# frozen_string_literal: true # Licensed to the Software Freedom Conservancy (SFC) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The SFC licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. module Selenium module WebDriver module Remote # # Specification of the desired and/or actual capabilities of the browser that the # server is being asked to create. # class Capabilities KNOWN = [ :browser_name, :browser_version, :platform_name, :accept_insecure_certs, :page_load_strategy, :proxy, :set_window_rect, :timeouts, :unhandled_prompt_behavior, :strict_file_interactability, # remote-specific (webdriver.remote.sessionid) :remote_session_id ].freeze (KNOWN - %i[proxy timeouts]).each do |key| define_method key do @capabilities.fetch(key) end define_method "#{key}=" do |value| @capabilities[key] = value end end # # Backward compatibility # alias_method :version, :browser_version alias_method :version=, :browser_version= alias_method :platform, :platform_name alias_method :platform=, :platform_name= # # Convenience methods for the common choices. # class << self def chrome(opts = {}) new({ browser_name: 'chrome' }.merge(opts)) end def edge(opts = {}) new({ browser_name: 'MicrosoftEdge' }.merge(opts)) end alias_method :microsoftedge, :edge def firefox(opts = {}) new({ browser_name: 'firefox' }.merge(opts)) end alias_method :ff, :firefox def safari(opts = {}) new({ browser_name: Selenium::WebDriver::Safari.technology_preview? ? "Safari Technology Preview" : 'safari' }.merge(opts)) end def htmlunit(opts = {}) new({ browser_name: 'htmlunit' }.merge(opts)) end def internet_explorer(opts = {}) new({ browser_name: 'internet explorer', platform_name: :windows }.merge(opts)) end alias_method :ie, :internet_explorer def always_match(capabilities) new(always_match: capabilities) end def first_match(*capabilities) new(first_match: capabilities) end # # @api private # def json_create(data) data = data.dup caps = new process_timeouts(caps, data.delete('timeouts')) if data.key?('proxy') proxy = data.delete('proxy') caps.proxy = Proxy.json_create(proxy) unless proxy.nil? || proxy.empty? end # Remote Server Specific if data.key?('webdriver.remote.sessionid') caps[:remote_session_id] = data.delete('webdriver.remote.sessionid') end KNOWN.each do |cap| data_value = camel_case(cap) caps[cap] = data.delete(data_value) if data.key?(data_value) end # any remaining pairs will be added as is, with no conversion caps.merge!(data) caps end def camel_case(str_or_sym) str_or_sym.to_s.gsub(/_([a-z])/) { Regexp.last_match(1).upcase } end private def process_timeouts(caps, timeouts) return if timeouts.nil? caps.implicit_timeout = timeouts['implicit'] caps.page_load_timeout = timeouts['pageLoad'] caps.script_timeout = timeouts['script'] end end # # @param [Hash] opts # @option :browser_name [String] required browser name # @option :browser_version [String] required browser version number # @option :platform_name [Symbol] one of :any, :win, :mac, or :x # @option :accept_insecure_certs [Boolean] does the driver accept insecure SSL certifications? # @option :proxy [Selenium::WebDriver::Proxy, Hash] proxy configuration # # @api public # def initialize(opts = {}) @capabilities = {} self.proxy = opts.delete(:proxy) if opts[:proxy] @capabilities.merge!(opts) end # # Allows setting arbitrary capabilities. # def []=(key, value) @capabilities[key] = value end def [](key) @capabilities[key] end def merge!(other) if other.respond_to?(:capabilities, true) && other.capabilities.is_a?(Hash) @capabilities.merge! other.capabilities elsif other.is_a? Hash @capabilities.merge! other else raise ArgumentError, 'argument should be a Hash or implement #capabilities' end end def proxy @capabilities.fetch(:proxy) end def proxy=(proxy) case proxy when Hash @capabilities[:proxy] = Proxy.new(proxy) when Proxy, nil @capabilities[:proxy] = proxy else raise TypeError, "expected Hash or #{Proxy.name}, got #{proxy.inspect}:#{proxy.class}" end end def timeouts @capabilities[:timeouts] ||= {} end def timeouts=(timeouts) @capabilities[:timeouts] = timeouts end def implicit_timeout timeouts[:implicit] end def implicit_timeout=(timeout) timeouts[:implicit] = timeout end def page_load_timeout timeouts[:page_load] || timeouts[:pageLoad] end def page_load_timeout=(timeout) timeouts[:page_load] = timeout end def script_timeout timeouts[:script] end def script_timeout=(timeout) timeouts[:script] = timeout end # # @api private # def as_json(*) @capabilities.each_with_object({}) do |(key, value), hash| hash[convert_key(key)] = process_capabilities(key, value, hash) end end def to_json(*) JSON.generate as_json end def ==(other) return false unless other.is_a? self.class as_json == other.as_json end alias_method :eql?, :== protected attr_reader :capabilities private def process_capabilities(key, value, hash) case value when Array value.map { |v| process_capabilities(key, v, hash) } when Hash value.each_with_object({}) do |(k, v), h| h[convert_key(k)] = process_capabilities(k, v, h) end when Capabilities, Options value.as_json else convert_value(key, value) end end def convert_key(key) case key when String key.to_s when Symbol self.class.camel_case(key) else raise TypeError, "expected String or Symbol, got #{key.inspect}:#{key.class}" end end def convert_value(key, value) case key when :platform value.to_s.upcase when :proxy convert_proxy(value) when :unhandled_prompt_behavior value.is_a?(Symbol) ? value.to_s.tr('_', ' ') : value else value end end def convert_proxy(value) return unless value hash = value.as_json hash['proxyType'] &&= hash['proxyType'].downcase hash['noProxy'] = hash['noProxy'].split(', ') if hash['noProxy'].is_a?(String) hash end end # Capabilities end # Remote end # WebDriver end # Selenium