custom Validators ```ruby class AlphaNumeric < Grape::Validations::Base def validate_param!(attr_name, params) unless params[attr_name] =~ /\A[[:alnum:]]+\z/ fail Grape::Exceptions::Validation, params: [@scope.full_name(attr_name)], message: 'must consist of alpha-numeric characters' end end end ``` ```ruby params do requires :text, alpha_numeric: true end ``` You can also create custom classes that take parameters. ```ruby class Length < Grape::Validations::Base def validate_param!(attr_name, params) unless params[attr_name].length <= @option fail Grape::Exceptions::Validation, params: [@scope.full_name(attr_name)], message: "must be at the most #{@option} characters long" end end end ``` ```ruby params do requires :text, length: 140 end ``` ### Validation Errors Validation and coercion errors are collected and an exception of type `Grape::Exceptions::ValidationErrors` is raised. If the exception goes uncaught it will respond with a status of 400 and an error message. The validation errors are grouped by parameter name and can be accessed via `Grape::Exceptions::ValidationErrors#errors`. The default response from a `Grape::Exceptions::ValidationErrors` is a humanly readable string, such as "beer, wine are mutually exclusive", in the following example. ```ruby params do optional :beer optional :wine optional :juice exactly_one_of :beer, :wine, :juice end ``` You can rescue a `Grape::Exceptions::ValidationErrors` and respond with a custom response or turn the response into well-formatted JSON for a JSON API that separates individual parameters and the corresponding error messages. The following `rescue_from` example produces `[{"params":["beer","wine"],"messages":["are mutually exclusive"]}]`. ```ruby format :json subject.rescue_from Grape::Exceptions::ValidationErrors do |e| error! e, 400 end ``` `Grape::Exceptions::ValidationErrors#full_messages` returns the validation messages as an array. `Grape::Exceptions::ValidationErrors#message` joins the messages to one string. For responding with an array of validation messages, you can use `Grape::Exceptions::ValidationErrors#full_messages`. ```ruby format :json subject.rescue_from Grape::Exceptions::ValidationErrors do |e| error!({ messages: e.full_messages }, 400) end ``` ### I18n Grape supports I18n for parameter-related error messages, but will fallback to English if translations for the default locale have not been provided. See [en.yml](lib/grape/locale/en.yml) for message keys. ## Headers Request headers are available through the `headers` helper or from `env` in their original form. ```ruby get do error!('Unauthorized', 401) unless headers['Secret-Password'] == 'swordfish' end ``` ```ruby get do error!('Unauthorized', 401) unless env['HTTP_SECRET_PASSWORD'] == 'swordfish' end ``` You can set a response header with `header` inside an API. ```ruby header 'X-Robots-Tag', 'noindex' ``` When raising `error!`, pass additional headers as arguments. ```ruby error! 'Unauthorized', 401, 'X-Error-Detail' => 'Invalid token.' ``` ## Routes Optionally, you can define requirements for your named route parameters using regular expressions on namespace or endpoint. The route will match only if all requirements are met. ```ruby get ':id', requirements: { id: /[0-9]*/ } do Status.find(params[:id]) end namespace :outer, requirements: { id: /[0-9]*/ } do get :id do end get ':id/edit' do end end ``` ## Helpers You can define helper methods that your endpoints can use with the `helpers` macro by either giving a block or a module. ```ruby module StatusHelpers def user_info(user) "#{user} has statused #{user.statuses} status(s)" end end class API < Grape::API # define helpers with a block helpers do def current_user User.find(params[:user_id]) end end # or mix in a module helpers StatusHelpers get 'info' do # helpers available in your endpoint and filters user_info(current_user) end end ``` You can define reusable `params` using `helpers`. ```ruby class API < Grape::API helpers do params :pagination do optional :page, type: Integer optional :per_page, type: Integer end end desc 'Get collection' params do use :pagination # aliases: includes, use_scope end get do Collection.page(params[:page]).per(params[:per_page]) end end ``` You can also define reusable `params` using shared helpers. ```ruby module SharedParams extend Grape::API::Helpers params :period do optional :start_date optional :end_date end params :pagination do optional :page, type: Integer optional :per_page, type: Integer end end class API < Grape::API helpers SharedParams desc 'Get collection.' params do use :period, :pagination end get do Collection .from(params[:start_date]) .to(params[:end_date]) .page(params[:page]) .per(params[:per_page]) end end ``` Helpers support blocks that can help set default values. The following API can return a collection sorted by `id` or `created_at` in `asc` or `desc` order. ```ruby module SharedParams extend Grape::API::Helpers params :order do |options| optional :order_by, type:Symbol, values:options[:order_by], default:options[:default_order_by] optional :order, type:Symbol, values:%i(asc desc), default:options[:default_order] end end class API < Grape::API helpers SharedParams desc 'Get a sorted collection.' params do use :order, order_by:%i(id created_at), default_order_by: :created_at, default_order: :asc end get do Collection.send(params[:order], params[:order_by]) end end ``` ## Path Helpers If you need methods for generating paths inside your endpoints, please see the [grape-route-helpers](https://github.com/reprah/grape-route-helpers) gem. ## Parameter Documentation You can attach additional documentation to `params` using a `documentation` hash. ```ruby params do optional :first_name, type: String, documentation: { example: 'Jim' } requires :last_name, type: String, documentation: { example: 'Smith' } end ``` ## Cookies You can set, get and delete your cookies very simply using `cookies` method. ```ruby class API < Grape::API get 'status_count' do cookies[:status_count] ||= 0 cookies[:status_count] += 1 { status_count: cookies[:status_count] } end delete 'status_count' do { status_count: cookies.delete(:status_count) } end end ``` Use a hash-based syntax to set more than one value. ```ruby cookies[:status_count] = { value: 0, expires: Time.tomorrow, domain: '.twitter.com', path: '/' } cookies[:status_count][:value] +=1 ``` Delete a cookie with `delete`. ```ruby cookies.delete :status_count ``` Specify an optional path. ```ruby cookies.delete :status_count, path: '/' ``` ## HTTP Status Code By default Grape returns a 200 status code for `GET`-Requests and 201 for `POST`-Requests. You can use `status` to query and set the actual HTTP Status Code ```ruby post do status 202 if status == 200 # do some thing end end ``` You can also use one of status codes symbols that are provided by [Rack utils](http://www.rubydoc.info/github/rack/rack/Rack/Utils#HTTP_STATUS_CODES-constant) ```ruby post do status :no_content end ``` ## Redirecting You can redirect to a new url temporarily (302) or permanently (301). ```ruby redirect '/statuses' ``` ```ruby redirect '/statuses', permanent: true ``` ## Allowed Methods When you add a `GET` route for a resource, a route for the `HEAD` method will also be added automatically. You can disable this behavior with `do_not_route_head!`. ``` ruby class API < Grape::API do_not_route_head! get '/example' do # only responds to GET end end ``` When you add a route for a resource, a route for the `OPTIONS` method will also be added. The response to an OPTIONS request will include an "Allow" header listing the supported methods. ```ruby class API < Grape::API get '/rt_count' do { rt_count: current_user.rt_count } end params do requires :value, type: Integer, desc: 'Value to add to the rt count.' end put '/rt_count' do current_user.rt_count += params[:value].to_i { rt_count: current_user.rt_count } end end ``` ``` shell curl -v -X OPTIONS http://localhost:3000/rt_count > OPTIONS /rt_count HTTP/1.1 > < HTTP/1.1 204 No Content < Allow: OPTIONS, GET, PUT ``` You can disable this behavior with `do_not_route_options!`. If a request for a resource is made with an unsupported HTTP method, an HTTP 405 (Method Not Allowed) response will be returned. ``` shell curl -X DELETE -v http://localhost:3000/rt_count/ > DELETE /rt_count/ HTTP/1.1 > Host: localhost:3000 > < HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed < Allow: OPTIONS, GET, PUT ``` ## Raising Exceptions You can abort the execution of an API method by raising errors with `error!`. ```ruby error! 'Access Denied', 401 ``` You can also return JSON formatted objects by raising error! and passing a hash instead of a message. ```ruby error!({ error: 'unexpected error', detail: 'missing widget' }, 500) ``` You can present documented errors with a Grape entity using the the [grape-entity](https://github.com/ruby-grape/grape-entity) gem. ```ruby module API class Error < Grape::Entity expose :code expose :message end end ``` The following example specifies the entity to use in the `http_codes` definition. ``` desc 'My Route' do failure [[408, 'Unauthorized', API::Error]] end error!({ message: 'Unauthorized' }, 408) ``` The following example specifies the presented entity explicitly in the error message. ```ruby desc 'My Route' do failure [[408, 'Unauthorized']] end error!({ message: 'Unauthorized', with: API::Error }, 408) ``` ### Default Error HTTP Status Code By default Grape returns a 500 status code from `error!`. You can change this with `default_error_status`. ``` ruby class API < Grape::API default_error_status 400 get '/example' do error! 'This should have http status code 400' end end ``` ### Handling 404 For Grape to handle all the 404s for your API, it can be useful to use a catch-all. In its simplest form, it can be like: ```ruby route :any, '*path' do error! # or something else end ``` It is very crucial to __define this endpoint at the very end of your API__, as it literally accepts every request. ## Exception Handling Grape can be told to rescue all exceptions and return them in the API format. ```ruby class Twitter::API < Grape::API rescue_from :all end ``` You can also rescue specific exceptions. ```ruby class Twitter::API < Grape::API rescue_from ArgumentError, UserDefinedError end ``` In this case ```UserDefinedError``` must be inherited from ```StandardError```. The error format will match the request format. See "Content-Types" below. Custom error formatters for existing and additional types can be defined with a proc. ```ruby class Twitter::API < Grape::API error_formatter :txt, ->(message, backtrace, options, env) { "error: #{message} from #{backtrace}" } end ``` You can also use a module or class. ```ruby module CustomFormatter def self.call(message, backtrace, options, env) { message: message, backtrace: backtrace } end end class Twitter::API < Grape::API error_formatter :custom, CustomFormatter end ``` You can rescue all exceptions with a code block. The `error!