# ChangeLog ## _(September 18, 2013)_ - `gemspec` - Added `bundler` as a runtime dependency. - Path extractors - Removed: - `comments` -- Extracts partial paths from HTML comments. - Could cause infinite crawls, pending further research. ## _(September 14, 2013)_ - `Element::Capabilities::Auditable::Taint` - Fixed bug appearing when modules don't have per-platform payloads. ## 0.4.5 _(September 12, 2013)_ - `Element::Capabilities::Auditable::Taint` - Patterns can now be per-platform which results in improved fingerprinting during the audit phase and less CPU stress when analyzing responses. - Modules - Audit - Path traversal (`path_traversal`) - Updated `/etc/passwd` signatures to be more generic. - Updated MS Windows payloads to include dot truncation. - Detection patterns organized per platform. - Moved non-traversal payloads to the `file_inclusion` module. - SQL Injection (`sqli`) - Added support for: - Firebird - SAP Max DB - Sybase - Frontbase - IngresDB - HSQLDB - MS Access - OS command injection (`os_cmd_injection`) - Detection patterns organized per platform. - Added: - File inclusion (`file_inclusion`) -- Extracted from `path_traversal`. - Uses common server-side files and errors to identify issues. - Recon - Added: - localstart.asp (`localstart_asp`) - Checks if `localstart.asp` is accessible. - Plugins - Added: - Uncommon headers (`uncommon_headers`) -- Logs uncommon headers. - Path extractors - Added: - Extract partial paths from HTML comments (`comments`). ## 0.4.4 _(August 10, 2013)_ - Options - Added: - `--http-username` -- Username for HTTP authentication. - `--http-password` -- Password for HTTP authentication. - `Element::Capabilities::Auditable::RDiff` -- Optimized and improved accuracy of analysis. - Reports - HTML -- Fixed display of untrusted issues. - Modules - Recon - Added: - X-Forwarded-For Access Restriction Bypass (`x_forwarded_for_access_restriction_bypass`) - Retries denied requests with a `X-Forwarded-For` header to try and trick the web application into thinking that the request originates from `localhost` and checks whether the restrictions were bypassed. - Form-based upload (`form_upload`) - Flags file-upload forms as they require manual testing. - .htaccess LIMIT misconfiguration (`htaccess_limit`) - Updated to use verb tampering as well. - Audit - Added: - Source code disclosure (`source_code_disclosure`) - Checks whether or not the web application can be forced to reveal source code. - Code execution via the php://input wrapper (`code_execution_php_input_wrapper`) - It injects PHP code into the HTTP request body and uses the php://input wrapper to try and load it - Blind SQL Injection (Boolean/Differential analysis) (`sqli_blind_rdiff`) - Improved accuracy of results. - Path traversal (`path_traversal`) - Severity set to "High". - Updated to start with `/` and go all the way up to `/../../../../../../`. - Added fingerprints for `/proc/self/environ`. - Improved coverage for MS Windows. - Remote file inclusion (`rfi`) - Updated to handle cases where the web application appends its own extension to the injected string. ## _(July 16, 2013)_ - Plugins - Proxy -- Fixed bug causing it to ignore the shutdown URL. ## _(July 14, 2013)_ - `Session#find_login_form` -- Stores cookies set by the page containing the login form. - Plugins - AutoLogin -- All responses now update the framework cookies. - Proxy -- Fixed out-of-scope error for `TemplateScope` helper class. - Modules - Audit - Path traversal (`path_traversal`) - Added more fingerprints for `/etc/passwd`. ## Version 0.4.3 _(July 06, 2013)_ - RPC protocol - YAML serialization switched from `Syck` to `Psych` (the current Ruby default). - Executables: - Added `arachni_multi` - Spawns and controls an `RPC::Server::Instance` process in order to provide access to RPC-only features such as multi-Instance scans **without** requiring a Dispatcher. - CLI - Added platform fingerprinting options: - `--lsplat` -- Lists all available platforms. - `--no-fingerprinting` -- Disables platform fingerprinting. - `--platforms` -- Allows for user specified platforms. - RPC client - Added the `--grid-mode` option to allow the user to choose between: - Load-balancing -- Slaves will be provided by the least burdened Grid Dispatchers. - Load balancing **with** line-aggregation -- In addition to balancing, slaves will all be from Dispatchers with unique bandwidth Pipe-IDs to result in application-level line-aggregation. - Added modular `Page` fingeprinting, via `fingerprinter` components, identifying: - Operating systems - BSD - Linux - Unix - Windows - Solaris - Web servers - Apache - IIS - Nginx - Tomcat - Jetty - Programming languages - PHP - ASP - ASPX - JSP - Python - Ruby - Frameworks - Rack - `HTTP` - `Accept-Encoding` set to `gzip, deflate` by default. - `Parser` - Now fingerprints the pages it returns. - `Framework` - Removed the following deprecated aliases: - `:resume!` -- Only use `resume` from now on. - `:pause!` -- Only use `pause` from now on. - `:clean_up!` -- Only use `clean_up` from now on. - Added `#list_platforms`. - `Spider` - Optimized path de-duplication. - Paths-list synchronized using a `Mutex` to prevent issues when running as part of a multi-Instance operation. - `RPC::Server::Instance` - Removed the following deprecated aliases: - `:shutdown!