module Pesapal class Merchant attr_accessor :config, :order_details def config @config ||= {} end def order_details @order_details ||= {} end private def api_domain @api_domain end def api_endpoints @api_endpoints end def mode @mode end def params @params end def post_xml @post_xml end def token_secret @token_secret end public # constructor def initialize(mode = Rails.env, path_to_file = nil) # initialize @params = nil @post_xml = nil @token_secret = nil set_mode mode # set the credentials if we have specified a path from which we # will access a YAML file with the configurations unless path_to_file.nil? set_configuration_from_yaml path_to_file end end # generate pesapal order url (often iframed) def generate_order_url # check if the config is empty, if yes, we try load what was set by the # initializer into Pesapal.config if config.empty? set_configuration Pesapal.config[@mode] end # build xml with input data, the format is standard so no editing is # required @post_xml = Pesapal::Post::generate_post_xml @order_details # initialize setting of @params (oauth_signature left empty) @params = Pesapal::Post::set_parameters(@config[:callback_url], @config[:consumer_key], @post_xml) # generate oauth signature and add signature to the request parameters @params[:oauth_signature] = Pesapal::Oauth::generate_oauth_signature("GET", @api_endpoints[:postpesapaldirectorderv4], @params, @config[:consumer_secret], @token_secret) # change params (with signature) to a query string query_string = Pesapal::Oauth::generate_encoded_params_query_string @params "#{@api_endpoints[:postpesapaldirectorderv4]}?#{query_string}" end # query the details of the transaction def query_payment_details(merchant_reference, transaction_tracking_id) # check if the config is empty, if yes, we try load what was set by the # initializer into Pesapal.config if config.empty? set_configuration Pesapal.config[@mode] end # initialize setting of @params (oauth_signature left empty) @params = Pesapal::Details::set_parameters(@config[:consumer_key], merchant_reference, transaction_tracking_id) # generate oauth signature and add signature to the request parameters @params[:oauth_signature] = Pesapal::Oauth::generate_oauth_signature("GET", @api_endpoints[:querypaymentdetails], @params, @config[:consumer_secret], @token_secret) # change params (with signature) to a query string query_string = Pesapal::Oauth::generate_encoded_params_query_string @params # get status response response = Net::HTTP.get(URI("#{@api_endpoints[:querypaymentdetails]}?#{query_string}")) response = CGI::parse(response) response = response["pesapal_response_data"][0].split(',') details = { :method => response[1], :status => response[2], :merchant_reference => response[3], :transaction_tracking_id => response[0] } end # query the status of the transaction def query_payment_status(merchant_reference, transaction_tracking_id = nil) # check if the config is empty, if yes, we try load what was set by the # initializer into Pesapal.config if config.empty? set_configuration Pesapal.config[@mode] end # initialize setting of @params (oauth_signature left empty) @params = Pesapal::Status::set_parameters(@config[:consumer_key], merchant_reference, transaction_tracking_id) # generate oauth signature and add signature to the request parameters @params[:oauth_signature] = Pesapal::Oauth::generate_oauth_signature("GET", @api_endpoints[:querypaymentstatus], @params, @config[:consumer_secret], @token_secret) # change params (with signature) to a query string query_string = Pesapal::Oauth::generate_encoded_params_query_string @params # get status response response = Net::HTTP.get(URI("#{@api_endpoints[:querypaymentstatus]}?#{query_string}")) response = CGI::parse(response) # return the string result of what we want response["pesapal_response_data"][0] end # set mode when called def set_mode(mode = Rails.env) # convert symbol to string and downcase @mode = mode.to_s.downcase # set api endpoints depending on the mode set_endpoints end # listen to ipn response def ipn_listener(notification_type, merchant_reference, transaction_tracking_id) status = query_payment_status(merchant_reference, transaction_tracking_id) output = { :status => status } if status == "COMPLETED" output[:response] = "pesapal_notification_type=CHANGE&pesapal_transaction_tracking_id=#{transaction_tracking_id}&pesapal_merchant_reference=#{merchant_reference}" elsif status == "FAILED" output[:response] = "pesapal_notification_type=CHANGE&pesapal_transaction_tracking_id=#{transaction_tracking_id}&pesapal_merchant_reference=#{merchant_reference}" else output[:response] = "" end output end private # set endpoints def set_endpoints if @mode == 'production' @api_domain = '' else @api_domain = '' end @api_endpoints = {} @api_endpoints[:postpesapaldirectorderv4] = "#{@api_domain}/API/PostPesapalDirectOrderV4" @api_endpoints[:querypaymentstatus] = "#{@api_domain}/API/QueryPaymentStatus" @api_endpoints[:querypaymentdetails] = "#{@api_domain}/API/QueryPaymentDetails" end # set credentialts through hash, uses default if nothing is input def set_configuration(consumer_details = {}) # set the configuration @config = { :callback_url => '', :consumer_key => '', :consumer_secret => '' } valid_config_keys = @config.keys consumer_details.each { |k,v| @config[k.to_sym] = v if valid_config_keys.include? k.to_sym } end # set configuration through yaml file def set_configuration_from_yaml(path_to_file) if File.exist?(path_to_file) # load file, read it and parse the YAML begin loaded_config = YAML::load( rescue Errno::ENOENT"YAML configuration file couldn't be found. Using defaults."); return rescue Psych::SyntaxError"YAML configuration file contains invalid syntax. Using defaults."); return end # pick the correct settings depending on the the mode and set it # appropriately. this file is expected to have the settings for # development and production set_configuration loaded_config[@mode] else # in this case default values will be set set_configuration end end end end