Feature: Checking permissions on a resource Background: Given I load the policy: """ - !resource kind: food id: bacon - !role kind: job id: cook """ Scenario: By default I check my own privilege In this case, I have the privilege because I own the resource When I successfully run `conjur check food:bacon fry` Then the stdout should contain exactly "true" Scenario: I can check the privileges of roles that I own And I successfully run `conjur check -r job:cook food:bacon fry` Then the stdout should contain exactly "false" Scenario: I can check the privileges of roles that I own Given I apply the policy: """ - !resource kind: food id: bacon - !role kind: job id: cook - !grant role: !role kind: job id: cook member: !user admin - !permit role: !role kind: job id: cook resource: !resource kind: food id: bacon privilege: fry """ And I reset the command list And I successfully run `conjur check -r job:cook food:bacon fry` Then the stdout should contain exactly "true"