# frozen_string_literal: true # :nodoc: module ProducerTest describe Deimos::Producer do prepend_before(:each) do producer_class = Class.new(Deimos::Producer) do schema 'MySchema' namespace 'com.my-namespace' topic 'my-topic' key_config field: 'test_id' end stub_const('MyProducer', producer_class) producer_class = Class.new(Deimos::Producer) do schema 'MySchemaWithId' namespace 'com.my-namespace' topic 'my-topic' key_config plain: true end stub_const('MyProducerWithID', producer_class) producer_class = Class.new(Deimos::Producer) do schema 'MySchema' namespace 'com.my-namespace' topic 'my-topic' key_config plain: true # :nodoc: def self.partition_key(payload) payload[:payload_key] ? payload[:payload_key] + '1' : nil end end stub_const('MyNonEncodedProducer', producer_class) producer_class = Class.new(Deimos::Producer) do schema 'MySchema' namespace 'com.my-namespace' topic 'my-topic2' key_config none: true end stub_const('MyNoKeyProducer', producer_class) producer_class = Class.new(Deimos::Producer) do schema 'MyNestedSchema' namespace 'com.my-namespace' topic 'my-topic' key_config field: 'test_id' end stub_const('MyNestedSchemaProducer', producer_class) producer_class = Class.new(Deimos::Producer) do schema 'MySchema' namespace 'com.my-namespace' topic 'my-topic2' key_config schema: 'MySchema_key' end stub_const('MySchemaProducer', producer_class) producer_class = Class.new(Deimos::Producer) do schema 'MySchema' namespace 'com.my-namespace' topic 'my-topic' end stub_const('MyErrorProducer', producer_class) producer_class = Class.new(Deimos::Producer) do schema 'MySchema' namespace 'com.my-namespace' topic nil key_config none: true end stub_const('MyNoTopicProducer', producer_class) end it 'should fail on invalid message with error handler' do subscriber = Deimos.subscribe('produce') do |event| expect(event.payload[:payloads]).to eq([{ 'invalid' => 'key' }]) end expect(MyProducer.encoder).to receive(:validate).and_raise('OH NOES') expect { MyProducer.publish({ 'invalid' => 'key', :payload_key => 'key' }) }. to raise_error('OH NOES') Deimos.unsubscribe(subscriber) end it 'should produce a message' do expect(described_class).to receive(:produce_batch).once.with( Deimos::Backends::Test, [ Deimos::Message.new({ 'test_id' => 'foo', 'some_int' => 123 }, MyProducer, topic: 'my-topic', partition_key: 'foo', key: 'foo'), Deimos::Message.new({ 'test_id' => 'bar', 'some_int' => 124 }, MyProducer, topic: 'my-topic', partition_key: 'bar', key: 'bar') ] ).and_call_original MyProducer.publish_list( [{ 'test_id' => 'foo', 'some_int' => 123 }, { 'test_id' => 'bar', 'some_int' => 124 }] ) expect('my-topic').to have_sent('test_id' => 'foo', 'some_int' => 123) expect('your-topic').not_to have_sent('test_id' => 'foo', 'some_int' => 123) expect('my-topic').not_to have_sent('test_id' => 'foo2', 'some_int' => 123) end it 'should allow setting the topic from publish_list' do expect(described_class).to receive(:produce_batch).once.with( Deimos::Backends::Test, [ Deimos::Message.new({ 'test_id' => 'foo', 'some_int' => 123 }, MyProducer, topic: 'a-new-topic', partition_key: 'foo', key: 'foo'), Deimos::Message.new({ 'test_id' => 'bar', 'some_int' => 124 }, MyProducer, topic: 'a-new-topic', partition_key: 'bar', key: 'bar') ] ).and_call_original MyProducer.publish_list( [{ 'test_id' => 'foo', 'some_int' => 123 }, { 'test_id' => 'bar', 'some_int' => 124 }], topic: 'a-new-topic' ) expect('a-new-topic').to have_sent('test_id' => 'foo', 