# Resource Types [acm](#acm) | [alb](#alb) | [alb_listener](#alb_listener) | [ami](#ami) | [autoscaling_group](#autoscaling_group) | [cloudfront_distribution](#cloudfront_distribution) | [cloudtrail](#cloudtrail) | [cloudwatch_alarm](#cloudwatch_alarm) | [cloudwatch_event](#cloudwatch_event) | [cloudwatch_logs](#cloudwatch_logs) | [customer_gateway](#customer_gateway) | [directconnect_virtual_interface](#directconnect_virtual_interface) | [dynamodb_table](#dynamodb_table) | [ebs](#ebs) | [ec2](#ec2) | [ecr_repository](#ecr_repository) | [ecs_cluster](#ecs_cluster) | [ecs_container_instance](#ecs_container_instance) | [ecs_service](#ecs_service) | [ecs_task_definition](#ecs_task_definition) | [efs](#efs) | [eip](#eip) | [elasticache](#elasticache) | [elasticache_cache_parameter_group](#elasticache_cache_parameter_group) | [elasticsearch](#elasticsearch) | [elastictranscoder_pipeline](#elastictranscoder_pipeline) | [elb](#elb) | [iam_group](#iam_group) | [iam_policy](#iam_policy) | [iam_role](#iam_role) | [iam_user](#iam_user) | [internet_gateway](#internet_gateway) | [kms](#kms) | [lambda](#lambda) | [launch_configuration](#launch_configuration) | [nat_gateway](#nat_gateway) | [network_acl](#network_acl) | [network_interface](#network_interface) | [rds](#rds) | [rds_db_cluster_parameter_group](#rds_db_cluster_parameter_group) | [rds_db_parameter_group](#rds_db_parameter_group) | [route53_hosted_zone](#route53_hosted_zone) | [route_table](#route_table) | [s3_bucket](#s3_bucket) | [security_group](#security_group) | [ses_identity](#ses_identity) | [sqs](#sqs) | [subnet](#subnet) | [vpc](#vpc) | [vpn_connection](#vpn_connection) | [vpn_gateway](#vpn_gateway) | [waf_web_acl](#waf_web_acl) | [account](#account) ## acm Acm resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe acm('example.com') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_pending_validation, be_issued, be_inactive, be_expired, be_validation_timed_out, be_revoked, be_failed ### its(:certificate_arn), its(:domain_name), its(:subject_alternative_names), its(:domain_validation_options), its(:serial), its(:subject), its(:issuer), its(:created_at), its(:issued_at), its(:imported_at), its(:status), its(:revoked_at), its(:revocation_reason), its(:not_before), its(:not_after), its(:key_algorithm), its(:signature_algorithm), its(:in_use_by), its(:failure_reason), its(:type), its(:renewal_summary) ## alb ALB resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe alb('my-alb') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_active, be_provisioning, be_failed ```ruby describe alb('my-alb') do it { should be_active } end ``` ### have_security_group ```ruby describe alb('my-alb') do it { should have_security_group('sg-1a2b3cd4') } end ``` ### have_subnet ```ruby describe alb('my-alb') do it { should have_subnet('subnet-1234a567') } end ``` ### its(:load_balancer_arn), its(:dns_name), its(:canonical_hosted_zone_id), its(:created_time), its(:load_balancer_name), its(:scheme), its(:vpc_id), its(:type), its(:security_groups), its(:ip_address_type) ## alb_listener AlbListener resource type. ### exist ### its(:listener_arn), its(:load_balancer_arn), its(:port), its(:protocol), its(:certificates), its(:ssl_policy) ## ami AMI resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe ami('my-ami') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_pending, be_available, be_invalid, be_deregistered, be_transient, be_failed, be_error ```ruby describe ami('my-ami') do it { should be_available } end ``` ### have_tag ### its(:architecture), its(:creation_date), its(:image_id), its(:image_location), its(:image_type), its(:public), its(:kernel_id), its(:owner_id), its(:platform), its(:ramdisk_id), its(:state), its(:description), its(:ena_support), its(:hypervisor), its(:image_owner_alias), its(:name), its(:root_device_name), its(:root_device_type), its(:sriov_net_support), its(:state_reason), its(:virtualization_type) ### :unlock: Advanced use `ami` can use `Aws::EC2::Image` resource (see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdkforruby/api/Aws/EC2/Image.html). ## autoscaling_group AutoscalingGroup resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe autoscaling_group('my-auto-scaling-group') do it { should exist } end ``` ### have_ec2 ```ruby describe autoscaling_group('my-auto-scaling-group') do it { should have_ec2('my-ec2') } end ``` ### have_elb ```ruby describe autoscaling_group('my-auto-scaling-group') do it { should have_elb('my-elb') } end ``` ### have_suspended_process ### have_tag ```ruby describe autoscaling_group('my-auto-scaling-group') do it { should have_tag('Name').value('my-group') } end ``` ### its(:auto_scaling_group_name), its(:auto_scaling_group_arn), its(:launch_configuration_name), its(:min_size), its(:max_size), its(:desired_capacity), its(:default_cooldown), its(:availability_zones), its(:load_balancer_names), its(:target_group_arns), its(:health_check_type), its(:health_check_grace_period), its(:created_time), its(:placement_group), its(:vpc_zone_identifier), its(:enabled_metrics), its(:status), its(:termination_policies), its(:new_instances_protected_from_scale_in) ## cloudfront_distribution CloudfrontDistribution resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe cloudfront_distribution('123456789zyxw.cloudfront.net') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_in_progress, be_deployed ```ruby describe cloudfront_distribution('123456789zyxw.cloudfront.net') do it { should be_deployed } end ``` ### have_origin ```ruby describe cloudfront_distribution('E2CLOUDFRONTXX') do it do should have_origin('cf-s3-origin-hosting.dev.example.com') .domain_name('cf-s3-origin-hosting.dev.example.com.s3.amazonaws.com') .origin_path('/img') .origin_access_identity('origin-access-identity/cloudfront/E2VVVVVVVVVVVV') end end ``` ### have_origin_domain_name ```ruby describe cloudfront_distribution('123456789zyxw.cloudfront.net') do it { should have_origin_domain_name('cf-s3-origin-hosting.dev.example.com.s3.amazonaws.com') } end ``` ### have_origin_domain_name_and_path ```ruby describe cloudfront_distribution('123456789zyxw.cloudfront.net') do it { should have_origin_domain_name_and_path('cf-s3-origin-hosting.dev.example.com.s3.amazonaws.com/img') } end ``` ### its(:id), its(:arn), its(:status), its(:last_modified_time), its(:domain_name), its(:comment), its(:price_class), its(:enabled), its(:web_acl_id), its(:http_version), its(:is_ipv6_enabled) ## cloudtrail Cloudtrail resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe cloudtrail('my-trail') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_logging ```ruby describe cloudtrail('my-trail') do it { should be_logging } end ``` ### be_multi_region_trail ```ruby describe cloudtrail('my-trail') do it { should be_multi_region_trail } end ``` ### have_global_service_events_included ```ruby describe cloudtrail('my-trail') do it { should have_global_service_events_included } end ``` ### have_log_file_validation_enabled ```ruby describe cloudtrail('my-trail') do it { should have_log_file_validation_enabled } end ``` ### its(:name), its(:s3_bucket_name), its(:s3_key_prefix), its(:sns_topic_name), its(:sns_topic_arn), its(:include_global_service_events), its(:is_multi_region_trail), its(:home_region), its(:trail_arn), its(:log_file_validation_enabled), its(:cloud_watch_logs_log_group_arn), its(:cloud_watch_logs_role_arn), its(:kms_key_id), its(:has_custom_event_selectors) ## cloudwatch_alarm