` wrapper automatically sets the default error code and content-type. ```ruby class Twitter::API < Grape::API rescue_from :all do |e| error!("rescued from #{e.class.name}") end end ``` Optionally, you can set the format, status code and headers. ```ruby class Twitter::API < Grape::API format :json rescue_from :all do |e| error!({ error: 'Server error.' }, 500, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/error' }) end end ``` You can also rescue specific exceptions with a code block and handle the Rack response at the lowest level. ```ruby class Twitter::API < Grape::API rescue_from :all do |e| Rack::Response.new([ e.message ], 500, { 'Content-type' => 'text/error' }).finish end end ``` Or rescue specific exceptions. ```ruby class Twitter::API < Grape::API rescue_from ArgumentError do |e| error!("ArgumentError: #{e.message}") end rescue_from NotImplementedError do |e| error!("NotImplementedError: #{e.message}") end end ``` By default, `rescue_from` will rescue the exceptions listed and all their subclasses. Assume you have the following exception classes defined. ```ruby module APIErrors class ParentError < StandardError; end class ChildError < ParentError; end end ``` Then the following `rescue_from` clause will rescue exceptions of type `APIErrors::ParentError` and its subclasses (in this case `APIErrors::ChildError`). ```ruby rescue_from APIErrors::ParentError do |e| error!({ error: "#{e.class} error", message: e.message }, e.status) end ``` To only rescue the base exception class, set `rescue_subclasses: false`. The code below will rescue exceptions of type `RuntimeError` but _not_ its subclasses. ```ruby rescue_from RuntimeError, rescue_subclasses: false do |e| error!({ status: e.status, message: e.message, errors: e.errors }, e.status) end ``` The `rescue_from` block must return a `Rack::Response` object, call `error!` or re-raise an exception. #### Unrescuable Exceptions `Grape::Exceptions::InvalidVersionHeader`, which is raised when the version in the request header doesn't match the currently evaluated version for the endpoint, will _never_ be rescued from a `rescue_from` block (even a `rescue_from :all`) This is because Grape relies on Rack to catch that error and try the next versioned-route for cases where there exist identical Grape endpoints with different versions. ### Rails 3.x When mounted inside containers, such as Rails 3.x, errors such as "404 Not Found" or "406 Not Acceptable" will likely be handled and rendered by Rails handlers. For instance, accessing a nonexistent route "/api/foo" raises a 404, which inside rails will ultimately be translated to an `ActionController::RoutingError`, which most likely will get rendered to a HTML error page. Most APIs will enjoy preventing downstream handlers from handling errors. You may set the `:cascade` option to `false` for the entire API or separately on specific `version` definitions, which will remove the `X-Cascade: true` header from API responses. ```ruby cascade false ``` ```ruby version 'v1', using: :header, vendor: 'twitter', cascade: false ``` ## Logging `Grape::API` provides a `logger` method which by default will return an instance of the `Logger` class from Ruby's standard library. To log messages from within an endpoint, you need to define a helper to make the logger available in the endpoint context. ```ruby class API < Grape::API helpers do def logger API.logger end end post '/statuses' do # ... logger.info "#{current_user} has statused" end end ``` You can also set your own logger. ```ruby class MyLogger def warning(message) puts "this is a warning: #{message}" end end class API < Grape::API logger MyLogger.new helpers do def logger API.logger end end get '/statuses' do logger.warning "#{current_user} has statused" end end ``` For similar to Rails request logging try the [grape_logging](https://github.com/aserafin/grape_logging) gem. ## API Formats Your API can declare which content-types to support by using `content_type`. If you do not specify any, Grape will support _XML_, _JSON_, _BINARY_, and _TXT_ content-types. The default format is `:txt`; you can change this with `default_format`. Essentially, the two APIs below are equivalent. ```ruby class Twitter::API < Grape::API # no content_type declarations, so Grape uses the defaults end class Twitter::API < Grape::API # the following declarations are equivalent to the defaults content_type :xml, 'application/xml' content_type :json, 'application/json' content_type :binary, 'application/octet-stream' content_type :txt, 'text/plain' default_format :txt end ``` If you declare any `content_type` whatsoever, the Grape defaults will be overridden. For example, the following API will only support the `:xml` and `:rss` content-types, but not `:txt`, `:json`, or `:binary`. Importantly, this means the `:txt` default format is not supported! So, make sure to set a new `default_format`. ```ruby class Twitter::API < Grape::API content_type :xml, 'application/xml' content_type :rss, 'application/xml+rss' default_format :xml end ``` Serialization takes place automatically. For example, you do not have to call `to_json` in each JSON API endpoint implementation. The response format (and thus the automatic serialization) is determined in the following order: * Use the file extension, if specified. If the file is .json, choose the JSON format. * Use the value of the `format` parameter in the query string, if specified. * Use the format set by the `format` option, if specified. * Attempt to find an acceptable format from the `Accept` header. * Use the default format, if specified by the `default_format` option. * Default to `:txt`. For example, consider the following API. ```ruby class MultipleFormatAPI < Grape::API content_type :xml, 'application/xml' content_type :json, 'application/json' default_format :json get :hello do { hello: 'world' } end end ``` * `GET /hello` (with an `Accept: */*` header) does not have an extension or a `format` parameter, so it will respond with JSON (the default format). * `GET /hello.xml` has a recognized extension, so it will respond with XML. * `GET /hello?format=xml` has a recognized `format` parameter, so it will respond with XML. * `GET /hello.xml?format=json` has a recognized extension (which takes precedence over the `format` parameter), so it will respond with XML. * `GET /hello.xls` (with an `Accept: */*` header) has an extension, but that extension is not recognized, so it will respond with JSON (the default format). * `GET /hello.xls` with an `Accept: application/xml` header has an unrecognized extension, but the `Accept` header corresponds to a recognized format, so it will respond with XML. * `GET /hello.xls` with an `Accept: text/plain` header has an unrecognized extension *and* an unrecognized `Accept` header, so it will respond with JSON (the default format). You can override this process explicitly by specifying `env['api.format']` in the API itself. For example, the following API will let you upload arbitrary files and return their contents as an attachment with the correct MIME type. ```ruby class Twitter::API < Grape::API post 'attachment' do filename = params[:file][:filename] content_type MIME::Types.type_for(filename)[0].to_s env['api.format'] = :binary # there's no formatter for :binary, data will be returned "as is" header 'Content-Disposition', "attachment; filename*=UTF-8''#{URI.escape(filename)}" params[:file][:tempfile].read end end ``` You can have your API only respond to a single format with `format`. If you use this, the API will **not** respond to file extensions other than specified in `format`. For example, consider the following API. ```ruby class SingleFormatAPI < Grape::API format :json get :hello do { hello: 'world' } end end ``` * `GET /hello` will respond with JSON. * `GET /hello.json` will respond with JSON. * `GET /hello.xml`, `GET /hello.foobar`, or *any* other extension will respond with an HTTP 404 error code. * `GET /hello?format=xml` will respond with an HTTP 406 error code, because the XML format specified by the request parameter is not supported. * `GET /hello` with an `Accept: application/xml` header will still respond with JSON, since it could not negotiate a recognized content-type from the headers and JSON is the effective default. The formats apply to parsing, too. The following API will only respond to the JSON content-type and will not parse any other input than `application/json`, `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`, `multipart/form-data`, `multipart/related` and `multipart/mixed`. All other requests will fail with an HTTP 406 error code. ```ruby class Twitter::API < Grape::API format :json end ``` When the content-type is omitted, Grape will return a 406 error code unless `default_format` is specified. The following API will try to parse any data without a content-type using a JSON parser. ```ruby class Twitter::API < Grape::API format :json default_format :json end ``` If you combine `format` with `rescue_from :all`, errors will be rendered using the same format. If you do not want this behavior, set the default error formatter with `default_error_formatter`. ```ruby class Twitter::API < Grape::API format :json content_type :txt, 'text/plain' default_error_formatter :txt end ``` Custom formatters for existing and additional types can be defined with a proc. ```ruby class Twitter::API < Grape::API content_type :xls, 'application/vnd.ms-excel' formatter :xls, ->(object, env) { object.to_xls } end ``` You can also use a module or class. ```ruby module XlsFormatter def self.call(object, env) object.to_xls end end class Twitter::API < Grape::API content_type :xls, 'application/vnd.ms-excel' formatter :xls, XlsFormatter end ``` Built-in formatters are the following. * `:json`: use object's `to_json` when available, otherwise call `MultiJson.dump` * `:xml`: use object's `to_xml` when available, usually via `MultiXml`, otherwise call `to_s` * `:txt`: use object's `to_txt` when available, otherwise `to_s` * `:serializable_hash`: use object's `serializable_hash` when available, otherwise fallback to `:json` * `:binary`: data will be returned "as is" Response statuses that indicate no content as defined by [Rack](https://github.com/rack) [here](https://github.com/rack/rack/blob/master/lib/rack/utils.rb#L567) will