'some_int' => 123) expect('my-topic').not_to have_sent('test_id' => 'foo', 'some_int' => 123) expect('my-topic').not_to have_sent('test_id' => 'foo2', 'some_int' => 123) end it 'should add a message ID' do payload = { 'test_id' => 'foo', 'some_int' => 123, 'message_id' => a_kind_of(String), 'timestamp' => a_kind_of(String) } expect(described_class).to receive(:produce_batch).once do |_, messages| expect(messages.size).to eq(1) expect(messages[0].to_h). to match( payload: payload, topic: 'my-topic', partition_key: 'key', metadata: { producer_name: 'MyProducerWithID', decoded_payload: payload }, key: 'key' ) end MyProducerWithID.publish_list( [{ 'test_id' => 'foo', 'some_int' => 123, :payload_key => 'key' }] ) end it 'should not publish if publish disabled' do expect(described_class).not_to receive(:produce_batch) Deimos.configure { |c| c.producers.disabled = true } MyProducer.publish_list( [{ 'test_id' => 'foo', 'some_int' => 123 }, { 'test_id' => 'bar', 'some_int' => 124 }] ) expect(MyProducer.topic).not_to have_sent(anything) end it 'should not send messages if inside a disable_producers block' do Deimos.disable_producers do MyProducer.publish_list( [{ 'test_id' => 'foo', 'some_int' => 123 }, { 'test_id' => 'bar', 'some_int' => 124 }] ) end expect(MyProducer.topic).not_to have_sent(anything) MyProducer.publish_list( [{ 'test_id' => 'foo', 'some_int' => 123 }, { 'test_id' => 'bar', 'some_int' => 124 }] ) expect(MyProducer.topic).to have_sent(anything) end it 'should send messages after a crash' do expect { Deimos.disable_producers do raise 'OH NOES' end }.to raise_error('OH NOES') expect(Deimos).not_to be_producers_disabled end it 'should produce to a prefixed topic' do Deimos.configure { |c| c.producers.topic_prefix = 'prefix.' } payload = { 'test_id' => 'foo', 'some_int' => 123 } expect(described_class).to receive(:produce_batch).once do |_, messages| expect(messages.size).to eq(1) expect(messages[0].to_h). to eq( payload: payload, topic: 'prefix.my-topic', partition_key: 'foo', metadata: { producer_name: 'MyProducer', decoded_payload: payload }, key: 'foo' ) end MyProducer.publish_list([payload]) Deimos.configure { |c| c.producers.topic_prefix = nil } expect(described_class).to receive(:produce_batch).once do |_, messages| expect(messages.size).to eq(1) expect(messages[0].to_h). to eq( payload: payload, topic: 'my-topic', partition_key: 'foo', metadata: { producer_name: 'MyProducer', decoded_payload: payload }, key: 'foo' ) end MyProducer.publish_list( [{ 'test_id' => 'foo', 'some_int' => 123 }] ) end it 'should encode the key' do Deimos.configure { |c| c.producers.topic_prefix = nil } expect(MyProducer.encoder).to receive(:encode_key).with('test_id', 'foo', topic: 'my-topic-key') expect(MyProducer.encoder).to receive(:encode_key).with('test_id', 'bar', topic: 'my-topic-key') expect(MyProducer.encoder).to receive(:encode).with({ 'test_id' => 'foo', 'some_int' => 123 }, { topic: 'my-topic-value' }) expect(MyProducer.encoder).to receive(:encode).with({ 'test_id' => 'bar', 'some_int' => 124 }, { topic: 'my-topic-value' }) MyProducer.publish_list( [{ 'test_id' => 'foo', 'some_int' => 123 }, { 'test_id' => 'bar', 'some_int' => 124 }] ) end it 'should encode the key with topic prefix' do Deimos.configure { |c| c.producers.topic_prefix = 'prefix.' } expect(MyProducer.encoder).to receive(:encode_key).with('test_id', 'foo', topic: 'prefix.my-topic-key') expect(MyProducer.encoder).to receive(:encode_key).with('test_id', 