module QB # Constants # ===================================================================== # Absolute path to the gem's root directory. # # @return [Pathname] # ROOT = ( __FILE__ ).dirname / '..' / '..' ).expand_path # The gem's name. # # @return [String] # GEM_NAME = 'qb' # String version read from `//VERSION` # # @return [String] # VERSION = ( ROOT / 'VERSION' ).read.chomp # Minimum version of Ansible required. Encoded as a {Gem::Version} # so we can compare it. # # @return [Gem::Version] # MIN_ANSIBLE_VERSION = '2.1.2' # Class Methods # ===================================================================== # Are we running in local development? Looks for the `//dev` directory's # presence. # # @return [Boolean] # def self.local_dev? (QB::ROOT / 'dev').directory? end # Are we running the tests (RSpec)? # # Sees if the `QB_IS_TEST_ENV` environment is "truthy". # # @return [Boolean] # def self.testing? require 'nrser' ENV['QB_IS_TEST_ENV'].truthy? end # .testing? def self.gemspec Gem.loaded_specs[GEM_NAME] end # Get the {Gem::Version} parse of {QB::VERSION}. # # @return [Gem::Version] # def self.gem_version VERSION end # @return [Gem::Version] # the Ansible executable version parsed into a Gem version so we can # compare it. # def self.ansible_version out = Cmds.out! 'ansible --version' version_str = out[/ansible\ ([\d\.]+)/, 1] if version_str.nil? raise NRSER.dedent <<-END could not parse ansible version from `ansible --version` output: #{ out } END end version_str end # .ansible_version # Check that the Ansible version is not less than {QB::MIN_ANSIBLE_VERSION}. # # @raise [QB::AnsibleVersionError] # If the version of Ansible found is less than {QB::MIN_ANSIBLE_VERSION}. # def self.check_ansible_version if ansible_version < QB::MIN_ANSIBLE_VERSION raise QB::AnsibleVersionError, NRSER.squish( <<-END QB #{ QB::VERSION } requires Ansible #{ QB::MIN_ANSIBLE_VERSION }, found version #{ version_str } at #{ `which ansible` } END ) end end # .check_ansible_version end # module QB