Generated Narrative with Details
id: 101
identifier: 23234352356
accessionIdentifier: X352356
status: available
type: Venous blood specimen (Details : {SNOMED CT code '122555007' = 'Venous blood specimen', given as 'Venous blood specimen'})
subject: Peter Patient
receivedTime: Mar 4, 2011 7:03:00 AM
request: ProcedureRequest/example
- | Collector | Collected[x] | Quantity | Method | BodySite |
* | Practitioner/example | May 30, 2011 6:15:00 AM | 6 mL | Line, Venous (Details : { code 'LNV' = 'Line, Venous) | Right median cubital vein (Details : {SNOMED CT code '49852007' = 'Median cubital vein', given as 'Structure of median cubital vein (body structure)'}) |
- | Identifier | Description | Type | Capacity | SpecimenQuantity | Additive[x] |
* | 48736-15394-75465 | Green Gel tube | Vacutainer (Details ) | 10 mL | 6 mL | id: hep; Lithium/Li Heparin (Details : { code 'HEPL' = 'Lithium/Li Heparin) |
note: Specimen is grossly lipemic