require 'spec_helper' require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe StaticRecord::Relation, :type => :model do it 'returns a StaticRecord::Relation while used method allows chaining' do expect(Article.where(author: 'The author')).to be_a(StaticRecord::Relation) expect(Article.find_by(author: 'The author')).not_to be_a(StaticRecord::Relation) end context '.all' do it 'returns all results' do expect(Article.all.count).to eql(4) expect(Article.see_sql_of.all).to eql("SELECT * FROM articles") end end context '.order' do context 'with a symbol' do it 'returns results ordered' do expected = [ArticleFour, ArticleOne, ArticleThree, ArticleTwo] expect(Article.order(:name) eql(expected) expect(Article.order(:name).to_sql).to eql("SELECT * FROM articles ORDER BY ASC") end end context 'with a string' do it 'returns results ordered' do expected = [ArticleTwo, ArticleThree, ArticleOne, ArticleFour] expect(Article.order("name DESC") eql(expected) expect(Article.order("name DESC").to_sql).to eql("SELECT * FROM articles ORDER BY name DESC") end end context 'with a hash' do it 'returns results ordered with one key' do expected = [ArticleFour, ArticleOne, ArticleThree, ArticleTwo] expect(Article.order(name: :asc) eql(expected) expect(Article.order(name: :asc).to_sql).to eql("SELECT * FROM articles ORDER BY ASC") end it 'returns results ordered with serveral keys' do expected = [ArticleThree, ArticleOne, ArticleTwo, ArticleFour] expect(Article.order(rank: :asc, name: :desc) eql(expected) expect(Article.order(rank: :asc, name: :desc).to_sql).to eql("SELECT * FROM articles ORDER BY articles.rank ASC, DESC") end end context 'with an array' do it 'returns results ordered with one key' do expected = [ArticleFour, ArticleOne, ArticleThree, ArticleTwo] expect(Article.order([:name]) eql(expected) expect(Article.order([:name]).to_sql).to eql("SELECT * FROM articles ORDER BY ASC") end it 'returns results ordered with several keys' do expected = [ArticleThree, ArticleOne, ArticleFour, ArticleTwo] expect(Article.order([:rank, :name]) eql(expected) expect(Article.order([:rank, :name]).to_sql).to eql("SELECT * FROM articles ORDER BY articles.rank ASC, ASC") end end end context '.first' do context 'without parameter' do it 'returns first record ordered by primary key' do expect(Article.first.class).to eql(ArticleFour) expect(Article.see_sql_of.first).to eql("SELECT * FROM articles ORDER BY ASC LIMIT 1") end end context 'with a parameter' do it 'orders records by primary key and returns up to specified number of records from the beginning' do expect(Article.first(2).map(&:class)).to eql([ArticleFour, ArticleOne]) expect(Article.see_sql_of.first(2)).to eql("SELECT * FROM articles ORDER BY ASC LIMIT 2") end end end #TODO: implement .first! context '.last' do context 'without parameter' do it 'returns last record ordered by primary key' do expect(Article.last.class).to eql(ArticleTwo) expect(Article.see_sql_of.last).to eql("SELECT * FROM articles ORDER BY DESC LIMIT 1") end it 'returns use default sort when no primary key has been defined' do expect(Role.last.class).to eql(RoleTwo) expect(Role.see_sql_of.last).to eql("SELECT * FROM roles LIMIT 1 OFFSET #{Role.all.count - 1}") end end context 'with a parameter' do it 'orders records by primary key and returns up to specified number of records from the end' do expect(Article.last(2).map(&:class)).to eql([ArticleThree, ArticleTwo]) expect(Article.see_sql_of.last(2)).to eql("SELECT * FROM articles ORDER BY DESC LIMIT 2") end it 'returns up to specified number of records from the end when no primary key is set' do expect(Role.last(2).map(&:class)).to eql([RoleOne, RoleTwo]) expect(Role.see_sql_of.last(2)).to eql("SELECT * FROM roles LIMIT 2 OFFSET #{Role.all.count - 2}") end end end context '.limit' do it 'returns up to specified number of records' do expect(Article.limit(2) eql([ArticleFour, ArticleOne]) expect(Article.limit(2).to_sql).to eql("SELECT * FROM articles LIMIT 2") end end context '.limit.offset' do it 'returns up to specified number of records with specified offset' do expect(Article.limit(2).offset(1) eql([ArticleOne, ArticleThree]) expect(Article.limit(2).offset(1).to_sql).to eql("SELECT * FROM articles LIMIT 2 OFFSET 1") end end #TODO: implement .last! context '.count' do it 'returns results count using SQL SELECT COUNT()' do expect(Article.where(author: 'The author').count).to eql(2) expect(Article.where(author: 'The author').see_sql_of.count).to eql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM articles WHERE author = 'The author'") end end context '.where' do it 'returns an empty