` -- Only use `shutdown` from now on. - Added preliminary support for UNIX sockets. - Added `#list_platforms`. - `Module::Auditor` - Having access to the `Framework` is now required and guaranteed. - `Element::Capabilities::Auditable` - Out of scope elements are now visible in order to allow access to 3rd party resources like Single Sign-On services. - All audit methods return `false` when the element is out of the scan's scope. - `#anonymous_auditor` now instantiates a `Framework`. - Added `#skip_like` method to be passed blocks deciding what elements should not be audited. - `#audit` - Updated to support the following payload types: - `Array` -- Array of payloads to be injected. - `Hash` -- Array of payloads to be injected per platform. - Grid - `RPC::Server::Dispatcher#dispatch` - When the Dispatcher is a Grid member, it returns an Instance from the least burdened Grid member by default, thus allowing for easy load-balancing. - Multi-Instance scans - Instances now communicate via UNIX domain sockets when all of them are on the same host, to avoid TCP/IP overhead for IPC. - `RPC::Server::Instance#scan` - Added `grid_mode` option: - `:balance` -- Slaves will be provided by the least burdened Grid Dispatchers. - `:aggregate` -- In addition to balancing, slaves will all be from Dispatchers with unique bandwidth Pipe-IDs to result in application-level line-aggregation. - `RPC::Server::Framework` - No longer performs a multi-Instance scan when its Dispatcher is a Grid member. The `grid` or `grid_mode` options need to be set explicitly, along with a `spawns` option value of 1 and higher. - General code cleanup. - Multi-Instance code moved under the `RPC::Server::Framework::MultiInstance` module which concentrates multi-Instance code and pulls in the following modules: - `RPC::Server::Framework::Slave` -- Holds API and utilities for slave instances. - `RPC::Server::Framework::Master` -- Holds API and utilities for master instances. - Master seed crawl runs in its own thread to avoid blocking during the initial seeding process. - Removed the concept of issue summaries -- were used for lightweight transmission of issue data for real-time feedback. Instead, full issues are being buffered and flushed to the master after each page is audited. - `RPC::Server::Framework::Distributor#distribute_elements` - Optimized to handle large data sets. - `RPC::Server::Spider` - Updated buffering strategy to reduce RPC calls. - Cleaned up and removed `@@` vars from: - `Module::Manager` - `Module::KeyFiller` - `Plugin::Manager` - `Parser` - Moved supporting classes under `Arachni::Support`. - `Support::Cache` classes now store `#hash` values of keys to preserve space. - Added: - `Support::LookUp` namespace to hold look-up optimized data structures with: - `Support::LookUp::HashSet` -- Stores hashed items in a `Set`. - `Support::LookUp::Moolb` -- Reverse of a Bloom-filter. - `Support::Queue::Disk` -- Disk Queue with in-memory buffer. - Added: - `Arachni::Platform` -- Holds resources relevant to platform identification, storage, and filtering. - `Fingerprinters` -- Namespace under which all fingerprinter components reside. - `List` - List structure holding applicable platforms for a given WWW resource. - `Manager` - Collection of `Lists`s for easy management of platforms of different types. - `IO#tail` -- Returns a specified amount of lines from the bottom of a file. - Process helpers for RPC Instance and Dispatcher servers. - `Arachni::Processes::Dispatchers` -- Spawns and kills Dispatchers. - `Arachni::Processes::Instances` -- Spawns and kills Instances. - `Arachni::Processes::Manager` -- Forks and kills processes. - RSpec tests - Major cleanup, using the aforementioned process helpers to remove duplicate code. - Moved supporting components under `spec/support/`. - Modules - Audit - `code_injection` - Removed `Ruby` payload since it wasn't applicable. - Updated to categorize payloads by platform. - `code_injection_timing` - Code cleanup. - Removed `payloads.txt`, payloads are now in the module. - Updated to categorize payloads by platform. - `os_cmd_injection` - Code cleanup. - Removed `payloads.txt`, payloads are now in the module. - Updated to categorize payloads by platform. - `os_cmd_injection_timing` - Code cleanup. - Removed `payloads.txt`, payloads are now in the module. - Updated to categorize payloads by platform. - `path_traversal` - Code cleanup. - Updated to categorize payloads by platform. - `sqli_blind_timing` - Code cleanup. - Split `payloads.txt`, to individual files per platform. - Updated to categorize payloads by platform. - Recon - `html_objects` - Updated description. - Plugins - Proxy - Out-of-scope pages no longer return a _403 Forbidden_ error but are instead loaded, though ignored. - Fixed bug causing the `Content-Length` header to sometimes hold an incorrect value. - Fixed bug causing the control panel to be injected in a loop. - Added support for `PUT` and `DELETE` methods. - Supports exporting of discovered vectors in YAML format suitable for use with the `vector_feed` plugin. - Fixed bug with `POST` requests resulting in timed-out connections due to forwarding a `Content-Length` request header to the origin server. - AutoLogin - Updated to allow access to out-of-scope resources like Single Sign-On services. ## Version 0.4.2 _(April 26, 2013)_ - Options - Added ```--https-only``` to disallow downgrades to HTTP when the seed URL uses HTTPS. - Added ```--exclude-page``` to exclude pages whose bodies match the given patterns. - Added ```--version``` to show version info. - Updated exceptions thrown by the framework, removed ```Arachni::Exceptions``` namespace and replaced it with the ```Arachni::Error``` base exception from which all component specific exceptions inherit. - RPC - Handlers - ```opts``` -- Now presents the ```RPC::Server::ActiveOptions``` interface which actively configures certain options across multiple system components. - ```service``` -- Updated with the following convenience methods in order to provide a simpler interface for users who don't wish to bother with the more specialised handlers (```opts```,```modules```, ```framework```, etc.): - ```#errors``` -- Returns the contents of the error log. - ```#scan``` -- Configures and runs the scan. - ```#progress``` -- Aggregates progress information. - ```#busy?