require "answer_edition" require "guide_edition" require "local_transaction_edition" require "place_edition" require "programme_edition" require "transaction_edition" module WorkflowActor SIMPLE_WORKFLOW_ACTIONS = %W[start_work request_review request_amendments approve_review approve_fact_check archive] def record_action(edition, type, options={}) type = Action.const_get(type.to_s.upcase) action = edition.new_action(self, type, options)! # force callbacks for denormalisation action end def record_action_without_validation(edition, type, options={}) type = Action.const_get(type.to_s.upcase) action = edition.new_action_without_validation(self, type, options)! # force callbacks for denormalisation action end def can_take_action(action, edition) respond_to?(:"can_#{action}?") ? __send__(:"can_#{action}?", edition) : true end def take_action(edition, action, details = {}) if can_take_action(action, edition) and edition.send(action) record_action(edition, action, details) edition else false end end def take_action!(edition, action, details = {}) edition = take_action(edition, action, details) if edition end def progress(edition, activity_details) activity = activity_details.delete(:request_type) edition = send(activity, edition, activity_details) if edition end def record_note(edition, comment) edition.new_action(self, "note", comment: comment) end def create_edition(format, attributes = {}) format = "#{format}_edition" unless format.to_s.match(/edition$/) publication_class = format.to_s.camelize.constantize item = publication_class.create(attributes) record_action(item, Action::CREATE) if item.persisted? item end def new_version(edition, convert_to = nil) return false unless edition.published? if not convert_to.nil? convert_to = convert_to.to_s.camelize.constantize new_edition = edition.build_clone(convert_to) else new_edition = edition.build_clone end if new_edition record_action new_edition, Action::NEW_VERSION new_edition else false end end def send_fact_check(edition, details) return false if details[:email_addresses].blank? details[:comment] ||= "Fact check requested" details[:comment] += "\n\nResponses should be sent to: " + edition.fact_check_email_address take_action(edition, __method__, details) end # Advances state if possible (i.e. if in "fact_check" state) # Always records the action. def receive_fact_check(edition, details) edition.receive_fact_check # Fact checks are processed async, so the user doesn't get an opportunity # to retry without the content that (inadvertantly) fails validation, which happens frequently. record_action_without_validation(edition, :receive_fact_check, details) end def skip_fact_check(edition, details) edition.skip_fact_check record_action(edition, :skip_fact_check, details) end SIMPLE_WORKFLOW_ACTIONS.each do |method| define_method(method) do |edition, details = {}| take_action(edition, __method__, details) end end def publish(edition, details) if edition.published_edition details.merge!({ diff: edition.edition_changes }) end take_action(edition, __method__, details) end def can_approve_review?(edition) # To accommodate latest_status_action being nil, we'll always return true in # those cases # This is intended as a v.temporary fix until we can remedy the root cause if edition.latest_status_action edition.latest_status_action.requester_id != else true end end alias :can_request_amendments? :can_approve_review? def assign(edition, recipient) edition.assigned_to_id = # We're saving the edition here as the controller treats assignment as a # special case. # The controller saves the publication, then updates assignment.! and edition.reload record_action edition, __method__, recipient: recipient end end