bypass serialization and the body entity - though there should be none - will not be modified. ### JSONP Grape supports JSONP via [Rack::JSONP](https://github.com/rack/rack-contrib), part of the [rack-contrib](https://github.com/rack/rack-contrib) gem. Add `rack-contrib` to your `Gemfile`. ```ruby require 'rack/contrib' class API < Grape::API use Rack::JSONP format :json get '/' do 'Hello World' end end ``` ### CORS Grape supports CORS via [Rack::CORS](https://github.com/cyu/rack-cors), part of the [rack-cors](https://github.com/cyu/rack-cors) gem. Add `rack-cors` to your `Gemfile`, then use the middleware in your config.ru file. ```ruby require 'rack/cors' use Rack::Cors do allow do origins '*' resource '*', headers: :any, methods: :get end end run Twitter::API ``` ## Content-type Content-type is set by the formatter. You can override the content-type of the response at runtime by setting the `Content-Type` header. ```ruby class API < Grape::API get '/home_timeline_js' do content_type 'application/javascript' "var statuses = ...;" end end ``` ## API Data Formats Grape accepts and parses input data sent with the POST and PUT methods as described in the Parameters section above. It also supports custom data formats. You must declare additional content-types via `content_type` and optionally supply a parser via `parser` unless a parser is already available within Grape to enable a custom format. Such a parser can be a function or a class. With a parser, parsed data is available "as-is" in `env['api.request.body']`. Without a parser, data is available "as-is" and in `env['api.request.input']`. The following example is a trivial parser that will assign any input with the "text/custom" content-type to `:value`. The parameter will be available via `params[:value]` inside the API call. ```ruby module CustomParser def self.call(object, env) { value: object.to_s } end end ``` ```ruby content_type :txt, 'text/plain' content_type :custom, 'text/custom' parser :custom, CustomParser put 'value' do params[:value] end ``` You can invoke the above API as follows. ``` curl -X PUT -d 'data' 'http://localhost:9292/value' -H Content-Type:text/custom -v ``` You can disable parsing for a content-type with `nil`. For example, `parser :json, nil` will disable JSON parsing altogether. The request data is then available as-is in `env['api.request.body']`. ## RESTful Model Representations Grape supports a range of ways to present your data with some help from a generic `present` method, which accepts two arguments: the object to be presented and the options associated with it. The options hash may include `:with`, which defines the entity to expose. ### Grape Entities Add the [grape-entity](https://github.com/ruby-grape/grape-entity) gem to your Gemfile. Please refer to the [grape-entity documentation](https://github.com/ruby-grape/grape-entity/blob/master/README.md) for more details. The following example exposes statuses. ```ruby module API module Entities class Status < Grape::Entity expose :user_name expose :text, documentation: { type: 'string', desc: 'Status update text.' } expose :ip, if: { type: :full } expose :user_type, :user_id, if: ->(status, options) { status.user.public? } expose :digest { |status, options| Digest::MD5.hexdigest(status.txt) } expose :replies, using: API::Status, as: :replies end end class Statuses < Grape::API version 'v1' desc 'Statuses index' do params: API::Entities::Status.documentation end get '/statuses' do statuses = Status.all type = current_user.admin? ? :full : :default present statuses, with: API::Entities::Status, type: type end end end ``` You can use entity documentation directly in the params block with `using: Entity.documentation`. ```ruby module API class Statuses < Grape::API version 'v1' desc 'Create a status' params do requires :all, except: [:ip], using: API::Entities::Status.documentation.except(:id) end post '/status' do Status.create! params end end end ``` You can present with multiple entities using an optional Symbol argument. ```ruby get '/statuses' do statuses = Status.all.page(1).per(20) present :total_page, 10 present :per_page, 20 present :statuses, statuses, with: API::Entities::Status end ``` The response will be ``` { total_page: 10, per_page: 20, statuses: [] } ``` In addition to separately organizing entities, it may be useful to put them as namespaced classes underneath the model they represent. ```ruby class Status def entity Entity.new(self) end class Entity < Grape::Entity expose :text, :user_id end end ``` If you organize your entities this way, Grape will automatically detect the `Entity` class and use it to present your models. In this example, if you added `present Status.new` to your endpoint, Grape will automatically detect that there is a `Status::Entity` class and use that as the representative entity. This can still be overridden by using the `:with` option or an explicit `represents` call. You can present `hash` with `Grape::Presenters::Presenter` to keep things consistent. ```ruby get '/users' do present { id: 10, name: :dgz }, with: Grape::Presenters::Presenter end ```` The response will be ```ruby { id: 10, name: 'dgz' } ``` It has the same result with ```ruby get '/users' do present :id, 10 present :name, :dgz end ``` ### Hypermedia and Roar You