# -*- ruby -*- # frozen_string_literal: true require 'ysql' unless defined?( YSQL ) # Simple set of rules for type casting common Ruby types to PostgreSQL. # # OIDs of supported type casts are not hard-coded in the sources, but are retrieved from the # PostgreSQL's pg_type table in PG::BasicTypeMapForQueries.new . # # Query params are type casted based on the class of the given value. # # Higher level libraries will most likely not make use of this class, but use their # own derivation of PG::TypeMapByClass or another set of rules to choose suitable # encoders and decoders for the values to be sent. # # Example: # conn = PG::Connection.new # # Assign a default ruleset for type casts of input and output values. # conn.type_map_for_queries = PG::BasicTypeMapForQueries.new(conn) # # Execute a query. The Integer param value is typecasted internally by PG::BinaryEncoder::Int8. # # The format of the parameter is set to 0 (text) and the OID of this parameter is set to 20 (int8). # res = conn.exec_params( "SELECT $1", [5] ) class YSQL::BasicTypeMapForQueries < YSQL::TypeMapByClass # Helper class for submission of binary strings into bytea columns. # # Since PG::BasicTypeMapForQueries chooses the encoder to be used by the class of the submitted value, # it's necessary to send binary strings as BinaryData. # That way they're distinct from text strings. # Please note however that PG::BasicTypeMapForResults delivers bytea columns as plain String # with binary encoding. # # conn.type_map_for_queries = PG::BasicTypeMapForQueries.new(conn) # conn.exec("CREATE TEMP TABLE test (data bytea)") # bd = PG::BasicTypeMapForQueries::BinaryData.new("ab\xff\0cd") # conn.exec_params("INSERT INTO test (data) VALUES ($1)", [bd]) class BinaryData < String end class UndefinedEncoder < RuntimeError end include YSQL::BasicTypeRegistry::Checker # Create a new type map for query submission # # Options: # * +registry+: Custom type registry, nil for default global registry # * +if_undefined+: Optional +Proc+ object which is called, if no type for an parameter class is not defined in the registry. # The +Proc+ object is called with the name and format of the missing type. # Its return value is not used. def initialize(connection_or_coder_maps, registry: nil, if_undefined: nil) @coder_maps = build_coder_maps(connection_or_coder_maps, registry: registry) @array_encoders_by_klass = array_encoders_by_klass @encode_array_as = :array @if_undefined = if_undefined || method(:raise_undefined_type).to_proc init_encoders end private def raise_undefined_type(oid_name, format) raise UndefinedEncoder, "no encoder defined for type #{oid_name.inspect} format #{format}" end # Change the mechanism that is used to encode ruby array values # # Possible values: # * +:array+ : Encode the ruby array as a PostgreSQL array. # The array element type is inferred from the class of the first array element. This is the default. # * +:json+ : Encode the ruby array as a JSON document. # * +:record+ : Encode the ruby array as a composite type row. # * "_type" : Encode the ruby array as a particular PostgreSQL type. # All PostgreSQL array types are supported. # If there's an encoder registered for the elements +type+, it will be used. # Otherwise a string conversion (by +value.to_s+) is done. def encode_array_as=(pg_type) case pg_type when :array when :json when :record when /\A_/ else raise ArgumentError, "invalid pg_type #{pg_type.inspect}" end @encode_array_as = pg_type init_encoders end attr_reader :encode_array_as private def init_encoders coders.each { |kl, c| self[kl] = nil } # Clear type map populate_encoder_list @textarray_encoder = coder_by_name(0, :encoder, '_text') end def coder_by_name(format, direction, name) check_format_and_direction(format, direction) @coder_maps.map_for(format, direction).coder_by_name(name) end def undefined(name, format) @if_undefined.call(name, format) end def populate_encoder_list DEFAULT_TYPE_MAP.each do |klass, selector| if Array === selector format, name, oid_name = selector coder = coder_by_name(format, :encoder, name).dup if coder if oid_name oid_coder = coder_by_name(format, :encoder, oid_name) if oid_coder coder.oid = oid_coder.oid else undefined(oid_name, format) end else coder.oid = 0 end self[klass] = coder else undefined(name, format) end else case @encode_array_as when :array self[klass] = selector when :json self[klass] = YSQL::TextEncoder::JSON.new when :record self[klass] = YSQL::TextEncoder::Record.new type_map: self when /\A_/ coder = coder_by_name(0, :encoder, @encode_array_as) if coder self[klass] = coder else undefined(@encode_array_as, format) end else raise ArgumentError, "invalid pg_type #{@encode_array_as.inspect}" end end end end def array_encoders_by_klass DEFAULT_ARRAY_TYPE_MAP.inject({}) do |h, (klass, (format, name))| h[klass] = coder_by_name(format, :encoder, name) h end end def get_array_type(value) elem = value while elem.kind_of?(Array) elem = elem.first end @array_encoders_by_klass[elem.class] || elem.class.ancestors.lazy.map{|ancestor| @array_encoders_by_klass[ancestor] }.find{|a| a } || @textarray_encoder end begin require "bigdecimal" has_bigdecimal = true rescue LoadError end DEFAULT_TYPE_MAP = YSQL.make_shareable({ TrueClass => [1, 'bool', 'bool'], FalseClass => [1, 'bool', 'bool'], # We use text format and no type OID for numbers, because setting the OID can lead # to unnecessary type conversions on server side. Integer => [0, 'int8'], Float => [0, 'float8'], Time => [0, 'timestamptz'], # We use text format and no type OID for IPAddr, because setting the OID can lead # to unnecessary inet/cidr conversions on the server side. IPAddr => [0, 'inet'], Hash => [0, 'json'], Array => :get_array_type, BinaryData => [1, 'bytea'], }.merge(has_bigdecimal ? {BigDecimal => [0, 'numeric']} : {})) private_constant :DEFAULT_TYPE_MAP DEFAULT_ARRAY_TYPE_MAP = YSQL.make_shareable({ TrueClass => [0, '_bool'], FalseClass => [0, '_bool'], Integer => [0, '_int8'], String => [0, '_text'], Float => [0, '_float8'], Time => [0, '_timestamptz'], IPAddr => [0, '_inet'], }.merge(has_bigdecimal ? {BigDecimal => [0, '_numeric']} : {})) private_constant :DEFAULT_ARRAY_TYPE_MAP end