module Gmaps4rails require 'rails' require 'gmaps4rails/base' class Engine < Rails::Engine initializer "gmaps4rails view helpers" do |app| ActionView::Base.send :include, Gmaps4railsHelper end initializer "deprecation warning" do |app| warn "[Gmaps4rails DEPRECATION]: Javascript is now deprecated and will be removed in later version. Please use instead." end end class Railtie < Rails::Railtie initializer "include acts_as_gmappable within ORM" do ActiveSupport.on_load(:active_record) do ActiveRecord::Base.send(:include, Gmaps4rails::ActsAsGmappable) end ActiveSupport.on_load(:mongoid) do Mongoid::Document.send(:include, Gmaps4rails::ActsAsGmappable) end end end end