can use [Roar](https://github.com/apotonick/roar) to render HAL or Collection+JSON with the help of [grape-roar](https://github.com/ruby-grape/grape-roar), which defines a custom JSON formatter and enables presenting entities with Grape's `present` keyword. ### Rabl You can use [Rabl](https://github.com/nesquena/rabl) templates with the help of the [grape-rabl](https://github.com/ruby-grape/grape-rabl) gem, which defines a custom Grape Rabl formatter. ### Active Model Serializers You can use [Active Model Serializers](https://github.com/rails-api/active_model_serializers) serializers with the help of the [grape-active_model_serializers](https://github.com/jrhe/grape-active_model_serializers) gem, which defines a custom Grape AMS formatter. ## Sending Raw or No Data In general, use the binary format to send raw data. ```ruby class API < Grape::API get '/file' do content_type 'application/octet-stream' File.binread 'file.bin' end end ``` You can set the response body explicitly with `body`. ```ruby class API < Grape::API get '/' do content_type 'text/plain' body 'Hello World' # return value ignored end end ``` Use `body false` to return `204 No Content` without any data or content-type. You can also set the response to a file-like object with `file`. Note: Rack will read your entire Enumerable before returning a response. If you would like to stream the response, see `stream`. ```ruby class FileStreamer def initialize(file_path) @file_path = file_path end def each(&blk) File.open(@file_path, 'rb') do |file| file.each(10, &blk) end end end class API < Grape::API get '/' do file FileStreamer.new('file.bin') end end ``` If you want a file-like object to be streamed using Rack::Chunked, use `stream`. ```ruby class API < Grape::API get '/' do stream FileStreamer.new('file.bin') end end ``` ## Authentication ### Basic and Digest Auth Grape has built-in Basic and Digest authentication (the given `block` is executed in the context of the current `Endpoint`). Authentication applies to the current namespace and any children, but not parents. ```ruby http_basic do |username, password| # verify user's password here { 'test' => 'password1' }[username] == password end ``` ```ruby http_digest({ realm: 'Test Api', opaque: 'app secret' }) do |username| # lookup the user's password here { 'user1' => 'password1' }[username] end ``` ### Register custom middleware for authentication Grape can use custom Middleware for authentication. How to implement these Middleware have a look at `Rack::Auth::Basic` or similar implementations. For registering a Middleware you need the following options: * `label` - the name for your authenticator to use it later * `MiddlewareClass` - the MiddlewareClass to use for authentication * `option_lookup_proc` - A Proc with one Argument to lookup the options at runtime (return value is an `Array` as Parameter for the Middleware). Example: ```ruby Grape::Middleware::Auth::Strategies.add(:my_auth, AuthMiddleware, ->(options) { [options[:realm]] } ) auth :my_auth, { realm: 'Test Api'} do |credentials| # lookup the user's password here { 'user1' => 'password1' }[username] end ``` Use [warden-oauth2](https://github.com/opperator/warden-oauth2) or [rack-oauth2](https://github.com/nov/rack-oauth2) for OAuth2 support. ## Describing and Inspecting an API Grape routes can be reflected at runtime. This can notably be useful for generating documentation. Grape exposes arrays of API versions and compiled routes. Each route contains a `route_prefix`, `route_version`, `route_namespace`, `route_method`, `route_path` and `route_params`. You can add custom route settings to the route metadata with `route_setting`. ```ruby class TwitterAPI < Grape::API version 'v1' desc 'Includes custom settings.' route_setting :custom, key: 'value' get do end end ``` Examine the routes at runtime. ```ruby TwitterAPI::versions # yields [ 'v1', 'v2' ] TwitterAPI::routes # yields an array of Grape::Route objects TwitterAPI::routes[0].route_version # => 'v1' TwitterAPI::routes[0].route_description # => 'Includes custom settings.' TwitterAPI::routes[0].route_settings[:custom] # => { key: 'value' } ``` ## Current Route and Endpoint It's possible to retrieve the information about the current route from within an API call with `route`. ```ruby class MyAPI < Grape::API desc 'Returns a description of a parameter.' params do requires :id, type: Integer, desc: 'Identity.' end get 'params/:id' do route.route_params[params[:id]] # yields the parameter description end end ``` The current endpoint responding to the request is `self` within the API block or `env['api.endpoint']` elsewhere. The endpoint has some interesting properties, such as `source` which gives you access to the original code block of the API implementation. This can be particularly useful for building a logger middleware. ```ruby class ApiLogger < Grape::Middleware::Base def before file = env['api.endpoint'].source.source_location[0] line = env['api.endpoint'].source.source_location[1] logger.debug "[api] #{file}:#{line}" end end ``` ## Before and After Blocks can be executed before or after every API call, using `before`, `after`, `before_validation` and `after_validation`. Before and after callbacks execute in the following order: 1. `before` 2. `before_validation` 3. _validations_ 4. `after_validation` 