``` -- Checks whether the scan is still in progress. - ```#pause``` -- Pauses the scan (delegated to ```RPC::Server::Framework#pause```). - ```#resume``` -- Resumes the scan (delegated to ```RPC::Server::Framework#resume```). - ```#abort_and_report``` -- Cleans up the framework and returns the report. - ```#abort_and_report_as``` -- Cleans up the framework and returns the result of the specified report component. - ```#status``` -- Returns the status of the Instance. - ```#report``` -- Returns the scan report as a ```Hash```. - ```#report_as``` -- Returns the scan report in one of the available formats (as a ```String```). - ```#shutdown``` -- Shuts down the Instance/stops the scan. - ```framework``` -- Clients no longer need to call ```framework.clean_up``` unless cancelling a running scan. - Protocol -- Now supports both ```Marshal``` and ```YAML``` automatically. - ```Marshal``` by default since it's many times faster than ```YAML```. - ```YAML``` as an automatic fallback in order to maintain backwards compatibility and ease of integration with 3rd parties. - ```Framework``` - Updated gathering of slave status -- once a slave is done it reports back to the master. - Clean-up happens automatically, clients no longer need to call ```#clean_up``` (like previously mentioned). - Slave instances now buffer their logged issues and report them to the Master in batches. - ```#issues``` now returns the first variation of each issue to provide more info/context. - ```Dispatcher``` - Added ```#workload_score``` returning the workload score of a Dispatcher as a ```Float```. - Workload score calculation no longer uses CPU/RAM resource usage (since that data is not available on all platforms) but instead the amount of running instances and node weight. - Trainer -- Added a hard-limit for trainings per page to avoid time-consuming loops. - Spider - Updated to retry a few times when the server fails to respond. - Failed requests returned by ```#failures```. - Framework - Updated to retry a few times when the server fails to respond when trying to request a page for an audit. - Failed requests returned by ```#failures```. - The following methods have been updated to enforce scope criteria: - ```#audit_page``` - ```#push_to_page_queue``` - ```#push_to_url_queue``` - HTTP - Fixed corruption of binary response bodies due to aggressive sanitization. - Custom-404 page detection updated to: - Fallback to a word-difference ratio of the refined responses if straight comparison fails. - Keep a limited cache of signatures to lower memory consumption. - ```Arachni::Element::Capabilities::Auditable``` - Added ```#use_anonymous_auditor``` to alleviate the need of assigning a custom auditor when scripting. - Updated ```#submit``` and ```#audit``` to default to ```#use_anonymous_auditor``` when no auditor has been provided. - Plugins - AutoLogin -- No longer URI escapes the given arguments. [Issue #314] - Profiler -- No longer a member of the default plugins. - Meta-analysis - Timing-attacks: Updated to add a remark to affected issues about the suboptimal state of the server while the issue was identified. - Discovery: Updated to add a remark to affected issues about the extreme similarities between issues of similar type. - Removed - Manual-verification meta-analysis -- That plugin is now redundant, functionality now handled by other components/layers. - Analysis techniques - Taint -- Updated to add remarks for issues that require verification. - Timeout -- Updated to dramatically decrease memory consumption and improve reliability/accuracy. - No longer schedules element audits for the end of the scan but looks for candidates along with the other audit requests. - Candidates are verified at the end of each page audit. - Makes sure that candidates are deduplicated upon discovery. - Added a 3rd phase: Initial candidates which pass verification are verified again. - Modules - General - Updated module names along with some descriptions and issue names. - Limited the maximum number of issues to 25 for the following recon modules: - Captcha - CVS/SVN users - E-mails - HTML-objects - Interesting Responses - XSS in script tag - Requires manual verification -- Arachni can't inspect the JS runtime. - Added remark to inform users about the above. - Path traversal - Added more payloads for Windows. - OS command injection - Added more payloads for Windows. - Added - Auto-complete for password form fields. - Removed - ```xss_uri``` compatibility module. - Plugin - Proxy - Added the ```session_token``` option allowing users to restrict access to their proxy session using a configurable token. - Updated panel and control URLs. - Reports - If a directory has been passed as an ```outfile``` option the report will be written under that directory using the default ```outfile``` value as a filename. - Updated report descriptions. - Updated to include Issue remarks. - Issues - Added attribute ```remarks``` holding a ```Hash``` of remarks about that issue with the entity which made the remark as _key_ and an ```Array``` of remarks as _value_. - Added method ```#add_remark```, allowing new remarks to be added to the ```Issue```. - Executables - ```arachni_script``` -- Updated to expect a single script and pass ARGV along. - ```arachni_rpc``` - Massive code clean-up. - Updated to use the new simplified RPC API. - Updated to support the new high-performance distribution options. - Removed status messages, shows only the issue list. - Added - Cache - ```Arachni::Cache::Preference``` -- Performs soft pruning based on a preference determined by a given block. - Buffer classes - ```Arachni::Buffer::Base``` -- Buffer base class. - ```Arachni::Buffer::AutoFlush``` -- A buffer implementation which flushes itself when it gets full or a number of fill-up attempts is reached between flushes. - Removed - Web User Interface -- The new interface is a [project of its own](https://github.com/Arachni/arachni-ui-web) and