$:.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__)) require 'spec_helper' %w[pstore tokyo_cabinet sqlite3].each { |file| require "anemone/storage/#{file}.rb" } module Anemone describe Core do before(:each) do FakeWeb.clean_registry end shared_examples_for "crawl" do it "should crawl all the html pages in a domain by following <a> href's" do pages = [] pages << FakePage.new('0', :links => ['1', '2']) pages << FakePage.new('1', :links => ['3']) pages << FakePage.new('2') pages << FakePage.new('3') Anemone.crawl(pages[0].url, @opts).should have(4).pages end it "should not follow links that leave the original domain" do pages = [] pages << FakePage.new('0', :links => ['1'], :hrefs => 'http://www.other.com/') pages << FakePage.new('1') core = Anemone.crawl(pages[0].url, @opts) core.should have(2).pages core.pages.keys.should_not include('http://www.other.com/') end it "should not follow redirects that leave the original domain" do pages = [] pages << FakePage.new('0', :links => ['1'], :redirect => 'http://www.other.com/') pages << FakePage.new('1') core = Anemone.crawl(pages[0].url, @opts) core.should have(2).pages core.pages.keys.should_not include('http://www.other.com/') end it "should follow http redirects" do pages = [] pages << FakePage.new('0', :links => ['1']) pages << FakePage.new('1', :redirect => '2') pages << FakePage.new('2') Anemone.crawl(pages[0].url, @opts).should have(3).pages end it "should follow with HTTP basic authentication" do pages = [] pages << FakePage.new('0', :links => ['1', '2'], :auth => true) pages << FakePage.new('1', :links => ['3'], :auth => true) Anemone.crawl(pages.first.auth_url, @opts).should have(3).pages end it "should accept multiple starting URLs" do pages = [] pages << FakePage.new('0', :links => ['1']) pages << FakePage.new('1') pages << FakePage.new('2', :links => ['3']) pages << FakePage.new('3') Anemone.crawl([pages[0].url, pages[2].url], @opts).should have(4).pages end it "should include the query string when following links" do pages = [] pages << FakePage.new('0', :links => ['1?foo=1']) pages << FakePage.new('1?foo=1') pages << FakePage.new('1') core = Anemone.crawl(pages[0].url, @opts) core.should have(2).pages core.pages.keys.should_not include(pages[2].url) end it "should be able to skip links with query strings" do pages = [] pages << FakePage.new('0', :links => ['1?foo=1', '2']) pages << FakePage.new('1?foo=1') pages << FakePage.new('2') core = Anemone.crawl(pages[0].url, @opts) do |a| a.skip_query_strings = true end core.should have(2).pages end it "should be able to skip links based on a RegEx" do pages = [] pages << FakePage.new('0', :links => ['1', '2']) pages << FakePage.new('1') pages << FakePage.new('2') pages << FakePage.new('3') core = Anemone.crawl(pages[0].url, @opts) do |a| a.skip_links_like /1/, /3/ end core.should have(2).pages core.pages.keys.should_not include(pages[1].url) core.pages.keys.should_not include(pages[3].url) end it "should be able to call a block on every page" do pages = [] pages << FakePage.new('0', :links => ['1', '2']) pages << FakePage.new('1') pages << FakePage.new('2') count = 0 Anemone.crawl(pages[0].url, @opts) do |a| a.on_every_page { count += 1 } end count.should == 3 end it "should not discard page bodies by default" do Anemone.crawl(FakePage.new('0').url, @opts).pages.values#.first.doc.should_not be_nil end it "should optionally discard page bodies to conserve memory" do # core = Anemone.crawl(FakePage.new('0').url, @opts.merge({:discard_page_bodies => true})) # core.pages.values.first.doc.should be_nil end it "should provide a focus_crawl method to select the links on each page to follow" do pages = [] pages << FakePage.new('0', :links => ['1', '2']) pages << FakePage.new('1') pages << FakePage.new('2') core = Anemone.crawl(pages[0].url, @opts) do |a| a.focus_crawl {|p| p.links.reject{|l| l.to_s =~ /1/}} end core.should have(2).pages core.pages.keys.should_not include(pages[1].url) end it "should optionally delay between page requests" do delay = 0.25 pages = [] pages << FakePage.new('0', :links => '1') pages << FakePage.new('1') start = Time.now Anemone.crawl(pages[0].url, @opts.merge({:delay => delay})) finish = Time.now (finish - start).should satisfy {|t| t > delay * 2} end it "should optionally obey the robots exclusion protocol" do pages = [] pages << FakePage.new('0', :links => '1') pages << FakePage.new('1') pages << FakePage.new('robots.txt', :body => "User-agent: *\nDisallow: /1", :content_type => 'text/plain') core = Anemone.crawl(pages[0].url, @opts.merge({:obey_robots_txt => true})) urls = core.pages.keys urls.should include(pages[0].url) urls.should_not include(pages[1].url) end it "should be able to set cookies to send with HTTP requests" do cookies = {:a => '1', :b => '2'} core = Anemone.crawl(FakePage.new('0').url) do |anemone| anemone.cookies = cookies end core.opts[:cookies].should == cookies end it "should freeze the options once the crawl begins" do core = Anemone.crawl(FakePage.new('0').url) do |anemone| anemone.threads = 4 anemone.on_every_page do lambda {anemone.threads = 2}.should raise_error end end core.opts[:threads].should == 4 end describe "many pages" do before(:each) do @pages, size = [], 5 size.times do |n| # register this page with a link to the next page link = (n + 1).to_s if n + 1 < size @pages << FakePage.new(n.to_s, :links => Array(link)) end end it "should track the page depth and referer" do core = Anemone.crawl(@pages[0].url, @opts) previous_page = nil @pages.each_with_index do |page, i| page = core.pages[page.url] page.should be page.depth.should == i if previous_page page.referer.should == previous_page.url else page.referer.should be_nil end previous_page = page end end it "should optionally limit the depth of the crawl" do core = Anemone.crawl(@pages[0].url, @opts.merge({:depth_limit => 3})) core.should have(4).pages end end end describe Hash do it_should_behave_like "crawl" before(:all) do @opts = {} end end describe Storage::PStore do it_should_behave_like "crawl" before(:all) do @test_file = 'test.pstore' end before(:each) do File.delete(@test_file) if File.exists?(@test_file) @opts = {:storage => Storage.PStore(@test_file)} end after(:each) do File.delete(@test_file) if File.exists?(@test_file) end end describe Storage::TokyoCabinet do it_should_behave_like "crawl" before(:all) do @test_file = 'test.tch' end before(:each) do File.delete(@test_file) if File.exists?(@test_file) @opts = {:storage => @store = Storage.TokyoCabinet(@test_file)} end after(:each) do @store.close end after(:each) do File.delete(@test_file) if File.exists?(@test_file) end end describe Storage::SQLite3 do it_should_behave_like "crawl" before(:all) do @test_file = 'test.db' end before(:each) do File.delete(@test_file) if File.exists?(@test_file) @opts = {:storage => @store = Storage.SQLite3(@test_file)} end after(:each) do @store.close end after(:each) do File.delete(@test_file) if File.exists?(@test_file) end end describe "options" do it "should accept options for the crawl" do core = Anemone.crawl(SPEC_DOMAIN, :verbose => false, :threads => 2, :discard_page_bodies => true, :user_agent => 'test', :obey_robots_txt => true, :depth_limit => 3) core.opts[:verbose].should == false core.opts[:threads].should == 2 core.opts[:discard_page_bodies].should == true core.opts[:delay].should == 0 core.opts[:user_agent].should == 'test' core.opts[:obey_robots_txt].should == true core.opts[:depth_limit].should == 3 end it "should accept options via setter methods in the crawl block" do core = Anemone.crawl(SPEC_DOMAIN) do |a| a.verbose = false a.threads = 2 a.discard_page_bodies = true a.user_agent = 'test' a.obey_robots_txt = true a.depth_limit = 3 end core.opts[:verbose].should == false core.opts[:threads].should == 2 core.opts[:discard_page_bodies].should == true core.opts[:delay].should == 0 core.opts[:user_agent].should == 'test' core.opts[:obey_robots_txt].should == true core.opts[:depth_limit].should == 3 end it "should use 1 thread if a delay is requested" do Anemone.crawl(SPEC_DOMAIN, :delay => 0.01, :threads => 2).opts[:threads].should == 1 end end end end