# Half Pipe [![Stories in Ready](https://badge.waffle.io/d-i/half-pipe.png?label=ready)](http://waffle.io/d-i/half-pipe) Gem to replace the Rails asset pipeline with a Grunt.js-based workflow, providing dependencies via Bower. Half Pipe is a generator to get you up and running quickly with a Grunt setup for building client-side code in Rails apps. We believe that your asset workflow is yours and you should be able to configure it however you need to. ## Who is this For? This initial release assumes you have been using [Grunt.js](http://www.gruntjs.com) in non-Rails apps and would like to start using it in Rails as well. It uses [Bower](http://bower.io) for dependency management, [RequireJS](http://www.requirejs.org) for Javascript modules and Sass for CSS. If you use alternatives to these tools, we'd love to hear from you. ## Looking for Contributors If you take a look at our [issue board on waffle.io](http://waffle.io/d-i/half-pipe) you'll see that we have some big plans for future releases of Half Pipe. If you are interested in working on a feature or fixing a bug, please feel free to move the issue to "In Progress" and send a PR when you're ready. If you have ideas or questions, please feel free to [open an issue](https://github.com/d-i/half-pipe/issues/new). ## Getting Started ### Directory Structure We believe that the directory structured imposed by the Rails asset pipeline was a step in the right direction, but did not go far enough in making client code a first-class part of your application. Given that, we have put assets at the same level as the rest of your Ruby code: - `app/scripts` - Javascript files (currently all RequireJS modules) - `app/styles` - Sass templates #### Rails Generator In a Rails app, use `rails g half_pipe:install` to get started. This will generate the directory structure and any files necessary for your Grunt workflow.
Generated Purpose
Gruntfile.js Main configuration for your Grunt tasks
bower.json 3rd-party asset dependencies (includes normalize-css, requirejs, and html5shiv by default)
package.json NPM dependencies (ie. Bower, Grunt, any Grunt tasks)
.jshintrc Linting configuration for Javascript
app/scripts/application.js Entry point for requirejs; includes requirejs configuration, main module require and bootstraps page
app/scripts/main.js Main module for your app; includes page initialization and requires any modules necessary for initialization
config/initializers/sass.rb Bootstraps Sass with bower importer
Beyond these files, the generator also removes sprockets from `config/application.rb` and replaces `javascript_include_tag "application"` in your application layout with `requirejs_include_tag "/scripts/application.js"`. #### Post-generator Tasks If you're in an app with existing assets, the generator **DOES NOT** touch them. It is up to you to move them into their new homes and incorporate any existing Javascript files into `requirejs` modules. ### Building Assets Build assets by running `grunt build`. This will compile Javascripts to `public/scripts` and stylesheets to `public/styles`. ### Configuration In this early release if you want to configure anything, you'll have to manually change `Gruntfile.js`. We'd like to make this more invisible in the future; please post any use cases for configuration as Github issues. ## History ### 07/22/2013 v0.2.0 - Removes dependency on rack-asset-compiler and embeds the code in this gem ### 07/19/2013 v0.1.0 - Override Rails' `rake assets:precompile` to run `grunt build` for easier deployments - Allow for configuring asset server with `config.half_pipe.serve_assets = true|false` - Use Almond for requirejs optimization so as not to need requirejs in production ## Roadmap We're currently undergoing some pretty major changes in the Half Pipe workflow. See our [milestones](/d-i/half-pipe/issues/milestones) for what's coming in the near future. ## Future Features - Precompilation of client-side templates - Javascript module generator - Configurable asset directories - Configurable build directories - Better support for images - Support for additional module loaders (including ES6 modules) - Padrino support - Middleman support - Support for most popular [AltJS](http://www.altjs.com) languages - BYO support for less common languages - Automatic symlinking of CSS files within bower to SCSS partials within `app/styles` - Read .bowerrc for Bower directory