not part of the framework -- will appear in the packages only, not the Gems. ## Version _(November 3, 2012)_ - HTTP - Updated the custom 404 detection algorithm to use less memory by storing only the hashes of the signatures instead of the signatures themselves. - ```cookie_string``` option is now decoded before being parsed into a ```Cookie``` object. - ```Cookie#expires_to_time``` bugfixed to return ```nil``` if expiry time is "0". - ```Arachni::URI.cheap_parse``` -- Updated to sanitize the encoding of each parameter name and value individually. [Issue #303] - Plugins - Proxy - Fixed regression caused by the Parser requiring the HTTP Response to include the original Request. - Fixed SSL interceptor behavior on redirects -- now delegates everything to the user facing Proxy. - Modules - Audit - CSRF -- Updated to mark forms with a detected nonce as safe. ## Version _(October 14, 2012)_ - ```Auditor#log``` and ```Auditor#log_remote_file``` bugfixed to pass a Hash of the response headers instead of a String -- also solving another bug causing response bodies not to be logged in the Issues. [Issue #294] - ```Issue``` -- Response headers are now **always** Hash. - Reports - HTML -- Removed response headers handling code and added the option to not include HTTP response bodies. [Issue #296] - XML -- Removed response headers handling code and added the option to not include HTTP response bodies. [Issue #296] - HTTP debugging output now includes Response data. [Issue #297] - Executables - ```arachni_rpcd_monitor``` -- Laxed standards enforced on the Dispatcher URL argument. [Issue #293] - Path extractors - Added path extractor for the ```area``` HTML tag (```href``` attribute). [Issue #300] ## Version 0.4.1 _(October 2, 2012)_ - License -- Moved from GPLv2 to Apache License Version 2. - Major refactoring - ```Arachni::Parser::Element::Auditable``` and ```Arachni::Module::Auditor```. - Moved analysis techniques from ```Auditor``` to ```Auditable``` to enable per element audits and analysis in order to increase audit granularity and ease scripting. - ```Auditor``` methods now simply iterate over candidate elements and delegate analysis to them. - Updated URL normalization methods and added caching to resource intensive parsing operations, leading to overall improvements, especially during the initial crawling process. (**New**) - Moved from Ruby's URI lib to ```Arachni::URI```. (**New**) - Project-wide code clean-up, documentation and style improvements. - Replaced ```Set``` with ```Arachni::BloomFilter```, where possible, to keep memory consumption to a minimum and speed up look-up comparisons. - Namespace cleanup - Moved ```Parser::Element``` classes directly under ```Arachni```; - Moved ```Parser::Page``` class directly under ```Arachni```; - Moved ```Auditable``` and ```Mutable``` under ```Element::Capabilities```; - Added ```Element::Capabilities::Refreshable``` -- refreshes the input values of a link/form; - Moved analysis techniques out of ```Analysis``` and directly under ```Element::Capabilities::Auditable```; - Added constants for each element directly under the ```Arachni``` namespace to facilitate easy access ( like ```Arachni::Link```, ```Arachni::Form```, etc.) - Framework - Can be configured to detect logouts and re-login between page audits. (**New**) - Options - Removed - ```--http-harvest-last``` - Added - ```--login-check-url``` -- A URL used to verify that the scanner is still logged in to the web application. - ```--login-check-pattern``` -- A pattern used against the body of the 'login-check-url' to verify that the scanner is still logged in to the web application. - ```--auto-redundant``` -- Ignores a specified amount of URLs with identical query parameter names. - ```--fuzz-methods``` -- Audits links, forms and cookies using both ```GET``` and ```POST``` HTTP methods. - ```--audit-cookies-extensively``` -- Submits all links and forms of the page along with the cookie permutations. - ```--cookie-string``` -- Allows the specification of cookies as a string in the form of: ```name=value; name2=value2``` - ```--exclude-vectors``` -- Excludes vectors (parameters), by name, from the audit. - ```--exclude-binaries``` -- Excludes pages with non text-based content-types from the audit. - Dispatcher - Added modularity by way of support for handler components whose API can be exposed over RPC (under ```rpcd_handlers/```). - Modules - Every single one has been cleaned up and have had RSpec tests added. - Scheduling - Expensive modules are now scheduled to be run after cheaper ones of similar type and only audit elements missed by the cheaper ones. - API - Updated to provide access to running plugins. - Updated remote file detection and logging helpers to improve performance and accuracy in case of custom 404s. - Audit operations by default follow redirects. - Issue de-duplication has been updated to be a lot more aggressive for issues discovered by manipulating inputs, variations have been restricted to just 1. - Unencrypted password forms -- Checks for non-nil form fields before iterating. [Issue #136] - SSN -- Improved regexp and logging. [Issue #170] - Insecure cookies -- Logs cookies without the 'secure' flag. (**New**) - HttpOnly cookies -- Logs cookies without the 'HttpOnly' flag. (**New**) - SQL injection -- Now ignores irrelevant error messages in order to reduce false-positives. - XSS -- Improved detection accuracy. - RFI -- Added a seed URL without a protocol. - Path traversal -- Added seeds with file:// URLs and for Tomcat webapps. - Added (**New**) - Session fixation - Lots of information updates for things such as remedy guidances and references. (Thanks to Samil Kumar) - Plugins - Every single one has been cleaned up and have had RSpec tests added. - AutoLogin - Added a mandatory verifier regexp to make sure that the login was successful. (**New**) - Now