'bar', topic: 'prefix.my-topic-key') expect(MyProducer.encoder).to receive(:encode).with({ 'test_id' => 'foo', 'some_int' => 123 }, { topic: 'prefix.my-topic-value' }) expect(MyProducer.encoder).to receive(:encode).with({ 'test_id' => 'bar', 'some_int' => 124 }, { topic: 'prefix.my-topic-value' }) MyProducer.publish_list([{ 'test_id' => 'foo', 'some_int' => 123 }, { 'test_id' => 'bar', 'some_int' => 124 }]) end it 'should not encode with plaintext key' do expect(MyNonEncodedProducer.key_encoder).not_to receive(:encode_key) MyNonEncodedProducer.publish_list( [{ 'test_id' => 'foo', 'some_int' => 123, :payload_key => 'foo_key' }, { 'test_id' => 'bar', 'some_int' => 124, :payload_key => 'bar_key' }] ) end it 'should encode with a schema' do expect(MySchemaProducer.key_encoder).to receive(:encode).with({ 'test_id' => 'foo_key' }, { topic: 'my-topic2-key' }) expect(MySchemaProducer.key_encoder).to receive(:encode).with({ 'test_id' => 'bar_key' }, { topic: 'my-topic2-key' }) MySchemaProducer.publish_list( [{ 'test_id' => 'foo', 'some_int' => 123, :payload_key => { 'test_id' => 'foo_key' } }, { 'test_id' => 'bar', 'some_int' => 124, :payload_key => { 'test_id' => 'bar_key' } }] ) end it 'should properly encode and coerce values with a nested record' do expect(MyNestedSchemaProducer.encoder).to receive(:encode_key).with('test_id', 'foo', topic: 'my-topic-key') MyNestedSchemaProducer.publish({ 'test_id' => 'foo', 'test_float' => BigDecimal('123.456'), 'test_array' => ['1'], 'some_nested_record' => { 'some_int' => 123, 'some_float' => BigDecimal('456.789'), 'some_string' => '123', 'some_optional_int' => nil }, 'some_optional_record' => nil }) expect(MyNestedSchemaProducer.topic).to have_sent( 'test_id' => 'foo', 'test_float' => 123.456, 'test_array' => ['1'], 'some_nested_record' => { 'some_int' => 123, 'some_float' => 456.789, 'some_string' => '123', 'some_optional_int' => nil }, 'some_optional_record' => nil ) end it 'should raise error if blank topic is passed in explicitly' do expect { MyProducer.publish_list( [{ 'test_id' => 'foo', 'some_int' => 123 }, { 'test_id' => 'bar', 'some_int' => 124 }], topic: '' ) }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, 'Topic not specified. Please specify the topic.') end it 'should raise error if the producer has not been initialized with a topic' do expect { MyNoTopicProducer.publish_list( [{ 'test_id' => 'foo', 'some_int' => 123 }, { 'test_id' => 'bar', 'some_int' => 124 }] ) }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, 'Topic not specified. Please specify the topic.') end it 'should error with nothing set' do expect { MyErrorProducer.publish_list( [{ 'test_id' => 'foo', 'some_int' => 123, :payload_key => '123' }] ) }.to raise_error('No key config given - if you are not encoding keys, please use `key_config plain: true`') end it 'should error if no key given and none is not the config' do expect { MyNonEncodedProducer.publish_list( [{ 'test_id' => 'foo', 'some_int' => 123 }] ) }.to raise_error('No key given but a key is required! Use `key_config none: true` to avoid using keys.') end it 'should allow nil keys if none: true is configured' do expect { MyNoKeyProducer.publish_list( [{ 'test_id' => 'foo', 'some_int' => 123 }] ) }.not_to raise_error end it 'should use a partition key' do MyNonEncodedProducer.publish_list([{ 'test_id' => 'foo', 'some_int' => 123, :payload_key => '123' }, { 'test_id' => 'bar', 'some_int' => 456, :payload_key => '456' }]) expect(MyNonEncodedProducer.topic).to have_sent({ 'test_id' => 'foo', 'some_int' => 123 }, '123', '1231') expect(MyNonEncodedProducer.topic).to have_sent({ 'test_id' => 'bar', 'some_int' => 456 }, '456', '4561') end context 'with Schema Class payloads' do it 'should fail on invalid message with error handler' do subscriber = Deimos.subscribe('produce') do |event| expect(event.payload[:payloads]).to eq([{ 'invalid' => 'key' }]) end expect(MyProducer.encoder).to receive(:validate).and_raise('OH NOES') expect { MyProducer.publish(Schemas::MyNamespace::MySchema.new(test_id: 'foo', some_int: 'invalid')) }.to raise_error('OH NOES') Deimos.unsubscribe(subscriber) end it 'should produce a message' do expect(described_class).to receive(:produce_batch).once.with( Deimos::Backends::Test, [ Deimos::Message.new({ 'test_id' => 'foo', 'some_int' => 123 }, MyProducer, topic: 'my-topic', partition_key: 'foo', key: 'foo'), Deimos::Message.new({ 'test_id' => 'bar', 'some_int' => 124 }, MyProducer, topic: 'my-topic', partition_key: 'bar', key: 'bar') ] ).and_call_original MyProducer.publish_list( [Schemas::MyNamespace::MySchema.new(test_id: 'foo', some_int: 123), Schemas::MyNamespace::MySchema.new(test_id: 'bar', some_int: 124)] ) expect('my-topic').to have_sent('test_id' => 'foo', 'some_int' => 123) expect('your-topic').not_to have_sent('test_id' => 'foo', 'some_int' => 123) expect('my-topic').not_to have_sent('test_id' => 'foo2', 'some_int' => 123) end it 'should not publish if publish disabled' do expect(described_class).not_to receive(:produce_batch) Deimos.configure { |c| c.producers.disabled = true } MyProducer.publish_list( [Schemas::MyNamespace::MySchema.new(test_id: 'foo', some_int: 123), Schemas::MyNamespace::MySchema.new(test_id: 'bar', some_int: 124)] ) expect(MyProducer.topic).not_to have_sent(anything) end it 'should encode the key' do Deimos.configure { |c| c.producers.topic_prefix = nil } expect(MyProducer.encoder).to receive(:encode_key).with('test_id', 'foo', topic: 'my-topic-key') expect(MyProducer.encoder).to receive(:encode_key).with('test_id', 'bar', topic: 'my-topic-key') expect(MyProducer.encoder).to receive(:encode).with({ 'test_id' => 'foo', 'some_int' => 123 }, { topic: 'my-topic-value' }) expect(MyProducer.encoder).to receive(:encode).with({ 'test_id' => 'bar', 'some_int' => 124 }, { topic: 'my-topic-value' }) MyProducer.publish_list( [Schemas::MyNamespace::MySchema.new(test_id: 'foo', some_int: 123), Schemas::MyNamespace::MySchema.new(test_id: 'bar', some_int: 124)] ) end it 'should encode with a schema' do expect(MySchemaProducer.key_encoder).to receive(:encode).with({ 'test_id' => 'foo_key' }, { topic: 'my-topic2-key' }) expect(MySchemaProducer.key_encoder).to receive(:encode).with({ 'test_id' => 'bar_key' }, { topic: 'my-topic2-key' }) MySchemaProducer.publish_list( [Schemas::MyNamespace::MySchema.new(test_id: 'foo', some_int: 123, payload_key: { 'test_id' => 'foo_key' }), Schemas::MyNamespace::MySchema.new(test_id: 'bar', some_int: 124, payload_key: { 'test_id' => 'bar_key' })] ) end it 'should properly encode and coerce values with a nested record' do expect(MyNestedSchemaProducer.encoder).to receive(:encode_key).with('test_id', 'foo', topic: 'my-topic-key') MyNestedSchemaProducer.publish( Schemas::MyNamespace::MyNestedSchema.new( test_id: 'foo', test_float: BigDecimal('123.456'), test_array: ['1'], some_nested_record: Schemas::MyNamespace::MyNestedSchema::MyNestedRecord.new( some_int: 123, some_float: