# R2-OAS
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Generate api docment(OpenAPI) side only from `Rails` routing.
Provides a rake command to help `generate` , `view` , and `edit` OpenAPI documents.
bundle exec rake routes:oas:docs # generate
bundle exec rake routes:oas:ui # view
bundle exec rake routes:oas:editor # edit
bundle exec rake routes:oas:monitor # monitor
bundle exec rake routes:oas:dist # distribute
bundle exec rake routes:oas:clean # clean
bundle exec rake routes:oas:analyze # analyze
bundle exec rake routes:oas:deploy # deploy
## 💎 Installation
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
group :development do
gem 'r2-oas'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install r2-oas
## 🔦 Requirements
If you want to view with `Swagger UI` or edit with `Swagger Editor`, This gem needs the following:
- [`swaggerapi/swagger-ui:latest` docker image](https://hub.docker.com/r/swaggerapi/swagger-ui/)
- [`swaggerapi/swagger-editor:latest` docker image](https://hub.docker.com/r/swaggerapi/swagger-editor/)
- [`chromedriver`](http://chromedriver.chromium.org/downloads)
If you do not have it download as below.
$ docker pull swaggerapi/swagger-editor:latest
$ docker pull swaggerapi/swagger-ui:latest
$ brew cask install chromedriver
## 🚀 Tutorial
After requiring a gem,
bundle exec routes:oas:docs
bundle exec routes:oas:editor
## 📖 Usage
All settings are optional. The initial value is as follows.
In your rails project, Write `config/environments/development.rb` like that:
# default setting
R2OAS.configure do |config|
config.version = :v3
config.root_dir_path = "./oas_docs"
config.schema_save_dir_name = "src"
config.doc_save_file_name = "oas_doc.yml"
config.force_update_schema = false
config.use_tag_namespace = true
config.use_schema_namespace = false
config.interval_to_save_edited_tmp_schema = 15
# :dot or :underbar
config.namespace_type = :underbar
config.deploy_dir_path = "./deploy_docs"
config.server.data = [
url: "http://localhost:3000",
description: "localhost"
config.swagger.configure do |swagger|
swagger.ui.image = "swaggerapi/swagger-ui"
swagger.ui.port = "8080"
swagger.ui.exposed_port = "8080/tcp"
swagger.ui.volume = "/app/swagger.json"
swagger.editor.image = "swaggerapi/swagger-editor"
swagger.editor.port = "81"
swagger.editor.exposed_port = "8080/tcp"
config.use_object_classes = {
info_object: R2OAS::Schema::V3::InfoObject,
paths_object: R2OAS::Schema::V3::PathsObject,
path_item_object: R2OAS::Schema::V3::PathItemObject,
external_document_object: R2OAS::Schema::V3::ExternalDocumentObject,
components_object: R2OAS::Schema::V3::ComponentsObject,
components_schema_object: R2OAS::Schema::V3::Components::SchemaObject,
components_request_body_object: R2OAS::Schema::V3::Components::RequestBodyObject
config.http_statuses_when_http_method = {
get: {
default: %w(200 422),
path_parameter: %w(200 404 422)
post: {
default: %w(201 422),
path_parameter: %w(201 404 422)
patch: {
default: %w(204 422),
path_parameter: %w(204 404 422)
put: {
default: %w(204 422),
path_parameter: %w(204 404 422)
delete: {
default: %w(200 422),
path_parameter: %w(200 404 422)
config.http_methods_when_generate_request_body = %w[post patch put]
config.ignored_http_statuses_when_generate_component_schema = %w[204 404]
config.tool.paths_stats.configure do |paths_stats|
paths_stats.month_to_turn_to_warning_color = 3
paths_stats.warning_color = :red
paths_stats.table_title_color = :yellow
paths_stats.heading_color = :yellow
paths_stats.highlight_color = :magenta
You can execute the following command in the root directory of rails.
$ # Generate docs
$ bundle exec rake routes:oas:docs # Generate docs
$ PATHS_FILE="oas_docs/schema/paths/api/v1/task.yml" bundle exec rake routes:oas:docs # Generate docs by specify unit paths
$ # Start swagger editor
$ bundle exec rake routes:oas:editor # Start swagger editor
$ PATHS_FILE="oas_docs/schema/paths/api/v1/task.yml" bundle exec rake routes:oas:editor # Start swagger editor by specify unit paths
$ # Start swagger ui
$ bundle exec rake routes:oas:ui # Start swagger ui
$ PATHS_FILE="oas_docs/schema/paths/api/v1/task.yml" bundle exec rake routes:oas:ui # Start swagger ui by specify unit paths
$ # Monitor swagger document
$ bundle exec rake routes:oas:monitor # Monitor swagger document
$ PATHS_FILE="oas_docs/schema/paths/api/v1/task.yml" bundle exec rake routes:oas:monitor # Monitor swagger by specify unit paths
$ # Analyze docs
$ OAS_FILE="~/Desktop/swagger.yml" bundle exec rake routes:oas:analyze
$ # Clean docs
$ bundle exec rake routes:oas:clean
$ # Deploy docs
$ bundle exec rake routes:oas:deploy
$ # Distribute swagger document
$ bundle exec rake routes:oas:dist
$ # Distribute swagger document
$ PATHS_FILE="oas_docs/schema/paths/api/v1/task.yml" bundle exec rake routes:oas:dist # Distribute swagger document by specify unit paths
# Display paths list
$ bundle exec rake routes:oas:paths_ls
# Display paths stats
$ bundle exec rake routes:oas:paths_stats
## ❤️ Support Rails Version
- Rails (>=
## ❤️ Support Ruby Version
- Ruby (>= 2.3.3p222 (2016-11-21 revision 56859) [x86_64-darwin18])
## ❤️ Support Rouging
- Rails Engine Routing
- Rails Normal Routing
## ❗️ Convention over Configuration (CoC)
- `tag name` represents `controller name` and determine `paths file name`.