array when no result' do expect(Article.where(author: 'Inexisting author')).to be_empty end it 'is possible to chain where clauses' do request = Article.where(author: 'The author').where(name: 'Article One') expect( eql( expect(request.to_sql).to eql("SELECT * FROM articles WHERE author = 'The author' AND name = 'Article One'") end it 'accepts array of values' do expect(Article.where(name: ['Article One', 'Article Two']).to_a.size).to eql(2) expect(Article.where(name: ['Article One', 'Article Two']).to_sql).to eql("SELECT * FROM articles WHERE name IN (\"Article One\",\"Article Two\")") end it 'accepts strings' do expect(Article.where("name = 'Article Two'").first.class).to eql(ArticleTwo) expect(Article.where("name = 'Article Two'").to_sql).to eql("SELECT * FROM articles WHERE name = 'Article Two'") end it 'accepts strings followed by an anonymous parameters' do expect(Article.where("name = ?", 'Article Two').first.class).to eql(ArticleTwo) expect(Article.where("name = ?", 'Article Two').to_sql).to eql("SELECT * FROM articles WHERE name = \"Article Two\"") end it 'accepts strings followed by several anonymous parameters' do expect(Article.where("name = ? AND author = ?", 'Article Two', 'The author').first.class).to eql(ArticleTwo) expect(Article.where("name = ? AND author = ?", 'Article Two', 'The author').to_sql).to eql("SELECT * FROM articles WHERE name = \"Article Two\" AND author = \"The author\"") end it 'accepts strings followed by a hash of named parameters' do expect(Article.where("name = :name AND author = :author", {name: 'Article Two', author: 'The author'}).first.class).to eql(ArticleTwo) expect(Article.where("name = :name AND author = :author", {name: 'Article Two', author: 'The author'}).to_sql).to eql("SELECT * FROM articles WHERE name = \"Article Two\" AND author = \"The author\"") end end context '.where.not' do it 'uses SQL != operator' do end it 'is possible to chain where and where.not clauses' do request = Article.where(author: 'The author').where.not(name: 'Article Two') expect( eql( expect(request.to_sql).to eql("SELECT * FROM articles WHERE author = 'The author' AND name != 'Article Two'") end it 'is possible to chain where.not and where.not clauses' do request = Article.where.not(author: ['The author', 'Me']).where.not(name: 'Article Two') expect( eql( expect(request.to_sql).to eql("SELECT * FROM articles WHERE author NOT IN (\"The author\",\"Me\") AND name != 'Article Two'") end end context '.find_by' do it 'limits result to 1 record' do expect(Article.find_by(author: 'The author') eql( expect(Article.see_sql_of.find_by(author: 'The author')).to eql("SELECT * FROM articles WHERE author = 'The author' LIMIT 1") end it 'returns nil when no result' do expect(Article.find_by(author: 'Inexisting author')).to be_nil end end #TODO: implement .find_by! context '.find' do it 'raises an error when no primary key has been set' do expect{ Role.find('Role One') }.to raise_error(StaticRecord::NoPrimaryKey) end it 'searches by primary key' do expect(Article.find('Article Two') eql( expect(Article.see_sql_of.find('Article Two')).to eql("SELECT * FROM articles WHERE name = 'Article Two' LIMIT 1") end it 'accepts array of values' do expect(Article.find(['Article One', 'Article Two']).to_a.size).to eql(2) expect(Article.see_sql_of.find(['Article One', 'Article Two'])).to eql("SELECT * FROM articles WHERE name IN (\"Article One\",\"Article Two\")") end context 'one value' do it 'raises an error when no result' do expect{ Article.find('Inexisting Article') }.to raise_error(StaticRecord::RecordNotFound) end end context 'several values' do it 'raises an error when not all results are found' do expect{ Article.find(['Article One', 'Inexisting Article']) }.to raise_error(StaticRecord::RecordNotFound) end end end #TODO: implement find_each and find_in_batches context '.take' do context 'without parameter' do it 'returns a single record' do expect(Article.take.class).to be < Article expect(Article.see_sql_of.take).to eql("SELECT * FROM articles LIMIT 1") end end context 'with a parameter' do it 'returns up to the specified number of records' do expect(Article.take(2).size).to eql(2) expect(Article.see_sql_of.take(2)).to eql("SELECT * FROM articles LIMIT 2") end end end #TODO: implement .take! context '.or' do it 'allows to use the SQL OR' do expect(Article.where(author: 'Inexisting author').or.where(author: 'The author').size).to eql(2) expect(Article.where(author: 'Inexisting author').or.where(author: 'The author').to_sql).to eql("SELECT * FROM articles WHERE author = 'Inexisting author' OR author = 'The author'") end end end