configures the ```Framework``` to be able to detect logouts and re-login during the audit. (**New**) - Proxy - Fixed typo in code which prevented headers from being properly forwarded which resulted in non-existent content-types which prevented proper parsing. [Issue #135] - Updated to use the framework HTTP interface instead of Net::HTTP - Now injects a handy little control panel into each responce which allows recording of login sequences and inspection of discovered pages/elements. - VectorFeed -- Reads in vector data from which it creates elements to be audited. Can be used to perform extremely specialized/narrow audits on a per vector/element basis. Useful for unit-testing or a gazillion other things. (**New**) - Script -- Loads and runs an external Ruby script under the scope of a plugin, used for debugging and general hackery. (**New**) - Extras - All modules under /extras had to be removed because they distributed GPLv3 licensed content. - HTTP - Improved detection of custom 404 pages. - Now accepts a global timeout (```--http-timeout```) in milliseconds. - Updated ```#add_on_queue``` hook (called by ```#queue```) which allows HTTP requests to be intercepted and modified before being fired. - Fixed burst average requests/second calculation. - Implemented a Cookiejar. (**New**) - Removed tagging of requests with the system-wide seed. - Added a maximum queue size limit -- once the request limit has been reached the queued requests will be fired in order to unload the queue. - Added ```#sandbox``` -- isolates the given block from the rest of the HTTP env and executes it. - Spider -- Re-written, much cleaner design and code. (**New**) - Ignores path parameters to avoid infinite loops (like ```http://stuff.com/deep/path;jsessid=deadbeef```). - Parser - Removed clutter by moving parsing of elements into their respective classes (Form, Link, Cookie). - Replaced sanitization hacks with Nokogiri's sanitization -- cleaner code, better performance. - Form - Nonce tokens are being automatically detected and refreshed before submission. - WebUI - Removed the AutoDeploy add-on -- no sense maintaining it since the WebUI is about to be scrapped (and no-one used it anyways). - Tests - Added full test suite using RSpec. (**New**) - Added - ```Arachni::Session``` - Session manager, handling session maintenance, login sequences, log-out detection etc. - ```Arachni::URI``` class to handle URI parsing and normalization -- Uses Random Replacement caches to maintain low-latency. - ```Arachni::BloomFilter``` class, a ```Hash```-based, lightweight Bloom-filter implementation requiring minimum storage space and providing fast look-ups. - ```Arachni::Cache``` classes - ```LeastCostReplacement``` -- Least Cost Replacement cache implementation. - ```LeastRecentlyUsed``` -- Least Recently Used cache implementation. - ```RandomReplacement``` -- Random Replacement cache implementation. - Executables - ```arachni_web_autostart``` -- removed calls to ```xterm``` and ```xdg-open```. - ```arachni_script``` -- Pre-loads Arachni's libraries and loads and runs a series of Ruby scripts. (**New**) - ```arachni_console``` -- Pre-loads Arachni's libraries and loads and runs an IRB shell with persistent history and tab-completion. (**New**) ## Version _(March 12, 2012)_ - Gemspec -- Updated ```do_sqlite3``` dependency. ( [kost](https://github.com/kost) ) [#166] ## Version _(January 9, 2012)_ - Reports - XML -- added missing Issue attributes - Added draconian run-time exception handling to all components. ## Version 0.4 _(January 7, 2012)_ - RPC Infrastructure (**New**) - Dispatcher - Dispatchers can now be connected to form a High Performance Grid and share scan workloads. - Users can now specify a range of ports to be used for spawned Instances. [Issue #76] - Now checks for signal availability before using trap(). (**New**) [Issue #71] - Now uses Windows compliant filenames for the logs. (**New**) [Issue #70] - Ruby's XMLRPC libraries have been replaced by Arachni-RPC, a light-weight and high-performance custom client/server RPC implementation. - Added extras directory holding components that are considered too specialised, dangerous or in some way unsuitable for utilising without explicit user interaction. (**New**) - Modules - Recon - SVN Digger dirs -- Finds directories, based on wordlists created from open source repositories (Herman Stevens) - SVN Digger files -- Finds files, based on wordlists created from open source repositories (Herman Stevens) - RAFT dirs (Herman Stevens) - RAFT files (Herman Stevens) - Framework - stats() - Fixed bug that caused the current_page to not be refreshed during timing attacks. - Fixed bug that caused a less than 100% progress at the end of scans. [Issue #86] - If the crawler is limited by link-count it will be taken under consideration. - Significantly reduced memory footprint by re-scheduling the consumption of Trainer generated pages. - User Interfaces - WebUI - Sinatra - Updated to use the light-weight and high-performance Thin server. - Added async_sinatra to allow for asynchronous responses. (**New**) - Added support for HTTP Basic Auth (**New**) - Updated screens to provide access to HPG (High Performance Grid) features: - Home - Added option to enable HPG mode on a per scan basis (**New**) - Dispatchers - Added node information (Nickname, Pipe ID, Weight, Cost). (**New**) - Added neighbour inspection per dispatcher. (**New**) - Added log inspection per dispatcher. (**New**) - Improved accuracy of instance statuses. - Added percentages for memory and CPU usage per instance. (**New**) - Instance (scan management) - Provides an average of all stats of scanner instances. (**New**) - Added per instance progress bars. (**New**) - Added per instance statuses. (**New**) - Added est. remaining time. (**New**) - Settings - Added proxy settings. [Issue #74] (**New**) - Added