BigDecimal('456.789'), some_string: '123', some_optional_int: nil ), some_optional_record: nil ) ) expect(MyNestedSchemaProducer.topic).to have_sent( 'test_id' => 'foo', 'test_float' => 123.456, 'test_array' => ['1'], 'some_nested_record' => { 'some_int' => 123, 'some_float' => 456.789, 'some_string' => '123', 'some_optional_int' => nil }, 'some_optional_record' => nil ) end end describe 'disabling' do it 'should disable globally' do Deimos.disable_producers do Deimos.disable_producers do # test nested MyProducer.publish({ 'test_id' => 'foo', 'some_int' => 123, :payload_key => '123' }) MyProducerWithID.publish({ 'test_id' => 'foo', 'some_int' => 123 }) expect('my-topic').not_to have_sent(anything) expect(Deimos).to be_producers_disabled expect(Deimos).to be_producers_disabled([MyProducer]) end end MyProducerWithID.publish({ 'test_id' => 'foo', 'some_int' => 123, :payload_key => 123 }) expect('my-topic'). to have_sent('test_id' => 'foo', 'some_int' => 123, 'message_id' => anything, 'timestamp' => anything) expect(Deimos).not_to be_producers_disabled expect(Deimos).not_to be_producers_disabled([MyProducer]) end it 'should disable a single producer' do Deimos.disable_producers(MyProducer) do # test nested Deimos.disable_producers(MyProducer) do MySchemaProducer.publish({ 'test_id' => 'foo', 'some_int' => 123, :payload_key => { 'test_id' => 'foo_key' } }) MyProducer.publish({ 'test_id' => 'foo', 'some_int' => 123, :payload_key => '123' }) expect('my-topic').not_to have_sent(anything) expect('my-topic2').to have_sent('test_id' => 'foo', 'some_int' => 123) expect(Deimos).not_to be_producers_disabled expect(Deimos).to be_producers_disabled(MyProducer) expect(Deimos).not_to be_producers_disabled(MySchemaProducer) end end expect(Deimos).not_to be_producers_disabled expect(Deimos).not_to be_producers_disabled(MyProducer) expect(Deimos).not_to be_producers_disabled(MySchemaProducer) MyProducer.publish({ 'test_id' => 'foo', 'some_int' => 123, :payload_key => '123' }) expect('my-topic'). to have_sent('test_id' => 'foo', 'some_int' => 123) end end describe '#determine_backend_class' do before(:each) do Deimos.configure { |c| c.producers.backend = :kafka_async } end it 'should return kafka_async if sync is false' do expect(described_class.determine_backend_class(false, false)). to eq(Deimos::Backends::KafkaAsync) expect(described_class.determine_backend_class(nil, false)). to eq(Deimos::Backends::KafkaAsync) end it 'should return kafka if sync is true' do expect(described_class.determine_backend_class(true, false)). to eq(Deimos::Backends::Kafka) end it 'should return db if db is set' do Deimos.configure { producers.backend = :db } expect(described_class.determine_backend_class(true, false)). to eq(Deimos::Backends::Db) expect(described_class.determine_backend_class(false, false)). to eq(Deimos::Backends::Db) end it 'should return kafka if force_send is true' do Deimos.configure { producers.backend = :db } expect(described_class.determine_backend_class(true, true)). to eq(Deimos::Backends::Kafka) expect(described_class.determine_backend_class(false, true)). to eq(Deimos::Backends::KafkaAsync) end it 'should use the default sync if set' do expect(described_class.determine_backend_class(true, true)). to eq(Deimos::Backends::Kafka) expect(described_class.determine_backend_class(false, true)). to eq(Deimos::Backends::KafkaAsync) expect(described_class.determine_backend_class(nil, true)). to eq(Deimos::Backends::Kafka) end end end end