def debug *args return binding.pry_forced if [:force, :forced].include? args.first pry_moves_stack_end = true PryMoves.debug *args end def error(err = "Error", debug_object = nil) pry_moves_stack_end = true message = "😱 #{err}" debug_object ||= err.metadata if err.respond_to? :metadata unless or err.is_a? PryMoves::Restart if PryMoves.stop_on_breakpoints PryMoves.debug_error, debug_object elsif !PryMoves.dont_print_errors STDERR.puts PryMoves.format_debug_object(debug_object) if debug_object STDERR.puts message.ljust(80, ' ').red end end err =, debug_object) unless err.is_a? Exception raise err end def shit!(err = 'Oh, shit!', debug_object = nil) return if ENV['NO_SHIT'] pry_moves_stack_end = true message = "💩 #{err.is_a?(String) ? err : err.message}" raise err unless PryMoves.stop_on_breakpoints lines = [] lines.prepend if debug_object PryMoves.debug_error lines.join("\n") nil end Object.class_eval do def required! pry_moves_stack_end = true error("required parameter is missing", self) if self.nil? self end def should_be *classes hide_from_stack = true if self && !classes.some?{self.is_a?(_1)} error("Expected class #{classes.join ", "}, got #{}", self) end self end end RSpec.configure do |config| config.before(:each) do PryMoves.launched_specs_examples += 1 PryMoves.stop_on_breakpoints = == 1 end config.around(:each) do |example| PryMoves.restartable(rspec_example: example) do end end end if ENV['PRY_MOVES'] != 'off' and defined? RSpec Rake::Task.class_eval do alias execute_origin_for_pry_moves execute def execute(args=nil) args ||= EMPTY_TASK_ARGS PryMoves.restartable(rake_args: args, name: do |context| reload_actions if PryMoves.reload_rake_tasks and context[:retry] > 0 execute_origin_for_pry_moves args end end def reload_actions rake_task_path = actions[0].source_location[0] actions.clear load rake_task_path end end if ENV['PRY_MOVES'] != 'off' and defined? Rake and defined? Rake::Task Diffy.module_eval do class << self def diff text1, text2 diff = text1 + "\n", text2 + "\n" ).to_s "color" diff = 'Outputs are equal' if diff.strip.empty? diff end end end