# Represents the link Dialog that appears, if a user clicks the link buttons # in TinyMCE or on an Ingredient that has links enabled (e.g. Picture) # class window.Alchemy.LinkDialog extends Alchemy.Dialog constructor: (@link_object) -> @url = Alchemy.routes.link_admin_pages_path @$link_object = $(@link_object) @options = size: '600x320' title: 'Link' super(@url, @options) # Called from Dialog class after the url was loaded replace: (data) -> # let Dialog class handle the content replacement super(data) # attach events we handle @attachEvents() # Store some jQuery objects for further reference @$internal_link = $('#internal_link', @dialog_body) @$element_anchor = $('#element_anchor', @dialog_body) @$anchor_link = $('#anchor_link', @dialog_body) @$external_link = $('#external_link', @dialog_body) @$file_link = $('#file_link', @dialog_body) @$overlay_tabs = $('#overlay_tabs', @dialog_body) @$page_container = $('#page_selector_container') @initAnchorLinks() # if we edit an existing link if @link_object # we select the correct tab @selectTab() @initPageSelect() return # Attaches click events to forms in the link dialog. attachEvents: -> $('[data-link-form-type]', @dialog_body).on "submit", (e) => e.preventDefault() @link_type = e.target.dataset.linkFormType url = $("##{@link_type}_link").val() if @link_type == 'internal' && @$element_anchor.val() != '' url += "##{@$element_anchor.val()}" # Create the link @createLink url: url title: $("##{@link_type}_link_title").val() target: $("##{@link_type}_link_target").val() false # Initializes the select2 based Page select initPageSelect: -> pageTemplate = HandlebarsTemplates.page element_anchor_placeholder = @$element_anchor.attr('placeholder') @$internal_link.select2 placeholder: Alchemy.t('Search page') allowClear: true minimumInputLength: 3 ajax: url: Alchemy.routes.api_pages_path datatype: 'json' quietMillis: 300 data: (term, page) -> q: name_cont: term page: page results: (data) -> meta = data.meta results: data.pages.map (page) -> id: page.url_path name: page.name url_path: page.url_path page_id: page.id language: page.language site: page.site more: meta.page * meta.per_page < meta.total_count initSelection: ($element, callback) => urlname = $element.val() $.get Alchemy.routes.api_pages_path, q: urlname_eq: urlname.replace(/^\/([a-z]{2}(-[A-Z]{2})?\/)?(.+?)\/?$/, '$3') page: 1 per_page: 1, (data) => page = data.pages[0] if page @initDomIdSelect(page.id) callback id: page.url_path name: page.name url_path: page.url_path page_id: page.id formatSelection: (page) -> page.name formatResult: (page) -> pageTemplate(page: page) .on 'change', (event) => if event.val == '' @$element_anchor.val(element_anchor_placeholder) @$element_anchor.select2('destroy').prop('disabled', true) else @$element_anchor.val('') @initDomIdSelect(event.added.page_id) # Initializes the select2 based dom id select # reveals after a page has been selected initDomIdSelect: (page_id) -> $.get Alchemy.routes.api_ingredients_path, page_id: page_id, (data) => dom_ids = data.ingredients.filter (ingredient) -> ingredient.data?.dom_id .map (ingredient) -> id: ingredient.data.dom_id text: "##{ingredient.data.dom_id}" @$element_anchor.prop('disabled', false).removeAttr('placeholder').select2 data: [ id: '', text: Alchemy.t('None') ].concat(dom_ids) # Creates a link if no validation errors are present. # Otherwise shows an error notice. createLink: (options) -> if @link_type == 'external' if @validateURLFormat(options.url) @setLink(options.url, options.title, options.target) else return @showValidationError() else @setLink(options.url, options.title, options.target) @close() # Sets the link either in TinyMCE or on an Ingredient. setLink: (url, title, target) -> trimmedUrl = url.trim() if @link_object.editor @setTinyMCELink(trimmedUrl, title, target) else @link_object.setLink(trimmedUrl, title, target, @link_type) return # Sets a link in TinyMCE editor. setTinyMCELink: (url, title, target) -> editor = @link_object.editor editor.execCommand 'mceInsertLink', false, 'href': url 'class': @link_type 'title': title 'data-link-target': target 'target': if target == 'blank' then '_blank' else null editor.selection.collapse() true # Selects the correct tab for link type and fills all fields. selectTab: -> # Restoring the bookmarked selection inside the TinyMCE of an Richtext. if @link_object.node?.nodeName == 'A' @$link = $(@link_object.node) @link_object.selection.moveToBookmark(@link_object.bookmark) # Creating an temporary anchor node if we are linking an Picture Ingredient. else if @link_object.getAttribute && @link_object.getAttribute("is") == "alchemy-link-button" @$link = $(@createTempLink()) else return false # Populate title and target fields. $('.link_title', @dialog_body).val @$link.attr('title') $('.link_target', @dialog_body).select2('val', @$link.attr('data-link-target')) # Checking of what kind the link is (internal, external or file). if @$link.hasClass('external') # Handles an external link. tab = 'overlay_tab_external_link' @$external_link.val(@$link.attr('href')) else if @$link.hasClass('file') # Handles a file link. tab = 'overlay_tab_file_link' @$file_link.select2('val', @$link[0].pathname + @$link[0].search) else if @$link.attr('href').match(/^#/) # Handles an anchor link. tab = 'overlay_tab_anchor_link' @$anchor_link.select2('val', @$link.attr('href')) else if @$link.hasClass('internal') # Handles an internal link. tab = 'overlay_tab_internal_link' @initInternalLinkTab() else # Emit an event to allow extensions hook into the link overlay. @$overlay_tabs.trigger 'SelectLinkTab.Alchemy', link: @$link if tab window.requestAnimationFrame => @$overlay_tabs.get(0).show(tab) return # Handles actions for internal link tab. initInternalLinkTab: -> url = @$link.attr('href').split('#') # update the url field @$internal_link.val(url[0]) # store the anchor @$element_anchor.val(url[1]) # Creates a temporay 'a' element that holds all values on it. createTempLink: -> tmp_link = document.createElement("a") tmp_link.setAttribute('href', @link_object.linkUrl) tmp_link.setAttribute('title', @link_object.linkTitle) tmp_link.setAttribute('data-link-target', @link_object.linkTarget) tmp_link.setAttribute('target', if @link_object.target == 'blank' then '_blank' else "") tmp_link.classList.add(@link_object.linkClass) if @link_object.linkClass != '' tmp_link # Validates url for beginning with an protocol. validateURLFormat: (url) -> if url.match(Alchemy.link_url_regexp) true else false # Shows validation errors showValidationError: -> $('#errors ul', @dialog_body).html("