module PagesHelper def link_to_locale(link_name, locale, page=nil) if page link_to link_name, url_to_page(page, locale.to_s) elsif request.fullpath.match(/^\/\w{2}\/.*/) link_to link_name, request.fullpath.gsub(/^\/(\w{2})\//, "/#{locale.code}/") else link_to link_name, "/#{locale.code}" end end def link_to_search_result(result) if result.is_a? ActiveadminSelleoCms::Page "#{link_to result.breadcrumb, result.url} #{link_to "(e)", edit_admin_page_path(, target: '_blank' if current_user}".html_safe end end def url_to_page(page, locale=I18n.locale) return "#" unless page _locale = I18n.locale I18n.locale = locale _url = page.url I18n.locale = _locale return _url end def link_to_page(page, link_name=nil) link_to (link_name || page.title), page.url end def s(name) section = ActiveadminSelleoCms::Section.where(name: name).first_or_create body = section.body.to_s body = "" if body.match /

\s*<\/p>/ body += link_to(t("active_admin.cms.edit"), edit_admin_section_path(section)) if current_user and current_user.respond_to? :admin? and current_user.admin? body.html_safe end end