5. _the API call_ 6. `after` Steps 4, 5 and 6 only happen if validation succeeds. E.g. using `before`: ```ruby before do header 'X-Robots-Tag', 'noindex' end ``` The block applies to every API call within and below the current namespace: ```ruby class MyAPI < Grape::API get '/' do "root - #{@blah}" end namespace :foo do before do @blah = 'blah' end get '/' do "root - foo - #{@blah}" end namespace :bar do get '/' do "root - foo - bar - #{@blah}" end end end end ``` The behaviour is then: ```bash GET / # 'root - ' GET /foo # 'root - foo - blah' GET /foo/bar # 'root - foo - bar - blah' ``` Params on a `namespace` (or whatever alias you are using) also work when using `before_validation` or `after_validation`: ```ruby class MyAPI < Grape::API params do requires :blah, type: Integer end resource ':blah' do after_validation do # if we reach this point validations will have passed @blah = declared(params, include_missing: false)[:blah] end get '/' do @blah.class end end end ``` The behaviour is then: ```bash GET /123 # 'Fixnum' GET /foo # 400 error - 'blah is invalid' ``` When a callback is defined within a version block, it's only called for the routes defined in that block. ```ruby class Test < Grape::API resource :foo do version 'v1', :using => :path do before do @output ||= 'v1-' end get '/' do @output += 'hello' end end version 'v2', :using => :path do before do @output ||= 'v2-' end get '/' do @output += 'hello' end end end end ``` The behaviour is then: ```bash GET /foo/v1 # 'v1-hello' GET /foo/v2 # 'v2-hello' ``` ## Anchoring Grape by default anchors all request paths, which means that the request URL should match from start to end to match, otherwise a `404 Not Found` is returned. However, this is sometimes not what you want, because it is not always known upfront what can be expected from the call. This is because Rack-mount by default anchors requests to match from the start to the end, or not at all. Rails solves this problem by using a `anchor: false` option in your routes. In Grape this option can be used as well when a method is defined. For instance when your API needs to get part of an URL, for instance: ```ruby class TwitterAPI < Grape::API namespace :statuses do get '/(*:status)', anchor: false do end end end ``` This will match all paths starting with '/statuses/'. There is one caveat though: the `params[:status]` parameter only holds the first part of the request url. Luckily this can be circumvented by using the described above syntax for path specification and using the `PATH_INFO` Rack environment variable, using `env['PATH_INFO']`. This will hold everything that comes after the '/statuses/' part. ## Using Custom Middleware ### Rails Middleware Note that when you're using Grape mounted on Rails you don't have to use Rails middleware because it's already included into your middleware stack. You only have to implement the helpers to access the specific `env` variable. ### Remote IP By default you can access remote IP with `request.ip`. This is the remote IP address implemented by Rack. Sometimes it is desirable to get the remote IP [Rails-style](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10997005/whats-the-difference-between-request-remote-ip-and-request-ip-in-rails) with `ActionDispatch::RemoteIp`. Add `gem 'actionpack'` to your Gemfile and `require 'action_dispatch/middleware/remote_ip.rb'`. Use the middleware in your API and expose a `client_ip` helper. See [this documentation](http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActionDispatch/RemoteIp.html) for additional options. ```ruby class API < Grape::API use ActionDispatch::RemoteIp helpers do def client_ip env['action_dispatch.remote_ip'].to_s end end get :remote_ip do { ip: client_ip } end end ``` ## Writing Tests ### Writing Tests with Rack Use `rack-test` and define your API as `app`. #### RSpec You can test a Grape API with RSpec by making HTTP requests and examining the response. ```ruby require 'spec_helper' describe Twitter::API do include Rack::Test::Methods def app Twitter::API end context 'GET /api/statuses/public_timeline' do it 'returns an empty array of statuses' do get '/api/statuses/public_timeline' expect(last_response.status).to eq(200) expect(JSON.parse(last_response.body)).to eq [] end end context 'GET /api/statuses/:id' do it 'returns a status by id' do status = Status.create! get "/api/statuses/#{status.id}" expect(last_response.body).to eq status.to_json end end end ``` There's no standard way of sending arrays of objects via an HTTP GET, so POST JSON data and specify the correct content-type. ```ruby describe Twitter::API do context 'POST /api/statuses' do it 'creates many statuses' do statuses = [{ text: '...' }, { text: '...'