CloudwatchAlarm resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe cloudwatch_alarm('my-cloudwatch-alarm') do it { should exist } end ``` ### have_alarm_action ```ruby describe cloudwatch_alarm('my-cloudwatch-alarm') do it { should have_alarm_action('arn:aws:sns:ap-northeast-1:1234567890:sns_alert') } end ``` ### have_insufficient_data_action ```ruby describe cloudwatch_alarm('my-cloudwatch-alarm') do it { should have_insufficient_data_action('arn:aws:sns:ap-northeast-1:1234567890:sns_alert') } end ``` ### have_ok_action ```ruby describe cloudwatch_alarm('my-cloudwatch-alarm') do it { should have_ok_action('arn:aws:sns:ap-northeast-1:1234567890:sns_alert') } end ``` ### belong_to_metric ```ruby describe cloudwatch_alarm('my-cloudwatch-alarm') do it { should belong_to_metric('NumberOfProcesses').namespace('my-cloudwatch-namespace') } end ``` ### its(:alarm_name), its(:alarm_arn), its(:alarm_description), its(:alarm_configuration_updated_timestamp), its(:actions_enabled), its(:ok_actions), its(:alarm_actions), its(:insufficient_data_actions), its(:state_value), its(:state_reason), its(:state_reason_data), its(:state_updated_timestamp), its(:metric_name), its(:namespace), its(:statistic), its(:extended_statistic), its(:period), its(:unit), its(:evaluation_periods), its(:threshold), its(:comparison_operator), its(:treat_missing_data), its(:evaluate_low_sample_count_percentile) ## cloudwatch_event CloudwatchEvent resource type. ### exist ### be_enable ### be_scheduled ### its(:name), its(:arn), its(:event_pattern), its(:state), its(:description), its(:schedule_expression), its(:role_arn) ## cloudwatch_logs CloudwatchLogs resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe cloudwatch_logs('my-cloudwatch-logs-group') do it { should exist } end ``` ### have_log_stream ```ruby describe cloudwatch_logs('my-cloudwatch-logs-group') do it { should have_log_stream('my-cloudwatch-logs-stream') } end ``` ### have_metric_filter ```ruby describe cloudwatch_logs('my-cloudwatch-logs-group') do it { should have_metric_filter('my-cloudwatch-logs-metric-filter') } end ``` ### have_subscription_filter ```ruby describe cloudwatch_logs('my-cloudwatch-logs-group') do it { should have_subscription_filter('my-cloudwatch-logs-subscription-filter') } end ``` or ```ruby describe cloudwatch_logs('my-cloudwatch-logs-group') do it do should have_subscription_filter('my-cloudwatch-logs-subscription-filter')\ .filter_pattern('[host, ident, authuser, date, request, status, bytes]') end end ``` ### its(:log_group_name), its(:creation_time), its(:retention_in_days), its(:metric_filter_count), its(:arn), its(:stored_bytes) ## customer_gateway CustomerGateway resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe customer_gateway('my-customer-gateway') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_pending, be_available, be_deleting, be_deleted ```ruby describe customer_gateway('my-customer-gateway') do it { should be_running } end ``` ### have_tag ```ruby describe customer_gateway('my-customer-gateway') do it { should have_tag('Name').value('my-customer-gateway') } end ``` ### its(:bgp_asn), its(:customer_gateway_id), its(:ip_address), its(:state), its(:type), its(:tags) ## directconnect_virtual_interface DirectconnectVirtualInterface resource type. ```ruby describe directconnect_virtual_interface('my-directconnect-virtual-interface') do it { should exist } it { should be_available } its(:connection_id) { should eq 'dxcon-abcd5fgh' } its(:virtual_interface_id) { should eq 'dxvif-aabbccdd' } its(:amazon_address) { should eq '' } its(:customer_address) { should eq '123.456.789.2/30' } its(:virtual_gateway_id) { should eq 'vgw-d234e5f6' } end ``` ### exist ```ruby describe directconnect_virtual_interface('my-directconnect-virtual-interface') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_confirming, be_verifying, be_pending, be_available, be_deleting, be_deleted, be_rejected ```ruby describe directconnect_virtual_interface('my-directconnect-virtual-interface') do it { should exist } it { should be_available } end ``` ### its(:owner_account), its(:virtual_interface_id), its(:location), its(:connection_id), its(:virtual_interface_type), its(:virtual_interface_name), its(:vlan), its(:asn), its(:auth_key), its(:amazon_address), its(:customer_address), its(:address_family), its(:virtual_interface_state), its(:customer_router_config), its(:virtual_gateway_id), its(:route_filter_prefixes), its(:bgp_peers) ## dynamodb_table DynamodbTable resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe dynamodb_table('my-dynamodb-table') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_creating, be_updating, be_deleting, be_active ### have_attribute_definition ```ruby describe dynamodb_table('my-dynamodb-table') do it { should have_attribute_definition('my-dynamodb-table-attaribute1').attribute_type('S') } it { should have_attribute_definition('my-dynamodb-table-attaribute2').attribute_type('N') } end ``` ### have_key_schema ```ruby describe dynamodb_table('my-dynamodb-table') do it { should have_key_schema('my-dynamodb-table-key_schema1').key_type('HASH') } it { should have_key_schema('my-dynamodb-table-key_schema2').key_type('RANGE') } end ``` ### its(:table_name), its(:table_status), its(:creation_date_time), its(:table_size_bytes), its(:item_count), its(:table_arn), its(:local_secondary_indexes), its(:global_secondary_indexes), its(:stream_specification), its(:latest_stream_label), its(:latest_stream_arn) ### :unlock: Advanced use `dynamodb_table` can use `Aws::DynamoDB::Table` resource (see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdkforruby/api/Aws/DynamoDB/Table.html). ```ruby describe dynamodb_table('my-dynamodb-table') do its('key_schema.first.key_type') { should eq 'HASH' } end ``` or ```ruby describe dynamodb_table('my-dynamodb-table') do its('resource.key_schema.first.key_type') { should eq 'HASH' } end ``` ## ebs EBS resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe ebs('my-volume') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_attached_to ```ruby describe ebs('my-volume') do it { should be_attached_to('my-ec2') } end ``` ### be_creating, be_available, be_in_use, be_deleting, be_deleted, be_error ```ruby describe ebs('my-volume') do it { should be_in_use } end ``` ### have_tag ```ruby describe ebs('my-volume') do it { should have_tag('Name').value('my-volume') } end ``` ### its(:availability_zone), its(:create_time), its(:encrypted), its(:kms_key_id), its(:size), its(:snapshot_id), its(:state), its(:volume_id), its(:iops), its(:volume_type) ### :unlock: Advanced use `ebs` can use `Aws::EC2::Volume` resource (see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdkforruby/api/Aws/EC2/Volume.html). ```ruby describe ebs('my-volume') do its('attachments.first.instance_id') { should eq 'i-ec12345a' } end ``` or ```ruby describe ebs('my-volume') do its('resource.attachments.first.instance_id') { should eq 'i-ec12345a' } end ``` ## ec2 EC2 resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe ec2('my-ec2') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_disabled_api_termination ```ruby describe ec2('my-ec2') do it { should be_disabled_api_termination } end ``` ### be_pending, be_running, be_shutting_down, be_terminated, be_stopping, be_stopped ```ruby describe ec2('my-ec2') do it { should be_running } end ``` ### have_classiclink ```ruby describe ec2('my-ec2-classic') do it { should have_classiclink('my-vpc') } end ``` ### have_classiclink_security_group ```ruby describe ec2('my-ec2-classic') do it { should have_classiclink_security_group('sg-2a3b4cd5') } it { should have_classiclink_security_group('my-vpc-security-group-name') } end ``` ### have_ebs ```ruby describe ec2('my-ec2') do it { should have_ebs('vol-123a123b') } it { should have_ebs('my-volume') } end ``` ### have_eip ```ruby describe ec2('my-ec2') do it { should have_eip('123.0.456.789') } end ``` ### have_event ```ruby describe ec2('my-ec2') do it { should have_event('system-reboot') } end ``` ### have_events ```ruby describe ec2('my-ec2') do it { should_not have_events } end ``` ### have_iam_instance_profile ```ruby describe ec2('my-ec2') do it { should have_iam_instance_profile('Ec2IamProfileName') } end ``` ### have_network_interface ```ruby describe ec2('my-ec2') do it { should have_network_interface('my-eni') } it { should have_network_interface('eni-12ab3cde') } it { should have_network_interface('my-eni').as_eth0 } end ``` ### have_security_group ```ruby describe ec2('my-ec2') do it { should have_security_group('my-security-group-name') } it { should have_security_group('sg-1a2b3cd4') } end ``` ### have_security_groups ```ruby describe ec2('my-ec2') do it { should have_security_groups(['my-security-group-name-1', 'my-security-group-name-2']) } it { should have_security_groups(['sg-1a2b3cd4', 'sg-5e6f7gh8']) } end ``` ### have_tag ```ruby describe ec2('my-ec2') do it { should have_tag('Name').value('my-ec2') } end ``` ### belong_to_subnet ```ruby describe ec2('my-ec2') do it { should belong_to_subnet('subnet-1234a567') } it { should belong_to_subnet('my-subnet') } end ``` ### belong_to_vpc ```ruby describe ec2('my-ec2') do it { should belong_to_vpc('vpc-ab123cde') } it { should belong_to_vpc('my-vpc') } end ``` ### its(:ami_launch_index), its(:image_id), its(:instance_id), its(:instance_type), its(:kernel_id), its(:key_name), its(:launch_time), its(:monitoring), its(:placement), its(:platform), its(:private_dns_name), its(:private_ip_address), its(:product_codes), its(:public_dns_name), its(:public_ip_address), its(:ramdisk_id), its(:state_transition_reason), its(:subnet_id), its(:vpc_id), its(:architecture), its(:client_token), its(:ebs_optimized), its(:ena_support), its(:hypervisor), its(:instance_lifecycle), its(:root_device_name), its(:root_device_type), its(:source_dest_check), its(:spot_instance_request_id), its(:sriov_net_support), its(:state_reason), its(:virtualization_type) ### :unlock: Advanced use `ec2` can use `Aws::EC2::Instance` resource (see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdkforruby/api/Aws/EC2/Instance.html). ```ruby describe ec2('my-ec2') do its('vpc.id') { should eq 'vpc-ab123cde' } end ``` or ```ruby describe ec2('my-ec2') do its('resource.vpc.id') { should eq 'vpc-ab123cde' } end ``` ## ecr_repository EcrRepository resource type. ### exist ## ecs_cluster ECS Cluster resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe ecs_cluster('my-ecs-cluster') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_active, be_inactive ```ruby describe ecs_cluster('my-ecs-cluster') do it { should be_active } end ``` ### have_container_instance ```ruby describe ecs_cluster('my-ecs-cluster') do it { have_container_instance('f2756532-8f13-4d53-87c9-aed50dc94cd7') } end ``` ### its(:cluster_arn), its(:cluster_name), its(:status), its(:registered_container_instances_count), its(:running_tasks_count), its(:pending_tasks_count), its(:active_services_count) ## ecs_container_instance ECS Container Instance resource type. ### exist You can set `cluster` ( default: `default` ). ```ruby describe ecs_container_instance('my-container-instance'), cluster: 'my-ecs-cluster' do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_active, be_inactive ```ruby describe ecs_container_instance('my-container-instance'), cluster: 'my-ecs-cluster' do it { should be_active } end ``` ### its(:container_instance_arn), its(:ec2_instance_id), its(:version), its(:version_info), its(:status), its(:agent_connected), its(:running_tasks_count), its(:pending_tasks_count), its(:agent_update_status), its(:attributes), its(:registered_at) ## ecs_service ECS Service resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe ecs_service('my-ecs-service') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_active, be_draining, be_inactive ```ruby describe ecs_service('my-ecs-service') do it { should be_active } end ``` ### its(:service_arn), its(:service_name), its(:cluster_arn), its(:load_balancers), its(:status), its(:desired_count), its(:running_count), its(:pending_count), its(:task_definition), its(:role_arn), its(:created_at), its(:placement_constraints), its(:placement_strategy) ## ecs_task_definition ECS Task Definition resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe ecs_task_definition('my-ecs-task-definition') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_active, be_inactive ```ruby describe ecs_task_definition('my-ecs-task-definition') do it { should be_active } end ``` ### its(:task_definition_arn), its(:family), its(:task_role_arn), its(:network_mode), its(:revision), its(:volumes), its(:status), its(:requires_attributes), its(:placement_constraints) ## efs EFS resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe efs('my-efs') do it { should exist } end ``` ### have_tag ```ruby describe efs('my-efs') do it { should have_tag('my-key').value('my-value') } end ``` ### its(:owner_id), its(:creation_token), its(:file_system_id), its(:creation_time), its(:life_cycle_state), its(:name), its(:number_of_mount_targets), its(:performance_mode) ## elastic_ip Elastic IP resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe eip('123.0.456.789') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_associated_to ```ruby describe eip('123.0.456.789') do it { should be_associated_to('i-ec12345a') } end ``` ### belong_to_domain ```ruby describe eip('123.0.456.789') do it { should belong_to_domain('vpc') } end ``` ## elasticache Elasticache resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe elasticache('my-rep-group-001') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_available, be_creating, be_deleted, be_deleting, be_incompatible_network, be_modifying, be_rebooting_cache_cluster_nodes, be_restore_failed, be_snapshotting ```ruby describe elasticache('my-rep-group-001') do it { should be_available } end ``` ### have_cache_parameter_group ```ruby describe elasticache('my-rep-group-001') do it { should have_cache_parameter_group('my-cache-parameter-group') } end ``` ### have_security_group ```ruby describe elasticache('my-rep-group-001') do it { should have_security_group('sg-da1bc2ef') } it { should have_security_group('group-name-sg') } it { should have_security_group('my-cache-sg') } end ``` ### belong_to_cache_subnet_group ```ruby describe elasticache('my-rep-group-001') do it { should belong_to_cache_subnet_group('my-cache-subnet-group') } end ``` ### belong_to_replication_group ```ruby describe elasticache('my-rep-group-001') do it { should belong_to_replication_group('my-rep-group') } end ``` ### belong_to_vpc ```ruby describe elasticache('my-rep-group-001') do it { should belong_to_vpc('my-vpc') } end ``` ### its(:cache_cluster_id), its(:configuration_endpoint), its(:client_download_landing_page), its(:cache_node_type), its(:engine), its(:engine_version), its(:cache_cluster_status), its(:num_cache_nodes), its(:preferred_availability_zone), its(:cache_cluster_create_time), its(:preferred_maintenance_window), its(:notification_configuration), its(:cache_security_groups), its(:cache_subnet_group_name), its(:cache_nodes), its(:auto_minor_version_upgrade), its(:replication_group_id), its(:snapshot_retention_limit), its(:snapshot_window) ## elasticache_cache_parameter_group ElasticacheCacheParameterGroup resource type. ```ruby describe elasticache_cache_parameter_group('my-cache-parameter-group') do it { should exist } its(:activerehashing) { should eq 'yes' } its(:client_output_buffer_limit_pubsub_hard_limit) { should eq '33554432' } end ``` ### exist ```ruby describe elasticache_cache_parameter_group('my-cache-parameter-group') do it { should exist } end ``` ## elasticsearch Elasticsearch resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe elasticsearch('my-elasticsearch') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_created ```ruby describe elasticsearch('my-elasticsearch') do it { should be_created } end ``` ### be_deleted ```ruby describe elasticsearch('my-elasticsearch') do it { should be_deleted } end ``` ### have_access_policies ```ruby describe elasticsearch('my-elasticsearch') do it do should have_access_policies <<-policy { "version": "2012-10-17", "statement": [ { "effect": "allow", "principal": "*", "action": [ "es:*" ], "resource": "arn:aws:es:ap-northeast-1:1234567890:domain/my-elasticsearch/*" } ] } policy end end ``` ### its(:domain_id), its(:domain_name), its(:arn), its(:created), its(:deleted), its(:endpoint), its(:processing), its(:elasticsearch_version), its(:access_policies), its(:snapshot_options), its(:advanced_options) ## elastictranscoder_pipeline ElastictranscoderPipeline resource type. ### exist ### be_active, be_paused ```ruby describe elastictranscoder_pipeline('my-elastictranscoder-pipeline') do it { should be_active } end ``` ## elb ELB resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe elb('my-elb') do it { should exist } end ``` ### have_ec2 ```ruby describe elb('my-elb') do it { should have_ec2('my-ec2') } end ``` ### have_listener http://docs.aws.amazon.com/en_us/ElasticLoadBalancing/latest/DeveloperGuide/elb-listener-config.html ```ruby describe elb('my-elb') do it { should have_listener(protocol: 'HTTPS', port: 443, instance_protocol: 'HTTP', instance_port: 80) } end ``` ### have_security_group ```ruby describe elb('my-elb') do it { should have_security_group('my-lb-security-group-tag-name') } end ``` ### have_subnet ```ruby describe elb('my-elb') do it { should have_subnet('my-subnet') } end ``` ### belong_to_vpc ```ruby describe elb('my-elb') do it { should belong_to_vpc('my-vpc') } end ``` ### its(:health_check_target), its(:health_check_interval), its(:health_check_timeout), its(:health_check_unhealthy_threshold), its(:health_check_healthy_threshold), its(:load_balancer_name), its(:dns_name), its(:canonical_hosted_zone_name), its(:canonical_hosted_zone_name_id), its(:backend_server_descriptions), its(:availability_zones), its(:subnets), its(:vpc_id), its(:security_groups), its(:created_time), its(:scheme) ## iam_group IamGroup resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe iam_group('my-iam-group') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_allowed_action ```ruby describe iam_group('my-iam-group') do it { should be_allowed_action('ec2:DescribeInstances') } it { should be_allowed_action('s3:Put*').resource_arn('arn:aws:s3:::my-bucket-name/*') } end ``` ### have_iam_policy ```ruby describe iam_group('my-iam-group') do it { should have_iam_policy('ReadOnlyAccess') } end ``` ### have_iam_user ```ruby describe iam_group('my-iam-group') do it { should have_iam_user('my-iam-user') } end ``` ### have_inline_policy ### its(:path), its(:group_name), its(:group_id), its(:arn), its(:create_date) ### :unlock: Advanced use `iam_group` can use `Aws::IAM::Group` resource (see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdkforruby/api/Aws/IAM/Group.html). ```ruby describe iam_group('my-iam-group') do its('users.count) { should eq 5 } end ``` or ```ruby describe iam_group('my-iam-group') do its('resource.users.count') { should eq 5 } end ``` ## iam_policy IamPolicy resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe iam_policy('my-iam-policy') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_attachable ```ruby describe iam_policy('my-iam-policy') do it { should be_attachable } end ``` ### be_attached_to_group ```ruby describe iam_policy('my-iam-policy') do it { should be_attached_to_group('my-iam-group') } end ``` ### be_attached_to_role ```ruby describe iam_policy('my-iam-policy') do it { should be_attached_to_role('HelloIAmGodRole') } end ``` ### be_attached_to_user ```ruby describe iam_policy('my-iam-user') do it { should be_attached_to_user('my-iam-user') } end ``` ### its(:policy_name), its(:policy_id), its(:arn), its(:path), its(:default_version_id), its(:attachment_count), its(:is_attachable), its(:description), its(:create_date), its(:update_date) ## iam_role IamRole resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe iam_role('my-iam-role') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_allowed_action ```ruby describe iam_role('my-iam-role') do it { should be_allowed_action('ec2:DescribeInstances') } it { should be_allowed_action('s3:Put*').resource_arn('arn:aws:s3:::my-bucket-name/*') } end ``` ### have_iam_policy ```ruby describe iam_role('my-iam-role') do it { should have_iam_policy('ReadOnlyAccess') } end ``` ### have_inline_policy ```ruby describe iam_role('my-iam-role') do it { should have_inline_policy('AllowS3BucketAccess') } it do should have_inline_policy('AllowS3BucketAccess').policy_document(<<-'DOC') { "Statement": [ { "Action": [ "s3:ListAllMyBuckets" ], "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::*" }, { "Action": "s3:*", "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": ["arn:aws:s3:::my-bucket", "arn:aws:s3:::my-bucket/*"] } ] } DOC end end ``` ### its(:path), its(:role_name), its(:role_id), its(:arn), its(:create_date), its(:assume_role_policy_document), its(:description) ### :unlock: Advanced use `iam_role` can use `Aws::IAM::Role` resource (see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdkforruby/api/Aws/IAM/Role.html). ```ruby describe iam_role('my-iam-role') do its('attached_policies.count') { should eq 5 } end ``` or ```ruby describe iam_role('my-iam-role') do its('resource.attached_policies.count') { should eq 5 } end ``` ## iam_user IamUser resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe iam_user('my-iam-user') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_allowed_action ```ruby describe iam_user('my-iam-user') do it { should be_allowed_action('ec2:DescribeInstances') } it { should be_allowed_action('s3:Put*').resource_arn('arn:aws:s3:::my-bucket-name/*') } end ``` ### have_iam_policy ```ruby describe iam_user('my-iam-user') do it { should have_iam_policy('ReadOnlyAccess') } end ``` ### have_inline_policy ```ruby describe iam_user('my-iam-user') do it { should have_inline_policy('AllowS3BucketAccess') } it do should have_inline_policy('AllowS3BucketAccess').policy_document(<<-'DOC') { "Statement": [ { "Action": [ "s3:ListAllMyBuckets" ], "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::*" }, { "Action": "s3:*", "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": ["arn:aws:s3:::my-bucket", "arn:aws:s3:::my-bucket/*"] } ] } DOC end end ``` ### belong_to_iam_group ```ruby describe iam_user('my-iam-user') do it { should belong_to_iam_group('my-iam-group') } end ``` ### its(:path), its(:user_name), its(:user_id), its(:arn), its(:create_date), its(:password_last_used) ### :unlock: Advanced use `iam_user` can use `Aws::IAM::User` resource (see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdkforruby/api/Aws/IAM/User.html). ```ruby describe iam_user('my-iam-user') do its('login_profile.password_reset_required') { should eq false } end ``` or ```ruby describe iam_user('my-iam-user') do its('resource.login_profile.password_reset_required') { should eq false } end ``` ## internet_gateway InternetGateway resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe internet_gateway('igw-1ab2cd3e') do it { should exist } end describe internet_gateway('my-internet-gateway') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_attached_to ```ruby describe internet_gateway('igw-1ab2cd3e') do it { should be_attached_to('vpc-ab123cde') } end describe internet_gateway('igw-1ab2cd3e') do it { should be_attached_to('my-vpc') } end ``` ### have_tag ```ruby describe internet_gateway('igw-1ab2cd3e') do it { should have_tag('Name').value('my-internet-gateway') } end ``` ### its(:internet_gateway_id) ## kms Kms resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe kms('my-kms-key') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_enabled ```ruby describe kms('my-kms-key') do it { should be_enabled } end ``` ### have_key_policy ```ruby describe kms('my-kms-key') do it { should exist } it { should be_enabled } it do should have_key_policy('default').policy_document(<<-'DOC') { "Version" : "2012-10-17", "Id" : "key-consolepolicy-2", "Statement" : [ { "Sid" : "Enable IAM User Permissions", "Effect" : "Allow", "Principal" : { "AWS" : "arn:aws:iam::1234567890:root" }, "Action" : "kms:*", "Resource" : "*" }, { "Sid" : "Allow access for Key Administrators", "Effect" : "Allow", "Principal" : { "AWS" : "arn:aws:iam::1234567890:user/test-user" }, "Action" : [ "kms:Create*", "kms:Describe*", "kms:Enable*", "kms:List*", "kms:Put*", "kms:Update*", "kms:Revoke*", "kms:Disable*", "kms:Get*", "kms:Delete*", "kms:ScheduleKeyDeletion", "kms:CancelKeyDeletion" ], "Resource" : "*" }, { "Sid" : "Allow use of the key", "Effect" : "Allow", "Principal" : { "AWS" : [ "arn:aws:iam::1234567890:user/test-user", "arn:aws:iam::1234567890:role/test-role" ] }, "Action" : [ "kms:Encrypt", "kms:Decrypt", "kms:ReEncrypt*", "kms:GenerateDataKey*", "kms:DescribeKey" ], "Resource" : "*" }, { "Sid" : "Allow attachment of persistent resources", "Effect" : "Allow", "Principal" : { "AWS" : [ "arn:aws:iam::1234567890:user/test-user", "arn:aws:iam::1234567890:role/test-role" ] }, "Action" : [ "kms:CreateGrant", "kms:ListGrants", "kms:RevokeGrant" ], "Resource" : "*", "Condition" : { "Bool" : { "kms:GrantIsForAWSResource" : "true" } } } ] } DOC end end ``` ### its(:aws_account_id), its(:key_id), its(:arn), its(:creation_date), its(:enabled), its(:description), its(:key_usage), its(:key_state), its(:deletion_date), its(:valid_to), its(:origin), its(:expiration_model) ## lambda Lambda resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe lambda('my-lambda-function-name') do it { should exist } end ``` ### have_event_source This matcher does not support Amazon S3 event sources. ( [See SDK doc](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdkforruby/api/Aws/Lambda/Client.html#list_event_source_mappings-instance_method) ) ### its(:function_name), its(:function_arn), its(:runtime), its(:role), its(:handler), its(:code_size), its(:description), its(:timeout), its(:memory_size), its(:last_modified), its(:code_sha_256), its(:version), its(:vpc_config), its(:dead_letter_config), its(:environment), its(:kms_key_arn), its(:tracing_config) ## launch_configuration LaunchConfiguration resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe launch_configuration('my-lc') do it { should exist } end ``` ### have_block_device_mapping ### have_security_group ```ruby describe launch_configuration('my-lc') do it { should have_security_group('my-security-group-name') } end ``` ### its(:launch_configuration_name), its(:launch_configuration_arn), its(:image_id), its(:key_name), its(:security_groups), its(:classic_link_vpc_id), its(:classic_link_vpc_security_groups), its(:user_data), its(:instance_type), its(:kernel_id), its(:ramdisk_id), its(:spot_price), its(:iam_instance_profile), its(:created_time), its(:ebs_optimized), its(:associate_public_ip_address), its(:placement_tenancy) ## nat_gateway NatGateway resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe nat_gateway('nat-7ff7777f') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_pending, be_failed, be_available, be_deleting, be_deleted ```ruby describe nat_gateway('nat-7ff7777f') do it { should be_available } end ``` ### have_eip ```ruby describe nat_gateway('nat-7ff7777f') do it { should have_eip('123.0.456.789') } end ``` ### belong_to_vpc ```ruby describe nat_gateway('nat-7ff7777f') do it { should belong_to_vpc('my-vpc') } end ``` ### its(:create_time), its(:delete_time), its(:failure_code), its(:failure_message), its(:nat_gateway_id), its(:provisioned_bandwidth), its(:state), its(:subnet_id), its(:vpc_id) ## network_acl NetworkAcl resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe network_acl('my-network-acl') do it { should exist } end ``` ### have_subnet ```ruby describe network_acl('my-network-acl') do it { should have_subnet('my-subnet') } end ``` ### have_tag ```ruby describe network_acl('my-network-acl') do it { should have_tag('Name').value('my-network-acl') } end ``` ### belong_to_vpc ```ruby describe network_acl('my-network-acl') do it { should belong_to_vpc('my-vpc') } end ``` ### its(:inbound), its(:outbound), its(:inbound_entries_count), its(:outbound_entries_count) ```ruby describe network_acl('my-network-acl') do its(:inbound) { should be_allowed(80).protocol('tcp').source('123.0.456.789/32') } its(:inbound) { should be_denied.rule_number('*').source('') } its(:outbound) { should be_allowed.protocol('ALL').source('') } its(:inbound_entries_count) { should eq 3 } its(:outbound_entries_count) { should eq 2 } end ``` ### its(:inbound_entries_count), its(:outbound_entries_count), its(:is_default), its(:network_acl_id), its(:vpc_id) ### :unlock: Advanced use `network_acl` can use `Aws::EC2::NetworkAcl` resource (see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdkforruby/api/Aws/EC2/NetworkAcl.html). ```ruby describe network_acl('my-network-acl') do its('vpc.id') { should eq 'vpc-ab123cde' } end ``` or ```ruby describe network_acl('my-network-acl') do its('resource.vpc.id') { should eq 'vpc-ab123cde' } end ``` ## network_interface NetworkInterface resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe network_interface('eni-12ab3cde') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_attached_to ```ruby describe network_interface('eni-12ab3cde') do it { should be_attached_to('my-ec2') } it { should be_attached_to('my-ec2').as_eth0 } end ``` ### be_available, be_attaching, be_in_use, be_detaching ```ruby describe network_interface('eni-12ab3cde') do it { should be_in_use } end ``` ### have_private_ip_address ```ruby describe network_interface('eni-12ab3cde') do