/* * Main authors: * Guido Tack * * Copyright: * Guido Tack, 2006 * * Last modified: * $Date: 2008-02-15 10:33:03 +0100 (Fri, 15 Feb 2008) $ by $Author: tack $ * $Revision: 6172 $ * * This file is part of Gecode, the generic constraint * development environment: * http://www.gecode.org * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION * OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * */ #include "gecode/gist/mainwindow.hh" #include "gecode/gist/preferences.hh" #include "gecode/gist/drawingcursor.hh" #include "gecode/gist/gecodelogo.icc" namespace Gecode { namespace Gist { class StatusBarNode : public QWidget { public: StatusBarNode(NodeStatus s) : status(s) { setMinimumSize(22,22); setMaximumSize(22,22); } protected: NodeStatus status; void paintEvent(QPaintEvent*) { QPainter painter(this); painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); int hw= width()/2; int myx = hw+2; int myy = 2; switch (status) { case SOLVED: { QPoint points[4] = {QPoint(myx,myy), QPoint(myx+8,myy+8), QPoint(myx,myy+16), QPoint(myx-8,myy+8) }; painter.setBrush(QBrush(DrawingCursor::green)); painter.drawConvexPolygon(points, 4); } break; case FAILED: { painter.setBrush(QBrush(DrawingCursor::red)); painter.drawRect(myx-6, myy+2, 12, 12); } break; case BRANCH: { painter.setBrush(QBrush(DrawingCursor::blue)); painter.drawEllipse(myx-8, myy, 16, 16); } break; case UNDETERMINED: { painter.setBrush(QBrush(Qt::white)); painter.drawEllipse(myx-8, myy, 16, 16); } break; default: break; } } }; AboutGist::AboutGist(QWidget* parent) : QDialog(parent) { QPixmap myPic; myPic.loadFromData(logo, sizeof(logo)); setMinimumWidth(300); setMaximumWidth(300); QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout(); QLabel* logo = new QLabel(); logo->setPixmap(myPic); layout->addWidget(logo, 0, Qt::AlignCenter); QLabel* aboutLabel = new QLabel(tr("


" "

The Gecode Interactive Search Tool " "

You can find more information about Gecode and Gist " "at

" "

www.gecode.org" "setOpenExternalLinks(true); aboutLabel->setWordWrap(true); aboutLabel->setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); layout->addWidget(aboutLabel); setLayout(layout); setWindowTitle(tr("About Gist")); setAttribute(Qt::WA_QuitOnClose, false); setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, false); } GistMainWindow::GistMainWindow(Space* root, Better* b, Gist::Inspector* gi) : c(root,b,this), aboutGist(this) { if (gi != NULL) c.setInspector(gi); setCentralWidget(&c); setWindowTitle(tr("Gist")); resize(500,500); menuBar = new QMenuBar(0); QMenu* fileMenu = menuBar->addMenu(tr("&File")); fileMenu->addAction(c.print); fileMenu->addAction(c.exportPostscript); QAction* quitAction = fileMenu->addAction(tr("Quit")); quitAction->setShortcut(QKeySequence("Ctrl+Q")); connect(quitAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(close())); QAction* prefAction = fileMenu->addAction(tr("Preferences")); connect(prefAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(preferences())); QMenu* nodeMenu = menuBar->addMenu(tr("&Node")); nodeMenu->addAction(c.inspectCN); nodeMenu->addAction(c.setPath); nodeMenu->addAction(c.inspectPath); nodeMenu->addSeparator(); nodeMenu->addAction(c.navUp); nodeMenu->addAction(c.navDown); nodeMenu->addAction(c.navLeft); nodeMenu->addAction(c.navRight); nodeMenu->addAction(c.navRoot); nodeMenu->addSeparator(); nodeMenu->addAction(c.toggleHidden); nodeMenu->addAction(c.hideFailed); nodeMenu->addAction(c.unhideAll); nodeMenu->addSeparator(); nodeMenu->addAction(c.zoomToFit); nodeMenu->addAction(c.centerCN); QMenu* searchMenu = menuBar->addMenu(tr("&Search")); searchMenu->addAction(c.searchNext); searchMenu->addAction(c.searchAll); searchMenu->addSeparator(); searchMenu->addAction(c.stopCN); searchMenu->addSeparator(); searchMenu->addAction(c.reset); QMenu* toolsMenu = menuBar->addMenu(tr("&Tools")); toolsMenu->addAction(c.analyzeTree); toolsMenu->addSeparator(); toolsMenu->addAction(c.toggleHeatView); toolsMenu->addAction(c.addVisualisation); QMenu* helpMenu = menuBar->addMenu(tr("&Help")); QAction* aboutAction = helpMenu->addAction(tr("About")); connect(aboutAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(about())); // Don't add the menu bar on Mac OS X #ifndef Q_WS_MAC setMenuBar(menuBar); #endif // Set up status bar QWidget* stw = new QWidget(); QHBoxLayout* hbl = new QHBoxLayout(); hbl->setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0); hbl->addWidget(new StatusBarNode(SOLVED)); solvedLabel = new QLabel("0"); hbl->addWidget(solvedLabel); hbl->addWidget(new StatusBarNode(FAILED)); failedLabel = new QLabel("0"); hbl->addWidget(failedLabel); hbl->addWidget(new StatusBarNode(BRANCH)); choicesLabel = new QLabel("0"); hbl->addWidget(choicesLabel); hbl->addWidget(new StatusBarNode(UNDETERMINED)); openLabel = new QLabel(" 0"); hbl->addWidget(openLabel); stw->setLayout(hbl); statusBar()->addPermanentWidget(stw); isSearching = false; connect(&c,SIGNAL(statusChanged(const Statistics&,bool)), this,SLOT(statusChanged(const Statistics&,bool))); show(); PreferencesDialog pd(this); c.setAutoHideFailed(pd.hideFailed); c.setAutoZoom(pd.zoom); } void GistMainWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent* event) { c.finish(); event->accept(); } void GistMainWindow::statusChanged(const Statistics& stats, bool finished) { if (isSearching && finished) { statusBar()->showMessage("Ready"); isSearching = false; } else if (!isSearching && !finished) { statusBar()->showMessage("Searching"); isSearching = true; } solvedLabel->setNum(stats.solutions); failedLabel->setNum(stats.failures); choicesLabel->setNum(stats.choices); openLabel->setNum(stats.undetermined); } void GistMainWindow::about(void) { aboutGist.show(); } void GistMainWindow::preferences(void) { PreferencesDialog pd(this); if (pd.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { c.setAutoHideFailed(pd.hideFailed); c.setAutoZoom(pd.zoom); c.setRefresh(pd.refresh); } } }} // STATISTICS: gist-any