1.4 - static_scope -> constant_scope to rubinius 2.0.rc1 1.3 - CompiledMethod#lines tuple changes and allow rubinius 2.0.pre 1.2 - Add CompiledMethod caching. 1.1.1 March 15, 2011 - Cache compiled methods for rbx-trepanning 1.1 February 23, 2011 - Minor revision to description and to tolerate all Rubinius 1.2.x versions December 25, 2010 - Handle Rubinius eval_source to temp file remapping. October 27, 2010 - First gemcutter rubinius release 0.43 06-12-08 - tolerance for finding windows extension in lib rather than ext. 0.41 - add test/data/* to gem. 0.4 - Credit Ryan Davis and ParseTree. 0.3 - Add tracelines: get line numbers that can be stopped at. - Add routines to allow line-number remapping and filename remapping. - Add access methods to get the number of lines in a file. 0.2 - Make this work with ruby-debug-base. Add reload-on-change parameters. add checkcache, cache, cached? sha1, and stat methods. - Use SCRIPT_LINES__. 0.1 - Initial release of LineCache, a module for reading and caching lines.