it { should have_private_ip_address('').primary } it { should have_private_ip_address('') } its(:private_ip_addresses_count) { should eq 2 } end ``` ### have_security_group ```ruby describe network_interface('eni-12ab3cde') do it { should have_security_group('my-security-group-name') } end ``` ### have_tag ```ruby describe network_interface('eni-12ab3cde') do it { should have_tag('Name').value('my-eni') } end ``` ### belong_to_subnet ```ruby describe network_interface('eni-12ab3cde') do it { should belong_to_subnet('my-subnet') } end ``` ### belong_to_vpc ```ruby describe network_interface('eni-12ab3cde') do it { should belong_to_vpc('my-vpc') } end ``` ### its(:association), its(:availability_zone), its(:description), its(:interface_type), its(:ipv_6_addresses), its(:mac_address), its(:network_interface_id), its(:owner_id), its(:private_dns_name), its(:private_ip_address), its(:requester_id), its(:requester_managed), its(:source_dest_check), its(:status), its(:subnet_id), its(:vpc_id) ## rds RDS resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe rds('my-rds') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_available, be_backing_up, be_creating, be_deleting, be_failed, be_inaccessible_encryption_credentials, be_incompatible_credentials, be_incompatible_network, be_incompatible_option_group, be_incompatible_parameters, be_incompatible_restore, be_maintenance, be_modifying, be_rebooting, be_renaming, be_resetting_master_credentials, be_restore_error, be_storage_full, be_upgrading ```ruby describe rds('my-rds') do it { should be_available } end ``` ### have_db_parameter_group ```ruby describe rds('my-rds') do it { should have_db_parameter_group('my-db-parameter-group') } end ``` ### have_option_group ```ruby describe rds('my-rds') do it { should have_option_group('default:mysql-5-6') } end ``` ### have_security_group ```ruby describe rds('my-rds') do it { should have_security_group('sg-5a6b7cd8') } it { should have_security_group('my-db-sg') } end ``` ### have_tag ```ruby describe rds('my-rds') do it { should have_tag('Name').value('my-rds') } end ``` ### belong_to_db_subnet_group ```ruby describe rds('my-rds') do it { should belong_to_db_subnet_group('my-db-subnet-group') } end ``` ### belong_to_subnet ```ruby describe rds('my-rds') do it { should belong_to_subnet('subnet-8901b123') } it { should belong_to_subnet('db-subnet-a') } end ``` ### belong_to_vpc ```ruby describe rds('my-rds') do it { should belong_to_vpc('vpc-ab123cde') } it { should belong_to_vpc('my-vpc') } end ``` ### its(:vpc_id), its(:db_instance_identifier), its(:db_instance_class), its(:engine), its(:db_instance_status), its(:master_username), its(:db_name), its(:endpoint), its(:allocated_storage), its(:instance_create_time), its(:preferred_backup_window), its(:backup_retention_period), its(:db_security_groups), its(:availability_zone), its(:preferred_maintenance_window), its(:pending_modified_values), its(:latest_restorable_time), its(:multi_az), its(:engine_version), its(:auto_minor_version_upgrade), its(:read_replica_source_db_instance_identifier), its(:read_replica_db_instance_identifiers), its(:read_replica_db_cluster_identifiers), its(:license_model), its(:iops), its(:character_set_name), its(:secondary_availability_zone), its(:publicly_accessible), its(:status_infos), its(:storage_type), its(:tde_credential_arn), its(:db_instance_port), its(:db_cluster_identifier), its(:storage_encrypted), its(:kms_key_id), its(:dbi_resource_id), its(:ca_certificate_identifier), its(:domain_memberships), its(:copy_tags_to_snapshot), its(:monitoring_interval), its(:enhanced_monitoring_resource_arn), its(:monitoring_role_arn), its(:promotion_tier), its(:db_instance_arn), its(:timezone), its(:iam_database_authentication_enabled) ### :unlock: Advanced use `rds` can use `Aws::RDS::DBInstance` resource (see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdkforruby/api/Aws/RDS/DBInstance.html). ```ruby describe rds('my-rds') do its('db_subnet_group.db_subnet_group_name') { should eq 'my-db-subnet-group' } end ``` or ```ruby describe rds('my-rds') do its('resource.db_subnet_group.db_subnet_group_name') { should eq 'my-db-subnet-group' } end ``` ## rds_db_cluster_parameter_group RdsDbClusterParameterGroup resource type. ```ruby describe rds_db_cluster_parameter_group('my-rds-db-cluster-parameter-group') do its(:time_zone) { should eq 'US/Central' } its(:binlog_format) { should eq 'ROW' } its(:character_set_server) { should eq 'utf8mb4' } end ``` ### exist ```ruby describe rds_db_cluster_parameter_group('my-rds-db-cluster-parameter-group') do it { should exist } end ``` ## rds_db_parameter_group RdsDbParameterGroup resource type. ```ruby describe rds_db_parameter_group('my-rds-db-parameter-group') do its(:basedir) { should eq '/rdsdbbin/mysql' } its(:innodb_buffer_pool_size) { '{DBInstanceClassMemory*3/4}' } end ``` ### exist ```ruby describe rds_db_parameter_group('my-rds-db-parameter-group') do it { should exist } end ``` ## route53_hosted_zone Route53HostedZone resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe route53_hosted_zone('example.com.') do it { should exist } end ``` ### have_record_set ```ruby describe route53_hosted_zone('example.com.') do its(:resource_record_set_count) { should eq 6 } it { should have_record_set('example.com.').a('123.456.7.890') } it { should have_record_set('*.example.com.').cname('example.com') } it { should have_record_set('example.com.').mx('10 mail.example.com') } it { should have_record_set('mail.example.com.').a('123.456.7.890').ttl(3600) } ns = 'ns-123.awsdns-45.net. ns-6789.awsdns-01.org. ns-2345.awsdns-67.co.uk. ns-890.awsdns-12.com.' it { should have_record_set('example.com.').ns(ns) } it { should have_record_set('s3.example.com.').alias('s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com.', 'Z2ABCDEFGHIJKL') } end ``` ### its(:id), its(:name), its(:caller_reference), its(:config), its(:resource_record_set_count) ## route_table RouteTable resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe route_table('my-route-table') do it { should exist } end ``` ### have_route ```ruby describe route_table('my-route-table') do it { should have_route('').target(gateway: 'local') } it { should have_route('').target(gateway: 'igw-1ab2345c') } it { should have_route('').target(instance: 'my-ec2') } it { should have_route('').target(vpc_peering_connection: 'my-pcx') } it { should have_route('').target(nat: 'nat-7ff7777f') } end ``` ### have_subnet ```ruby describe route_table('my-route-table') do it { should have_subnet('my-subnet') } end ``` ### have_tag ```ruby describe route_table('my-route-table') do it { should have_tag('Name').value('my-route-table') } end ``` ### its(:propagating_vgws), its(:route_table_id), its(:vpc_id) ### :unlock: Advanced use `route_table` can use `Aws::EC2::RouteTable` resource (see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdkforruby/api/Aws/EC2/RouteTable.html). ```ruby describe route_table('my-route-table') do its('vpc.id') { should eq 'vpc-ab123cde' } end ``` or ```ruby describe s3_bucket('my-bucket') do its('resource.vpc.id') { should eq 'vpc-ab123cde' } end ``` ## s3_bucket S3Bucket resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe s3_bucket('my-bucket') do it { should exist } end ``` ### have_acl_grant ```ruby describe s3_bucket('my-bucket') do its(:acl_owner) { should eq 'my-bucket-owner' } its(:acl_grants_count) { should