settings for restrict and extend paths options. (**New**) - Fixed small typo in "Settings" screen. [Issue #62] - Reports -- AFR report is now served straight-up to avoid corruption. [Issue #55] - Add-ons -- Updated to use the new async libraries. - Added help buttons. (**New**) - CLI - Improved interrupt handler: - It now exits in a cleaner fashion and is more obedient. - Added est. remaining time. (**New**) - Added progressbar. (**New**) - HTTP client - Added support for including custom headers. [Issue #90] (**New**) - Refactored in order for all methods to use request(). - Bug-fixed cookie preservation. - Spider - spider-first option removed and set to true by default. - Added "--depth" parameter. (**New**) - Fixed incorrect implementation of the inclusion filters. - Now follows "Location" headers directly and bypasses the trainer. - Added support for extending the crawl scope with a file that contains newline separated URLs. (**New**) [Issue #67] - Added support for restricting the crawl scope with a file that contains newline separated URLs. (**New**) - Made more resilient against malformed/non-standard URLs. [Issue #57] - Parser - Encoded URLs with fragments right after the host caused URI.parse to fail. [Issue #66] - Auditable elements - If there are 2 or more password fields in a form an extra variation is added with the same inputs for all passwords in case it's a 'please repeat your password' thing. (**New**) [Issue #59] - Plugins - API -- Added distributable?() and merge() class methods which declare if a plug-in can be distributed to all instances when running in Grid mode and merge an array of its own results respectively. - Distributable plug-ins: - Content-Types - Cookie collector - Healthmap - Profiler - AutoThrottle - Profiler -- Removed response time logging and moved it to defaults. - Proxy -- Fixed bug which caused some headers not to be forwarded. [Issue #64] - Discovery (accompanied by appropriate report formatters). (**New**) [Issue #81] - Performs anomaly detection on issues logged by discovery modules and warns of the possibility of false positives where applicable. - Added the 'defaults' subdirectory which contains plug-ins that should be loaded by default. - Added: (**New**) - ReScan -- It uses the AFR report of a previous scan to extract the sitemap in order to avoid a redundant crawl. - BeepNotify -- Beeps when the scan finishes. - LibNotify -- Uses the libnotify library to send notifications for each discovered issue and a summary at the end of the scan. - EmailNotify -- Sends a notification (and optionally a report) over SMTP at the end of the scan. - Manual verification -- Flags issues that require manual verification as untrusted in order to reduce the signal-to-noise ratio. - Resolver -- Resolves vulnerable hostnames to IP addresses. - Reports - HTML report - Fixed replay forms to include URL params in the action attribute. [Issue #73] - Refactored and broken into erb partials. - Organised subsections into tabs. (**New**) - HTML responses of logged Issues are now rendered on-demand. [Issue #88] - Added graph showing issue trust totals. (**New**) - The main issue graph shows trusted and untrusted issues in 2 different series. - ALl JavaScript and CSS code is now included in the report for off-line viewing. - Removed manual-verification piechart, obsoleted by the trust chart. - Replaced Highcharts with jqPlot due to licensing reasons. - Removed false-positive reporting -- was causing segfaults on Mac OSX. [Issue #126] - Added (**New**) - JSON -- Exports the audit results as a JSON serialized Hash. - Marshal -- Exports the audit results as a Marshal serialized Hash. - YAML -- Exports the audit results as a YAML serialized Hash. - Heeded Ruby's warnings (ruby -w). - Modules - API - Auditor - Added helper methods for checking the existence of remote files and directories. (**New**) - Added helper methods for issue logging. (**New**) - Refactored modules replacing duplicate code with the new helper methods. - Audit - XSS -- Updated to actually inject an element, parse the HTML response and look for that element before logging in order to eliminate false positives. [Issue #59] - Path traversal -- Fixed broken regular expressions - SQL Injection -- Fixed broken regular expressions - XSS Path -- Updated to verify the injection using HTML parsing - XSS URI -- Made obsolete and will be removed from future releases -- loads and runs XSS Path instead. - Recon - Added MixedResource detection module (Reference) (**New**) [Issue #56] - Meta-Modules - Have all been converted to regular plug-ins in order to make distribution across the Grid easier. - Dependencies - Added - Arachni-RPC - EventMachine - EM Synchrony - AsyncSinatra - Updated - Typhoeus => 0.3.3 - Sys-proctable => 0.9.1 - Nokogiri => 1.5.0 - Sinatra => 1.3.1 - Datamapper => 1.1.0 - Json => 1.6.1 - Datamapper SQLite adapter => 1.1.0 - Net-SSH => 2.2.1 - Removed - Rack-CSRF - JSON (Provided by DataMapper) ## Version 0.3 _(July 26, 2011)_ - HTTP client - Fixed race condition in timeout options. - Spider (**New**) - Replaced Anemone with a lightweight custom-written spider. - WebUI - Major refactoring. - Improved handling of connection errors during scan progress updates. - Added support for add-ons. (**New**) - Add-ons (**New**) - Scan scheduler - Auto-deploy -- Automatically converts any SSH enabled Linux box into an Arachni Dispatcher. - Fixed bug when IP addresses are used, instead of hostnames, for the Dispatchers. - Parser - Form action attributes are now sanitized using iterative URI decoding. - Link variables are extracted before URL sanitization takes place in order to keep values with URL-encoded characters intact. - The link variables of any current page's URL are now pushed to 'page.links'. - Auditor - Abstracted the rDiff audit methods from the "Blind (rDiff) SQL Injection" module