require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'test_helper') require 'hammer_cli_foreman/sessions' require 'tmpdir' require 'tempfile' require 'json' describe HammerCLIForeman do describe HammerCLIForeman::Sessions do describe "#get" do it 'should create session file when it doesn\'t exist' do HammerCLI::Settings.expects(:get).with(:foreman, :use_sessions).returns(true) Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| HammerCLIForeman::Sessions.stubs(:storage).returns(dir) session = HammerCLIForeman::Sessions.get('') _( _(session.user_name).must_be_nil end end it 'should load the session file' do HammerCLI::Settings.expects(:get).with(:foreman, :use_sessions).returns(true) Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| HammerCLIForeman::Sessions.stubs(:storage).returns(dir) session_content = { :id => '3040b0f04c3a35a499e6837278904d48', :user_name => 'admin' } session_path = "#{dir}/","w") do |f| f.write(session_content.to_json) end File.chmod(0600, session_path) session = HammerCLIForeman::Sessions.get('') _( '3040b0f04c3a35a499e6837278904d48' _(session.user_name).must_equal 'admin' end end it 'should create the storage dir if it does not exist' do HammerCLI::Settings.expects(:get).with(:foreman, :use_sessions).returns(true) Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| HammerCLIForeman::Sessions.stubs(:storage).returns(dir) FileUtils.rm_rf(dir) HammerCLIForeman::Sessions.get('') _(File.exist?(dir)).must_equal true end end it 'should check permissions (700) on the storage' do HammerCLI::Settings.expects(:get).with(:foreman, :use_sessions).returns(true) Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| HammerCLIForeman::Sessions.stubs(:storage).returns(dir) FileUtils.chmod(0777, dir) _, err = capture_io { HammerCLIForeman::Sessions.get('') } _(err).must_equal("Invalid permissions for #{dir}: 40777, expected 40700.\n" \ "Using session auth with invalid permissions on session files is not recommended.\n") end end it 'should check permissions (600) on the storage file' do HammerCLI::Settings.expects(:get).with(:foreman, :use_sessions).returns(true) Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| HammerCLIForeman::Sessions.stubs(:storage).returns(dir) session_content = { :id => '3040b0f04c3a35a499e6837278904d48', :user_name => 'admin' } session_path = "#{dir}/","w") do |f| f.write(session_content.to_json) end File.chmod(0666, session_path) _, err = capture_io { HammerCLIForeman::Sessions.get('') } _(err).must_equal("Invalid permissions for #{session_path}: 100666, expected 100600.\n" \ "Using session auth with invalid permissions on session files is not recommended.\n") end end it 'should fail if sessions are not enabled' do HammerCLI::Settings.expects(:get).with(:foreman, :use_sessions).returns(false) e = _(proc { HammerCLIForeman::Sessions.get('')}).must_raise RuntimeError _(e.message).must_equal "Sessions are not enabled, please check your Hammer settings." end end describe "#enabled?" do it 'tests sessions are enabled' do HammerCLI::Settings.expects(:get).with(:foreman, :use_sessions).returns(true) _(HammerCLIForeman::Sessions.enabled?).must_equal true end it 'tests sessions are disabled' do HammerCLI::Settings.expects(:get).with(:foreman, :use_sessions).returns(false) _(HammerCLIForeman::Sessions.enabled?).must_equal false end end describe "#session_file" do it 'should return file path for session' do file_path = HammerCLIForeman::Sessions.session_file('') _(file_path).must_equal(File.join(, '')) end it 'should handle invalid url' do e = _(proc { HammerCLIForeman::Sessions.session_file('/\/')}).must_raise RuntimeError _(e.message).must_equal "The url (/\\/) is not a valid URL. Session can not be created." end it 'should handle empty url' do e = _(proc { HammerCLIForeman::Sessions.session_file('')}).must_raise RuntimeError _(e.message).must_equal "The url is empty. Session can not be created." end end end describe HammerCLIForeman::Session do it 'should be able to store its data' do Tempfile.create('session') do |f| session = = '3040b0f04c3a35a499e6837278904d48' session.user_name = 'admin' session = _( '3040b0f04c3a35a499e6837278904d48' _(session.user_name).must_equal 'admin' end end it 'should store session file with 600 perm' do Tempfile.create('session') do |f| session = _(File.stat(f.path).mode.to_s(8)).must_equal '100600' end end it 'should reset invalid session file' do Tempfile.create('session') do |f| f << '{[Invalid' f.rewind _, err = capture_io do session = = nil session.user_name = nil end _(err).must_equal("Invalid session data. Resetting the session.\n") end end describe ".destroy" do it 'should be able to destroy session' do Tempfile.create('session') do |f| session = = '3040b0f04c3a35a499e6837278904d48' session.user_name = 'admin' session.destroy session = _( _(session.user_name).must_equal 'admin' end end end describe ".valid?" do it "tests if session is invalid" do Tempfile.create('session') do |f| session = = nil session.user_name = 'admin' _(session.valid?).must_equal false end end it "tests if session is valid" do Tempfile.create('session') do |f| session = = '34252624635723572357234' session.user_name = 'admin' _(session.valid?).must_equal true end end end end end