# HTTP - HTTP container. # Copyright (C) 2001-2007 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi. # # This module is copyrighted free software by NAKAMURA, Hiroshi. # You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same term as Ruby. require 'uri' require 'time' module HTTP module Status OK = 200 CREATED = 201 ACCEPTED = 202 NON_AUTHORITATIVE_INFORMATION = 203 NO_CONTENT = 204 RESET_CONTENT = 205 PARTIAL_CONTENT = 206 MOVED_PERMANENTLY = 301 FOUND = 302 SEE_OTHER = 303 TEMPORARY_REDIRECT = MOVED_TEMPORARILY = 307 BAD_REQUEST = 400 UNAUTHORIZED = 401 PROXY_AUTHENTICATE_REQUIRED = 407 INTERNAL = 500 def self.successful?(status) [ OK, CREATED, ACCEPTED, NON_AUTHORITATIVE_INFORMATION, NO_CONTENT, RESET_CONTENT, PARTIAL_CONTENT ].include?(status) end def self.redirect?(status) [ MOVED_PERMANENTLY, FOUND, SEE_OTHER, TEMPORARY_REDIRECT, MOVED_TEMPORARILY ].include?(status) end end class Error < StandardError; end class BadResponseError < Error; end class << self def http_date(a_time) a_time.gmtime.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT") end ProtocolVersionRegexp = Regexp.new('^(?:HTTP/|)(\d+)\.(\d+)$') def keep_alive_enabled?(version) ProtocolVersionRegexp =~ version if !($1 and $2) false elsif $1.to_i > 1 true elsif $1.to_i == 1 and $2.to_i >= 1 true else false end end end # HTTP::Message -- HTTP message. # # DESCRIPTION # A class that describes 1 HTTP request / response message. # class Message CRLF = "\r\n" # HTTP::Message::Headers -- HTTP message header. # # DESCRIPTION # A class that describes header part of HTTP message. # class Headers # HTTP version string in a HTTP header. attr_accessor :http_version # Content-type. attr_accessor :body_type # Charset. attr_accessor :body_charset # Size of body. attr_reader :body_size # A milestone of body. attr_accessor :body_date # Chunked or not. attr_reader :chunked # Request method. attr_reader :request_method # Requested URI. attr_reader :request_uri # HTTP status reason phrase. attr_accessor :reason_phrase StatusCodeMap = { Status::OK => 'OK', Status::CREATED => "Created", Status::NON_AUTHORITATIVE_INFORMATION => "Non-Authoritative Information", Status::NO_CONTENT => "No Content", Status::RESET_CONTENT => "Reset Content", Status::PARTIAL_CONTENT => "Partial Content", Status::MOVED_PERMANENTLY => 'Moved Permanently', Status::FOUND => 'Found', Status::SEE_OTHER => 'See Other', Status::TEMPORARY_REDIRECT => 'Temporary Redirect', Status::MOVED_TEMPORARILY => 'Temporary Redirect', Status::BAD_REQUEST => 'Bad Request', Status::INTERNAL => 'Internal Server Error', } CharsetMap = { 'NONE' => 'us-ascii', 'EUC' => 'euc-jp', 'SJIS' => 'shift_jis', 'UTF8' => 'utf-8', } # SYNOPSIS # HTTP::Message.new # # ARGS # N/A # # DESCRIPTION # Create a instance of HTTP request or HTTP response. Specify # status_code for HTTP response. # def initialize @is_request = nil # true, false and nil @http_version = 'HTTP/1.1' @body_type = nil @body_charset = nil @body_size = nil @body_date = nil @header_item = [] @chunked = false @response_status_code = nil @reason_phrase = nil @request_method = nil @request_uri = nil @request_query = nil @request_via_proxy = nil end def init_request(method, uri, query = nil, via_proxy = nil) @is_request = true @request_method = method @request_uri = if uri.is_a?(URI) uri else URI.parse(uri.to_s) end @request_query = create_query_uri(@request_uri, query) @request_via_proxy = via_proxy end def init_response(status_code) @is_request = false self.response_status_code = status_code end attr_accessor :request_via_proxy attr_reader :response_status_code def response_status_code=(status_code) @response_status_code = status_code @reason_phrase = StatusCodeMap[@response_status_code] end def contenttype self['content-type'][0] end def contenttype=(contenttype) self['content-type'] = contenttype end # body_size == nil means that the body is_a? IO def body_size=(body_size) @body_size = body_size if @body_size @chunked = false else @chunked = true end end def dump(dev = '') set_header str = nil if @is_request str = request_line else str = response_status_line end str += @header_item.collect { |key, value| dump_line("#{ key }: #{ value }") }.join dev << str dev end def set(key, value) @header_item.push([key, value]) end def get(key = nil) if !key @header_item else @header_item.find_all { |pair| pair[0].upcase == key.upcase } end end def delete(key) key = key.upcase @header_item.delete_if { |k, v| k.upcase == key } end def []=(key, value) set(key, value) end def [](key) get(key).collect { |item| item[1] } end private def request_line path = if @request_via_proxy if @request_uri.port "#{ @request_uri.scheme }://#{ @request_uri.host }:#{ @request_uri.port }#{ @request_query }" else "#{ @request_uri.scheme }://#{ @request_uri.host }#{ @request_query }" end else @request_query end dump_line("#{ @request_method } #{ path } #{ @http_version }") end def response_status_line if defined?(Apache) dump_line("#{ @http_version } #{ response_status_code } #{ @reason_phrase }") else dump_line("Status: #{ response_status_code } #{ @reason_phrase }") end end def set_header if defined?(Apache) && !self['Date'] set('Date', HTTP.http_date(Time.now)) end keep_alive = HTTP.keep_alive_enabled?