and moved them in the Auditor. - Timing attack technique has been greatly improved and all timing attacks are now scheduled to run at the end of the scan. - Modules - API - Added the "redundant()" method -- Allows a module to prevents itself from auditting elements that have been previously logged by other modules. - Modules are now passed an instance of the framework. - Audit - Blind (rDiff) SQL Injection - Updated to support all element types (Links, Forms, Cookies, Headers). - Optimized using the new "redundant()" method -- It will no longer audit elements that have been previously logged by the 'sqli' or 'sqli_blind_rdiff' modules. - OS command injection (timing) - Optimized using the new "redundant()" method -- It will no longer audit elements that have been previously logged by the 'os_cmd_injection' module. - Code injection (timing) - Optimized using the new "redundant()" method -- It will no longer audit elements that have been previously logged by the 'code_injection' module. ## Version 0.2.4 _(July 1, 2011)_ - HTTP - Implemented a 10s time-out [Issue #40] - Command Line Interface - The interrupt handler (Ctrl+C) now presents the option to generate reports mid-scan. [Issue #41] - Added a counter of timed-out requests in the stats. - WebUI - The "Replay" form's action attribute now contains the full URL, including params. [Issue #38] - Fixed path clash that caused the "shutdown" button in the Dispatchers screen not to work. [Issue #39] - Fixed mix-up of output messages from different instances. [Issue #36] - Added a counter of timed-out requests in "Instance" screens. - External - Metasploit - Updated SQL injection exploit module to work with SQLmap 0.9. [Issue #37] - Reports - HTML - Fixed yet another error condition occuring with broken encodings. [Issue #31] - Auditor - Timing attacks now have a "control" to verify that the server is indeed alive i.e. requests won't time-out by default. ## Version 0.2.3 _(May 22, 2011)_ - WebUI - Added connection cache for XMLRPC server instances to remove HTTPS handshake overhead and take advantage of keep-alive support. - Added initial support for management of multiple Dispatchers. - XMLRPC Client->Dispatch Server - Updated to always use SSL [Issue #28] - Added per instance authentication tokens [Issue #28] - Modules - Audit - Path traversal: added double encoded traversals [Issue #29] - Reports - HTML - Fixed "invalid byte sequence in UTF-8" using iconv [Issue #27] - Added false positive reporting. Data are encrypted using 256bit AES (with AES primitives encrypted using RSA) and sent over HTTPS. [Issue #30] - Metareport - Fixed bug caused by not explicitly closed file handle. ## Version _(March 22, 2011)_ - Added "arachni_web_autostart" under bin -- Automatically starts all systems required by the WebUI and makes shutting down everything easier too (Original by: Brandon Potter ) - Overrided Nokogiri to revert to UTF-8 when it comes across an unknown charset instead of throwing exceptions - Dependency versions are now defined explicitly [Issue #23] - Updated to Sinatra v1.2.1 - HTTP - Disabled peer verification on SSL [Issue #19] - Replaced callbacks with the new _Observable_ mixin (also updated components to use the new conventions) - WebUI - Plug-in options are preserved [Issue #19] - Check-all now skips disabled checkboxes - Report info is stored in a database [Issue #19] - Reports are now displayed in descending order based on scan completion datetime [Issue #19] - Any existing reports will be migrated into the new database [Issue #19] - XMLRPC service - Fixed segfault on forced shutdown when spider-first was enabled - Plug-ins - AutoLogin now registers its results - Reports -- Added formatters for the AutoLogin [Issue #19] and Profiler plug-ins - HMTL - Fixed exception on empty issue list - Fixed encoding exceptions (cheers to Chris Weber ) - Path extractors - Generic -- fixed error on invalid encoding sequences - Modules - Recon - Directory listing -- Now skips non-200 pages because it used to log false positives on redirections - Plug-ins - Added Profiler -- Performs taint analysis (with benign inputs) and response time analysis ## Version _(February 13, 2011)_ - Web UI v0.1-pre (Utilizing the Client - Dispatch-server XMLRPC architecture) (**New**) - Basically a front-end to the XMLRPC client - Support for parallel scans - Report management - Can be used to monitor and control any running Dispatcher - Changed classification from "Vulnerabilities" to "Issues" (**New**) - Improved detection of custom 404 pages. - Reports updated to show plug-in results. - Updated framework-wide cookie handling. - Added parameter flipping functionality ( cheers to Nilesh Bhosale ) - Major performance optimizations (4x faster in most tests) - All modules now use asynchronous requests and are optimized for highest traffic efficiency - All index Arrays have been replaced by Sets to minimize look-up times - Mark-up parsing has been reduced dramatically - File I/O blocking in modules has been eliminated - Crawler - Improved performance - Added '--spider-first" option (**New**) - Substituted the XMLRPC server with an XMLRPC dispatch server (**New**) - Multiple clients - Parallel scans - Extensive logging - SSL cert based client authentication - Added modules (**New**) - Audit - XSS in event attributes of HTML elements - XSS in HTML tags - XSS in HTML 'script' tags - Blind SQL injection using timing attacks - Blind code injection using timing attacks (PHP, Ruby, Python, JSP, ASP.NET) - Blind OS command injection using timing attacks (*nix, Windows) - Recon - Common backdoors -- Looks for common shell names - .htaccess LIMIT misconfiguration - Interesting responses -- Listens to all traffic and logs interesting server messages - HTML object grepper - E-mail address disclosure - US Social Security Number disclosure - Forceful directory listing - Added plugins (**New**) - Dictionary attacker for HTTP Auth - Dictionary attacker for form based authentication - Cookie collector -- Listens to all traffic and logs changes in cookies - Healthmap -- Generates sitemap showing the health of each crawled/audited URL - Content-types -- Logs content-types of server responses aiding in the identification of interesting (possibly leaked) files - WAF (Web Application Firewall) Detector - MetaModules -- Loads and runs high-level meta-analysis modules pre/mid/post-scan - AutoThrottle -- Dynamically adjusts HTTP throughput during the scan for maximum bandwidth utilization - TimeoutNotice -- Provides a notice for issues uncovered by timing attacks when the affected audited pages returned unusually high response times to begin with.