eq 3 } it { should have_acl_grant(grantee: 'my-bucket-owner', permission: 'FULL_CONTROL') } it { should have_acl_grant(grantee: 'http://acs.amazonaws.com/groups/s3/LogDelivery', permission: 'WRITE') } it { should have_acl_grant(grantee: '68f4bb06b094152df53893bfba57760e', permission: 'READ') } end ``` ### have_cors_rule ```ruby describe s3_bucket('my-bucket') do it do should have_cors_rule( allowed_methods: ['GET'], allowed_origins: ['*'] ) end it do should have_cors_rule( allowed_headers: ['*'], allowed_methods: ['GET'], allowed_origins: ['https://example.org', 'https://example.com'], expose_headers: ['X-Custom-Header'], max_age_seconds: 3600 ) end end ``` ### have_lifecycle_rule ```ruby describe s3_bucket('my-bucket') do it do should have_lifecycle_rule( id: 'MyRuleName', noncurrent_version_expiration: { noncurrent_days: 1 }, expiration: { days: 2 }, transitions: { days: 3, storage_class: 'GLACIER' }, status: 'Enabled' ) end end ``` ### have_logging_enabled ```ruby describe s3_bucket('my-bucket') do it { should have_logging_enabled(target_bucket: 'my-log-bucket', target_prefix: 'logs/') } end ``` ### have_mfa_delete_enabled ```ruby describe s3_bucket('my-bucket') do it { should have_mfa_delete_enabled } end ``` ### have_object ```ruby describe s3_bucket('my-bucket') do it { should have_object('path/to/object') } end ``` ### have_policy ```ruby describe s3_bucket('my-bucket') do it do should have_policy <<-POLICY { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "AllowPublicRead", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": "*", "Action": "s3:GetObject", "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::my-bucket/*" } ] } POLICY end end ``` ### have_tag ```ruby describe s3_bucket('my-bucket') do it { should have_tag('env').value('dev') } end ``` ### have_versioning_enabled ```ruby describe s3_bucket('my-bucket') do it { should have_versioning_enabled } end ``` ### its(:acl_grants_count), its(:acl_owner), its(:cors_rules_count), its(:name), its(:creation_date) ### :unlock: Advanced use `s3_bucket` can use `Aws::S3::Bucket` resource (see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdkforruby/api/Aws/S3/Bucket.html). ```ruby describe s3_bucket('my-bucket') do its('acl.owner.display_name') { should eq 'my-bucket-owner' } end ``` or ```ruby describe s3_bucket('my-bucket') do its('resource.acl.owner.display_name') { should eq 'my-bucket-owner' } end ``` ## security_group SecurityGroup resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe security_group('my-security-group-name') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_inbound_opened_only ### be_opened_only ### be_outbound_opened_only ### have_tag ```ruby describe security_group('my-security-group-name') do it { should have_tag('env').value('dev') } end ``` ### its(:inbound), its(:outbound) ```ruby describe security_group('my-security-group-name') do its(:outbound) { should be_opened } its(:inbound) { should be_opened(80) } its(:inbound) { should be_opened(80).protocol('tcp').for('') } its(:inbound) { should be_opened(22).protocol('tcp').for('sg-5a6b7cd8') } end ``` ### its(:inbound_rule_count), its(:outbound_rule_count), its(:inbound_permissions_count), its(:outbound_permissions_count), its(:description), its(:group_name), its(:owner_id), its(:group_id), its(:vpc_id) ### :unlock: Advanced use `security_group` can use `Aws::EC2::SecurityGroup` resource (see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdkforruby/api/Aws/EC2/SecurityGroup.html). ```ruby describe security_group('my-security-group-name') do its('group_name') { should eq 'my-security-group-name' } end ``` or ```ruby describe security_group('my-security-group-name') do its('resource.group_name') { should eq 'my-security-group-name' } end ``` ## ses_identity SesIdentity resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe ses_identity('example.com') do it { should exist } end ``` ### have_dkim_tokens ### have_identity_policy ```ruby describe ses_identity('example.com') do it { should have_identity_policy('my-identity-policy-name') } end ``` ### its(:dkim_enabled), its(:dkim_verification_status), its(:bounce_topic), its(:complaint_topic), its(:delivery_topic), its(:forwarding_enabled), its(:verification_status), its(:verification_token) ## sqs SQS resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe sqs('my-queue') do it { should exist } end ``` ### its(:queue_arn), its(:approximate_number_of_messages), its(:approximate_number_of_messages_not_visible), its(:approximate_number_of_messages_delayed), its(:created_timestamp), its(:last_modified_timestamp), its(:visibility_timeout), its(:maximum_message_size), its(:message_retention_period), its(:delay_seconds), its(:receive_message_wait_time_seconds), its(:queue_url) ## subnet Subnet resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe subnet('my-subnet') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_associated_to ### be_available, be_pending ```ruby describe subnet('my-subnet') do it { should be_available } end ``` ### have_tag ```ruby describe subnet('my-subnet') do it { should have_tag('Environment').value('QA') } end ``` ### its(:availability_zone), its(:available_ip_address_count), its(:cidr_block), its(:default_for_az), its(:map_public_ip_on_launch), its(:state), its(:subnet_id), its(:vpc_id), its(:assign_ipv_6_address_on_creation), its(:ipv_6_cidr_block_association_set) ### :unlock: Advanced use `subnet` can use `Aws::EC2::Subnet` resource (see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdkforruby/api/Aws/EC2/Subnet.html). ```ruby describe subnet('my-subnet') do its('vpc.id') { should eq 'vpc-ab123cde' } end ``` or ```ruby describe subnet('my-subnet') do its('resource.vpc.id') { should eq 'vpc-ab123cde' } end ``` ## vpc VPC resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe vpc('my-vpc') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_available, be_pending ```ruby describe vpc('vpc-ab123cde') do it { should be_available } end ``` ### have_network_acl ```ruby describe vpc('vpc-ab123cde') do it { should have_network_acl('acl-1abc2d3e') } it { should have_network_acl('my-network-acl') } end ``` ### have_route_table ```ruby describe vpc('vpc-ab123cde') do it { should have_route_table('rtb-ab123cde') } it { should have_route_table('my-route-table') } end ``` ### have_tag ```ruby describe vpc('vpc-ab123cde') do it { should have_tag('Stack').value('Networking') } end ``` ### its(:cidr_block), its(:dhcp_options_id), its(:state), its(:vpc_id), its(:instance_tenancy), its(:ipv_6_cidr_block_association_set), its(:is_default) ### :unlock: Advanced use `vpc` can use `Aws::EC2::Vpc` resource (see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdkforruby/api/Aws/EC2/Vpc.html). ```ruby describe vpc('my-vpc') do its('route_tables.first.route_table_id') { should eq 'rtb-a12bcd34' } end ``` or ```ruby describe vpc('my-vpc') do its('resource.route_tables.first.route_table_id') { should eq 'rtb-a12bcd34' } end ``` ## vpn_connection VpnConnection resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe vpn_connection('my-vpn-connection') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_pending, be_available, be_deleting, be_deleted ```ruby describe vpn_connection('my-vpn-connection') do it { should be_running } end ``` ### have_tag ```ruby describe vpn_connection('my-vpn-connection') do it { should have_tag('Name').value('my-vpn-connection') } end ``` ### its(:customer_gateway_configuration), its(:customer_gateway_id), its(:state), its(:type), its(:vpn_connection_id), its(:vpn_gateway_id), its(:options), its(:routes), its(:vgw_telemetry) ## vpn_gateway VpnGateway resource type. ### exist ```ruby describe vpn_gateway('my-vpn-gateway') do it { should exist } end ``` ### be_pending, be_available, be_deleting, be_deleted ```ruby describe vpn_gateway('my-vpn-gateway') do it { should be_running } end ``` ### have_tag ```ruby describe vpn_gateway('my-vpn-gateway') do it { should have_tag('Name').value('my-vpn-gateway') } end ``` ### its(:availability_zone), its(:state), its(:type), its(:vpc_attachments), its(:vpn_gateway_id), its(:tags) ## waf_web_acl WafWebAcl resource type. ### exist ### have_rule ```ruby describe waf_web_acl('my-waf-web-acl') do it { should have_rule('my-waf-web-acl-allowed-ips') } it { should have_rule('my-waf-web-acl-allowed-ips').order(2).action('BLOCK') } end ``` ### its(:default_action), its(:web_acl_id), its(:name), its(:metric_name) # Account and Attributes ## account Account resource type. ```ruby describe account do its(:user_id) { should eq 'AKIAI44QH8DHBEXAMPLE' } its(:account) { should eq '123456789012' } its(:arn) { should eq 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/Alice' } its('ec2.supported_platforms') { should eq ["EC2", "VPC"] } its('ec2.vpc_max_security_groups_per_interface') { should eq 5 } its('ec2.max_elastic_ips') { should eq 5 } its('ec2.max_instances') { should eq 20 } its('ec2.vpc_max_elastic_ips') { should eq 5 } its('ec2.default_vpc') { should eq 'none' } its('rds.DBInstances.used') { should eq 0 } its('rds.DBInstances.max') { should eq 40 } its('rds.ReservedDBInstances.used') { should eq 0 } its('rds.ReservedDBInstances.max') { should eq 40 } its('rds.AllocatedStorage.used') { should eq 0 } its('rds.AllocatedStorage.max') { should eq 100000 } its('rds.DBSecurityGroups.used') { should eq 0 } its('rds.DBSecurityGroups.max') { should eq 25 } its('rds.AuthorizationsPerDBSecurityGroup.used') { should eq 0 } its('rds.AuthorizationsPerDBSecurityGroup.max') { should eq 20 } its('rds.DBParameterGroups.used') { should eq 1 } its('rds.DBParameterGroups.max') { should eq 50 } its('rds.ManualSnapshots.used') { should eq 0 } its('rds.ManualSnapshots.max') { should eq 100 } its('rds.EventSubscriptions.used') { should eq 0 } its('rds.EventSubscriptions.max') { should eq 20 } its('rds.DBSubnetGroups.used') { should eq 1 } its('rds.DBSubnetGroups.max') { should eq 50 } its('rds.OptionGroups.used') { should eq 0 } its('rds.OptionGroups.max') { should eq 20 } its('rds.SubnetsPerDBSubnetGroup.used') { should eq 2 } its('rds.SubnetsPerDBSubnetGroup.max') { should eq 20 } its('rds.ReadReplicasPerMaster.used') { should eq 0 } its('rds.ReadReplicasPerMaster.max') { should eq 5 } its('rds.DBClusters.used') { should eq 0 } its('rds.DBClusters.max') { should eq 40 } its('rds.DBClusterParameterGroups.used') { should eq 0 } its('rds.DBClusterParameterGroups.max') { should eq 50 } its('rds.DBClusterRoles.used') { should eq 0 } its('rds.DBClusterRoles.max') { should eq 5 } its('lambda.total_code_size.limit') { should eq 80530636800 } its('lambda.total_code_size.usage') { should eq 2034651562 } its('lambda.code_size_unzipped.limit') { should eq 262144000 } its('lambda.code_size_zipped.limit') { should eq 52428800 } its('lambda.concurrent_executions.limit') { should eq 200 } its('lambda.function_count.usage') { should eq 8 } its('ses.max_24_hour_send') { should eq 200.0 } its('ses.max_send_rate') { should eq 1.0 } its('ses.sent_last_24_hours') { should eq 1.0 } end ``` ## :unlock: Another way: Test with account_attribute type ## account_attribute Account Attribute resource type. ```ruby describe account_attribute('ec2') do its('supported_platforms') { should eq ["EC2", "VPC"] } its('vpc_max_security_groups_per_interface') { should eq 5 } its('max_elastic_ips') { should eq 5 } its('max_instances') { should eq 20 } its('vpc_max_elastic_ips') { should eq 5 } its('default_vpc') { should eq 'none' } end describe account_attribute('rds') do its('DBInstances.used') { should eq 0 } its('DBInstances.max') { should eq 40 } its('ReservedDBInstances.used') { should eq 0 } its('ReservedDBInstances.max') { should eq 40 } its('AllocatedStorage.used') { should eq 0 } its('AllocatedStorage.max') { should eq 100000 } its('DBSecurityGroups.used') { should eq 0 } its('DBSecurityGroups.max') { should eq 25 } its('AuthorizationsPerDBSecurityGroup.used') { should eq 0 } its('AuthorizationsPerDBSecurityGroup.max') { should eq 20 } its('DBParameterGroups.used') { should eq 1 } its('DBParameterGroups.max') { should eq 50 } its('ManualSnapshots.used') { should eq 0 } its('ManualSnapshots.max') { should eq 100 } its('EventSubscriptions.used') { should eq 0 } its('EventSubscriptions.max') { should eq 20 } its('DBSubnetGroups.used') { should eq 1 } its('DBSubnetGroups.max') { should eq 50 } its('OptionGroups.used') { should eq 0 } its('OptionGroups.max') { should eq 20 } its('SubnetsPerDBSubnetGroup.used') { should eq 2 } its('SubnetsPerDBSubnetGroup.max') { should eq 20 } its('ReadReplicasPerMaster.used') { should eq 0 } its('ReadReplicasPerMaster.max') { should eq 5 } its('DBClusters.used') { should eq 0 } its('DBClusters.max') { should eq 40 } its('DBClusterParameterGroups.used') { should eq 0 } its('DBClusterParameterGroups.max') { should eq 50 } its('DBClusterRoles.used') { should eq 0 } its('DBClusterRoles.max') { should eq 5 } end describe account_attribute('lambda') do its('total_code_size.limit') { should eq 80530636800 } its('total_code_size.usage') { should eq 2034651562 } its('code_size_unzipped.limit') { should eq 262144000 } its('code_size_zipped.limit') { should eq 52428800 } its('concurrent_executions.limit') { should eq 200 } its('function_count.usage') { should eq 8 } end describe account_attribute('ses') do its('max_24_hour_send') { should eq 200.0 } its('max_send_rate') { should eq 1.0 } its('sent_last_24_hours') { should eq 1.0 } end ``` ## :unlock: Another way: Test with separated resource types [ec2_account_attributes](#ec2_account_attributes) | [rds_account_attributes](#rds_account_attributes) | [lambda_account_settings](#lambda_account_settings) | [ses_send_quota](#ses_send_quota) ## ec2_account_attributes Ec2AccountAttributes account attributes. ```ruby describe ec2_account_attributes do its(:supported_platforms) { should include 'VPC' } its(:max_instances) { should eq 20 } end ``` ### its(:supported_platforms), its(:vpc_max_security_groups_per_interface), its(:max_elastic_ips), its(:max_instances), its(:vpc_max_elastic_ips), its(:default_vpc) ## rds_account_attributes RdsAccountAttributes account attributes. ```ruby describe rds_account_attributes do its('DBInstances.used') { should eq 0 } its('DBInstances.max') { should eq 40 } end ``` ## lambda_account_settings LambdaAccountSettings account attributes. ```ruby describe lambda_account_settings do its('total_code_size.limit') { should eq 80_530_636_800 } its('total_code_size.usage') { should eq 2_034_651_562 } its('function_count.usage') { should eq 8 } end ``` ## ses_send_quota SesSendQuota account attributes. ```ruby describe ses_send_quota do its(:max_24_hour_send) { should eq 200.0 } its(:max_send_rate) { should eq 1.0 } its(:sent_last_24_hours) { should eq 1.0 } end ``` ### its(:max_24_hour_send), its(:max_send_rate), its(:sent_last_24_hours)