(@http_version) set('Connection', 'close') unless keep_alive if @chunked set('Transfer-Encoding', 'chunked') else if keep_alive or @body_size != 0 set('Content-Length', @body_size.to_s) end end if @body_date set('Last-Modified', HTTP.http_date(@body_date)) end if @is_request == true if @http_version >= 'HTTP/1.1' if @request_uri.port == @request_uri.default_port set('Host', "#{@request_uri.host}") else set('Host', "#{@request_uri.host}:#{@request_uri.port}") end end elsif @is_request == false set('Content-Type', "#{ @body_type || 'text/html' }; charset=#{ CharsetMap[@body_charset || $KCODE] }") end end def dump_line(str) str + CRLF end def create_query_uri(uri, query) path = uri.path path = '/' if path.nil? or path.empty? query_str = nil if uri.query query_str = uri.query end if query if query_str query_str << '&' << Message.create_query_part_str(query) else query_str = Message.create_query_part_str(query) end end if query_str path += "?#{query_str}" end path end end class Body attr_accessor :type, :charset, :date, :chunk_size def initialize(body = nil, date = nil, type = nil, charset = nil, boundary = nil) @body = nil @boundary = boundary set_content(body || '', boundary) @type = type @charset = charset @date = date @chunk_size = 4096 end def size if @body.respond_to?(:read) nil else @body.size end end def dump(dev = '') if @body.respond_to?(:read) begin while true chunk = @body.read(@chunk_size) break if chunk.nil? dev << dump_chunk(chunk) end rescue EOFError end dev << (dump_last_chunk + CRLF) else dev << @body end dev end def content @body end def set_content(body, boundary = nil) if body.respond_to?(:read) @body = body elsif boundary @body = Message.create_query_multipart_str(body, boundary) else @body = Message.create_query_part_str(body) end end private def dump_chunk(str) dump_chunk_size(str.size) << (str + CRLF) end def dump_last_chunk dump_chunk_size(0) end def dump_chunk_size(size) sprintf("%x", size) << CRLF end end attr_reader :header attr_reader :body attr_accessor :peer_cert def initialize @body = @header = @peer_cert = nil end class << self alias __new new undef new end def self.new_request(method, uri, query = nil, body = nil, proxy = nil, boundary = nil) m = self.__new m.header = Headers.new m.header.init_request(method, uri, query, proxy) m.body = Body.new(body, nil, nil, nil, boundary) m end def self.new_response(body = '') m = self.__new m.header = Headers.new m.header.init_response(Status::OK) m.body = Body.new(body) m end def dump(dev = '') sync_header dev = header.dump(dev) dev << CRLF dev = body.dump(dev) if body dev end def load(str) buf = str.dup unless self.header.load(buf) self.body.load(buf) end end def header=(header) @header = header sync_body end def content @body.content end def body=(body) @body = body sync_header end def status @header.response_status_code end def status=(status) @header.response_status_code = status end def version @header.http_version end def version=(version) @header.http_version = version end def reason @header.reason_phrase end def reason=(reason) @header.reason_phrase = reason end def contenttype @header.contenttype end def contenttype=(contenttype) @header.contenttype = contenttype end class << self @@mime_type_func = nil def set_mime_type_func(val) @@mime_type_func = val end def get_mime_type_func @@mime_type_func end def create_query_part_str(query) if multiparam_query?(query) escape_query(query) else query.to_s end end def create_query_multipart_str(query, boundary) if multiparam_query?(query) query.collect { |attr, value| value ||= '' extra_content_disposition = content_type = content = nil if value.is_a? File params = { 'filename' => File.basename(value.path), # Creation time is not available from File::Stat # 'creation-date' => value.ctime.rfc822, 'modification-date' => value.mtime.rfc822, 'read-date' => value.atime.rfc822, } param_str = params.to_a.collect { |k, v| "#{k}=\"#{v}\"" }.join("; ") extra_content_disposition = " #{param_str}" content_type = mime_type(value.path) content = value.read else extra_content_disposition = '' content_type = mime_type(nil) content = value.to_s end "--#{boundary}" + CRLF + %{Content-Disposition: form-data; name="#{attr.to_s}";} + extra_content_disposition + CRLF + "Content-Type: " + content_type + CRLF + CRLF + content + CRLF }.join('') + "--#{boundary}--" + CRLF + CRLF # empty epilogue else query.to_s end end def multiparam_query?(query) query.is_a?(Array) or query.is_a?(Hash) end def escape_query(query) query.collect { |attr, value| escape(attr.to_s) << '=' << escape(value.to_s) }.join('&') end # from CGI.escape def escape(str) str.gsub(/([^ a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+)/n) { '%' + $1.unpack('H2' * $1.size).join('%').upcase }.tr(' ', '+') end def mime_type(path) if @@mime_type_func res = @@mime_type_func.call(path) if !res || res.to_s == '' return 'application/octet-stream' else return res end else internal_mime_type(path) end end def internal_mime_type(path) case path when /\.txt$/i 'text/plain' when /\.(htm|html)$/i 'text/html' when /\.doc$/i 'application/msword' when /\.png$/i 'image/png' when /\.gif$/i 'image/gif' when /\.(jpg|jpeg)$/i 'image/jpeg' else 'application/octet-stream' end end end private def sync_header if @header and @body @header.body_type = @body.type @header.body_charset = @body.charset @header.body_size = @body.size @header.body_date = @body.date end end def sync_body if @header and @body @body.type = @header.body_type @body.charset = @header.body_charset @body.size = @header.body_size @body.date = @header.body_date end end end end