- For example, If `controller name` is `Api::V1::UsersController`, `tag_name` is `api/v1/user`. and `paths file name` is `api/v1/user.yml`
- `_` of `components/{schemas,requestBodies, ...} name` convert `/` when save file.
- For example, If `components/schemas name` is `Api_V1_User`, `components/schemas file name` is `api/v1/user.yml`.
- `_` is supposed to be used to express `namespace`.
- format is `Namespace1_Namespace2_Model`.
- `.` of `components/{schemas,requestBodies, ...} name` convert `/` when save file.
- For example, If `components/schemas name` is `api.v1.User`, `components/schemas file name` is `api/v1/user.yml`.
- `.` is supposed to be used to express `namespace`.
- format is `namespace1.namespace2.Model`.
## ⚙ Configure
we explain the options that can be set.
#### basic
|version|OpenAPI schema version| `:v3` |
|root_dir_path|Root directory for storing products.| `"./oas_docs"` |
|schema_save_dir_name|Directory name for storing swagger schemas|`"src"`|
|doc_save_file_name|File name for storing swagger doc|`"oas_doc.yml"`|
|force_update_schema|Force update schema from routes data|`false`|
|use_tag_namespace|Use namespace for tag name|`true`|
|use_schema_namespace|Use namespace for schema name|`true`|
|interval_to_save_edited_tmp_schema|Interval(sec) to save edited tmp schema|`15`|
|http_statuses_when_http_method|Determine the response to support for each HTTP method|omission...|
|http_methods_when_generate_request_body|HTTP methods when generate requestBody|`[post put patch]`|
|ignored_http_statuses_when_generate_component_schema|Ignore HTTP statuses when generate component schema|`[204 404]`|
|namespace_type|namespace for components(schemas/requestBodies) name| `underbar` |
|deploy_dir_path|deploy directory.|`"./deploy_docs"`|
#### server
|option|children option|description|default|
|server|data|Server data (url, description) |[{ url: `http://localhost:3000`, description: `localhost` }] |
#### swagger
|option|children option|grandchild option|description|default|
|swagger|ui|image|Swagger UI Docker Image|`"swaggerapi/swagger-ui"`|
|swagger|ui|port|Swagger UI Port|`"8080"`|
|swagger|ui|exposed_port|Swagger UI Exposed Port|`"8080/tcp"`|
|swagger|ui|volume|Swagger UI Volume|`"/app/swagger.json"`|
|swagger|editor|image|Swagger Editor Docker Image|`"swaggerapi/swagger-editor"`|
|swagger|editor|port|Swagger Editor Port|`"8080"`|
|swagger|editor|exposed_port|Swagger Editor Exposed Port|`"8080/tcp"`|
#### hook
|use_object_classes|Object class(hook class) to generate Openapi document|{ info_object: `R2OAS::Schema::V3::InfoObject`,
paths_object: `R2OAS::Schema::V3::PathsObject`,
path_item_object: `R2OAS::Schema::V3::PathItemObject`, external_document_object: `R2OAS::Schema::V3::ExternalDocumentObject`,
components_object: `R2OAS::Schema::V3::ComponentsObject`,
components_schema_object: `R2OAS::Schema::V3::Components::SchemaObject`,
components_request_body_object:`R2OAS::Schema::V3::Components::RequestBodyObject` }|
#### tool
|option|children option|grandchild option|description|default|
|tool|paths_stats|month_to_turn_to_warning_color|Elapsed month to issue a warning|`3`|
|tool|paths_stats|warning_color|Warning Color|`:red`|
|tool|paths_stats|table_title_color|Table Title Color|`:yellow`|
|tool|paths_stats|heading_color|Heading Color|`:yellow`|
|tool|paths_stats|highlight_color|Highlight Color|`:magenta`|
Please refer to [here](https://github.com/janlelis/paint) for the color.
## Environment variables
We explain the environment variables that can be set.
|PATHS_FILE|Specify one paths file path|`""`|
|OAS_FILE|Specify swagger file path to analyze|`""`|
## .paths
Writing file paths in .paths will only read them.
You can comment out with `#`
#account_user_role.yml # ignore
account.yml # ignore
account.yml # ignore
## 🔩 CORS
Use [rack-cors](https://github.com/cyu/rack-cors) to enable CORS.
require 'rack/cors'
use Rack::Cors do
allow do
origins '*'
resource '*', headers: :any, methods: [ :get, :post, :put, :delete, :options ]
Alternatively you can set CORS headers in a `before` block.
before do
header['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
header['Access-Control-Request-Method'] = '*'
## 📝 License
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).
## 🤝 Contributing
1. Fork it ( http://github.com/yukihirop/r2-oas/fork )
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create new Pull Request