}] post '/api/statuses', statuses.to_json, 'CONTENT_TYPE' => 'application/json' expect(last_response.body).to eq 201 end end end ``` #### Airborne You can test with other RSpec-based frameworks, including [Airborne](https://github.com/brooklynDev/airborne), which uses `rack-test` to make requests. ```ruby require 'airborne' Airborne.configure do |config| config.rack_app = Twitter::API end describe Twitter::API do context 'GET /api/statuses/:id' do it 'returns a status by id' do status = Status.create! get "/api/statuses/#{status.id}" expect_json(status.as_json) end end end ``` #### MiniTest ```ruby require 'test_helper' class Twitter::APITest < MiniTest::Test include Rack::Test::Methods def app Twitter::API end def test_get_api_statuses_public_timeline_returns_an_empty_array_of_statuses get '/api/statuses/public_timeline' assert last_response.ok? assert_equal [], JSON.parse(last_response.body) end def test_get_api_statuses_id_returns_a_status_by_id status = Status.create! get "/api/statuses/#{status.id}" assert_equal status.to_json, last_response.body end end ``` ### Writing Tests with Rails #### RSpec ```ruby describe Twitter::API do context 'GET /api/statuses/public_timeline' do it 'returns an empty array of statuses' do get '/api/statuses/public_timeline' expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(JSON.parse(response.body)).to eq [] end end context 'GET /api/statuses/:id' do it 'returns a status by id' do status = Status.create! get "/api/statuses/#{status.id}" expect(response.body).to eq status.to_json end end end ``` In Rails, HTTP request tests would go into the `spec/requests` group. You may want your API code to go into `app/api` - you can match that layout under `spec` by adding the following in `spec/spec_helper.rb`. ```ruby RSpec.configure do |config| config.include RSpec::Rails::RequestExampleGroup, type: :request, file_path: /spec\/api/ end ``` #### MiniTest ```ruby class Twitter::APITest < ActiveSupport::TestCase include Rack::Test::Methods def app Rails.application end test 'GET /api/statuses/public_timeline returns an empty array of statuses' do get '/api/statuses/public_timeline' assert last_response.ok? assert_equal [], JSON.parse(last_response.body) end test 'GET /api/statuses/:id returns a status by id' do status = Status.create! get "/api/statuses/#{status.id}" assert_equal status.to_json, last_response.body end end ``` ### Stubbing Helpers Because helpers are mixed in based on the context when an endpoint is defined, it can be difficult to stub or mock them for testing. The `Grape::Endpoint.before_each` method can help by allowing you to define behavior on the endpoint that will run before every request. ```ruby describe 'an endpoint that needs helpers stubbed' do before do Grape::Endpoint.before_each do |endpoint| allow(endpoint).to receive(:helper_name).and_return('desired_value') end end after do Grape::Endpoint.before_each nil end it 'should properly stub the helper' do # ... end end ``` ## Reloading API Changes in Development ### Reloading in Rack Applications Use [grape-reload](https://github.com/AlexYankee/grape-reload). ### Reloading in Rails Applications Add API paths to `config/application.rb`. ```ruby # Auto-load API and its subdirectories config.paths.add File.join('app', 'api'), glob: File.join('**', '*.rb') config.autoload_paths += Dir[Rails.root.join('app', 'api', '*')] ``` Create `config/initializers/reload_api.rb`. ```ruby if Rails.env.development? ActiveSupport::Dependencies.explicitly_unloadable_constants << 'Twitter::API' api_files = Dir[Rails.root.join('app', 'api', '**', '*.rb')] api_reloader = ActiveSupport::FileUpdateChecker.new(api_files) do Rails.application.reload_routes! end ActionDispatch::Callbacks.to_prepare do api_reloader.execute_if_updated end end ``` See [StackOverflow #3282655](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3282655/ruby-on-rails-3-reload-lib-directory-for-each-request/4368838#4368838) for more information. ## Performance Monitoring ### Active Support Instrumentation Grape has built-in support for [ActiveSupport::Notifications](http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveSupport/Notifications.html) which provides simple hook points to instrument key parts of your application. The following are currently supported: #### endpoint_run.grape The main execution of an endpoint, includes filters and rendering. * *endpoint* - The endpoint instance #### endpoint_render.grape The execution of the main content block of the endpoint. * *endpoint* - The endpoint instance #### endpoint_run_filters.grape * *endpoint* - The endpoint instance * *filters* - The filters being executed * *type* - The type of filters (before, before_validation, after_validation, after) See the [ActiveSupport::Notifications documentation](http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveSupport/Notifications.html) for information on how to subscribe to these events. ### Monitoring Products Grape integrates with following third-party tools: * **New Relic** - [built-in support](https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/agents/ruby-agent/frameworks/grape-instrumentation) from v3.10.0 of the official [newrelic_rpm](https://github.com/newrelic/rpm) gem, also [newrelic-grape](https://github.com/xinminlabs/newrelic-grape) gem * **Librato Metrics** - [grape-librato](https://github.com/seanmoon/grape-librato) gem * **[Skylight](https://www.skylight.io/)** - [skylight](https://github.com/skylightio/skylight-ruby) gem, [documentation](https://docs.skylight.io/grape/) ## Contributing to Grape Grape is work of hundreds of contributors. You're encouraged to submit pull requests, propose features and discuss issues. See [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md). ## License MIT License. See LICENSE for details. ## Copyright Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Michael Bleigh, and Intridea, Inc.