It also points out the danger of DoS attacks against pages that perform heavy-duty processing. - Uniformity -- Reports inputs that are uniformly vulnerable across a number of pages hinting to the lack of a central point of input sanitization. - New behavior on Ctrl+C - The system continues to run in the background instead of pausing - The user is presented with an auto-refreshing report and progress stats - Updated module API - Timing/delay attacks have been abstracted and simplified via helper methods - The modules are given access to vector skipping decisions - Simplified issue logging - Added the option of substring matching instead of regexp matching in order to improve performance. - Substituted regular expression matching with substring matching wherever possible. - Reports: - Added plug-in formatter components allowing plug-ins to have a say in how their results are presented (**New**) - New HTML report (Cheers to [Christos Chiotis](mailto:chris@survivetheinternet.com) for designing the new HTML report template.) (**New**) - Updated reports to include Plug-in results: - XML report - Stdout report - Text report ## Version 0.2.1 _(November 25, 2010)_ - Major performance improvements - Major system refactoring and code clean-up - Major module API refactoring providing even more flexibility regarding element auditing and manipulation - Integration with the Metasploit Framework via: (**New**) - ArachniMetareport, an Arachni report specifically designed to provide WebApp context to the [Metasploit](http://www.metasploit.com/) framework. - Arachni plug-in for the [Metasploit](http://www.metasploit.com/) framework, used to load the ArachniMetareport in order to provide advanced automated and manual exploitation of WebApp vulnerabilities. - Advanced generic WebApp exploit modules for the [Metasploit](http://www.metasploit.com/) framework, utilized either manually or automatically by the Arachni MSF plug-in. - Improved Blind SQL Injection module, significantly less requests per audit. - XMLRPC server (**New**) - XMLRPC CLI client (**New**) - NTLM authentication support (**New**) - Support for path extractor modules for the Spider (**New**) - Path extractors: (**New**) - Generic -- extracts URLs from arbitrary text - Anchors - Form actions - Frame sources - Links - META refresh - Script 'src' and script code - Sitemap - Plug-in support -- allowing the framework to be extended with virtually any functionality (**New**). - Added plug-ins: (**New**) - Passive proxy - Automated login - Added modules: (**New**) - Audit - XPath injection - LDAP injection - Recon - CVS/SVN user disclosure - Private IP address disclosure - Robot file reader (in the Common Files module) - XST - WebDAV detection - Allowed HTTP methods - Credit card number disclosure - HTTP PUT support - Extended proxy support (SOCKS4, SOCKS4A, SOCKS5, HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/1.0). (**New**) ## Version 0.2 _(October 14, 2010)_ - Improved output. - Increased context awareness. - Extensive debugging output capabilities. - Added simple stats at the end of scans. - Rewritten HTTP interface. - High-performance asynchronous HTTP requests. - Adjustable HTTP request concurrency limit. - Adjustable HTTP response harvests. - Custom 404 page detection. - Optimized Trainer subsystem. - Invoked when it is most likely to detect new vectors. - Can be invoked by individual modules on-demand, forcing Arachni to learn from the HTTP responses they will cause -- a great asset to Fuzzers. - Refactored and improved Auditor. - No redundant requests, except when required by modules. - Better parameter handling. - Speed optimizations. - Added differential analysis to determine whether a vulnerability needs manual verification. - Refactored and improved module API. - Major API clean up. - With facilities providing more control and power over the audit process. - Significantly increased ease of development. - Modules have total flexibility and control over input combinations, injection values and their formating -- if they need to. - Modules can opt for sync or async HTTP requests (Default: async) - Improved interrupt handling - Scans can be paused/resumed at any time. - In the event of a system exit or user cancellation reports will still be created using whatever data were gathered during runtime. - When the scan is paused the user will be presented with the results gathered thus far. - Improved configuration profile handling - Added pre-configured profiles - Multiple profiles can be loaded at once - Ability to show running profiles as CLI arguments - Overall module improvements and optimizations. - New modules for: - Blind SQL Injection, using reverse-diff analysis. - Trainer, probes all inputs of a given page, in order to uncover new input vectors, and forces Arachni to learn from the responses. - Unvalidated redirects. - Forms that transmit passwords in clear text. - CSRF, implementing 4-pass rDiff analysis to drastically reduce noise. - Overall report improvements and optimizations. - New reports - Plain text report - XML report