class Exception # we also need to set err.$m to the right method table incase a subclass adds # custom methods.. just get this from the klass: self. def self.allocate `var err = new Error(); err.$klass = self; return err;` end def initialize(message = '') @message = message `return self.message = self.$klass.__classid__ + ': ' + message;` end def message @message end def inspect `return "#<" + self.$klass.__classid__ + ": '" + #{@message} + "'>";` end def to_s @message end end class StandardError < Exception; end class RuntimeError < Exception; end class LocalJumpError < StandardError; end class TypeError < StandardError; end class NameError < StandardError; end class NoMethodError < NameError; end class ArgumentError < StandardError; end class ScriptError < Exception; end class LoadError < ScriptError; end class IndexError < StandardError; end class KeyError < IndexError; end class RangeError < StandardError; end