class Chef::Recipe MARKER_DIR = "#{ENV['HOME']}/.install_markers" #Regarding marker files: # #The idea here is you have a simple "signal" on disk that tells you when you've #successfully run something, and you don't want to run it again if you don't have to. # #Also, the decision to rerun a unit of work becomes explicit - and owned by you. #(it's not based on trusting a target program to respond in some way). #You don't have to learn and keep up this "re-run" logic per unit of work / program # #Also, simply ls'ing the marker dir gives you interesting information all in once place - #i.e. what markers are there and what are their timestamps? # #And reinstalls are easy - just rm the relevant marker file. def run_unless_marker_file_exists(marker_file_name) directory MARKER_DIR do # owner WS_USER recursive true end marker_path = File.join(MARKER_DIR, marker_file_name) if File.exists?(marker_path) log "skipping #{marker_file_name}: marker file found (#{marker_path}), detail: #{`ls -la #{marker_path}`.strip}" else log "no marker file found for #{marker_file_name} in #{MARKER_DIR}, running" yield execute "touching marker file #{marker_path} after successful run" do # user WS_USER command "touch #{marker_path}" end end end end