require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../../../spec_helper.rb" describe RightRails::Helpers::Basic do include RightRails::Helpers::Basic include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper it "should build the basic javascript include tags" do should_receive(:javascript_include_tag).with(*%w{right right/rails}) rightjs_scripts end it "should catch the optional modules" do @_right_scripts = %w{lightbox dnd} should_receive(:javascript_include_tag).with(*%w{right right/lightbox right/dnd right/rails}) rightjs_scripts end it "should let to specify the modules as arguments" do should_receive(:javascript_include_tag).with(*%w{right right/lightbox right/dnd right/rails}) rightjs_scripts :lightbox, :dnd end it "should load internationalization modules if defined" do should_receive(:javascript_include_tag).with(*%w{right right/rails right/i18n/ru}) I18n.locale = 'ru' File.should_receive(:exists?).with("rails-root/public/javascripts/right/i18n/ru.js").and_return(true) rightjs_scripts end it "should not include non-existing locales" do should_receive(:javascript_include_tag).with(*%w{right right/rails}) I18n.locale = 'some-weird-stuff' File.should_receive(:exists?).with("rails-root/public/javascripts/right/i18n/some-weird-stuff.js").and_return(false) rightjs_scripts end it "should build a script-generator for the rjs method" do rjs.should be_a(RightRails::JavaScriptGenerator) end it "should generate scripts with rjs one-liners" do == 'boo().boo().boo()' end it "should generate scripts with rjs blocks" do rjs do |page| end.to_s.should == 'boo().boo().boo();' end it "should generate a proper javascript tag construction" do should_receive(:javascript_tag).and_return('javascript_tag') rjs_tag do |page| end.to_s.should == 'javascript_tag' end describe "in the development mode" do before :all do Kernel::RAILS_ENV = 'development' end after :all do # suppressing the warning coz we're being noughty in here and reassign the constant Kernel::silence_warnings do Kernel::RAILS_ENV = 'production' end end it "should use the source scripts" do should_receive(:javascript_include_tag).with(*%w{right-src right/rails-src}) rightjs_scripts end end end