# # ActiveFacts Generators. # Generate SQL for SQL Server from an ActiveFacts vocabulary. # # Copyright (c) 2009 Clifford Heath. Read the LICENSE file. # require 'activefacts/vocabulary' require 'activefacts/persistence' module ActiveFacts module Generate class SQL #:nodoc: # Generate SQL for SQL Server for an ActiveFacts vocabulary. # Invoke as # afgen --sql/server[=options] .cql # Options are comma or space separated: # * delay_fks Leave all foreign keys until the end, not just those that contain forward-references class SERVER private include Persistence ColumnNameMax = 40 RESERVED_WORDS = %w{ ADD ALL ALTER AND ANY AS ASC AUTHORIZATION BACKUP BEGIN BETWEEN BREAK BROWSE BULK BY CASCADE CASE CHECK CHECKPOINT CLOSE CLUSTERED COALESCE COLLATE COLUMN COMMIT COMPUTE CONSTRAINT CONTAINS CONTAINSTABLE CONTINUE CONVERT CREATE CROSS CURRENT CURRENT_DATE CURRENT_TIME CURRENT_TIMESTAMP CURRENT_USER CURSOR DATABASE DBCC DEALLOCATE DECLARE DEFAULT DELETE DENY DESC DISK DISTINCT DISTRIBUTED DOUBLE DROP DUMMY DUMP ELSE END ERRLVL ESCAPE EXCEPT EXEC EXECUTE EXISTS EXIT FETCH FILE FILLFACTOR FOR FOREIGN FREETEXT FREETEXTTABLE FROM FULL FUNCTION GOTO GRANT GROUP HAVING HOLDLOCK IDENTITY IDENTITYCOL IDENTITY_INSERT IF IN INDEX INNER INSERT INTERSECT INTO IS JOIN KEY KILL LEFT LIKE LINENO LOAD NATIONAL NOCHECK NONCLUSTERED NOT NULL NULLIF OF OFF OFFSETS ON OPEN OPENDATASOURCE OPENQUERY OPENROWSET OPENXML OPTION OR ORDER OUTER OVER PERCENT PLAN PRECISION PRIMARY PRINT PROC PROCEDURE PUBLIC RAISERROR READ READTEXT RECONFIGURE REFERENCES REPLICATION RESTORE RESTRICT RETURN REVOKE RIGHT ROLLBACK ROWCOUNT ROWGUIDCOL RULE SAVE SCHEMA SELECT SESSION_USER SET SETUSER SHUTDOWN SOME STATISTICS SYSTEM_USER TABLE TEXTSIZE THEN TO TOP TRAN TRANSACTION TRIGGER TRUNCATE TSEQUAL UNION UNIQUE UPDATE UPDATETEXT USE USER VALUES VARYING VIEW WAITFOR WHEN WHERE WHILE WITH WRITETEXT }.inject({}){ |h,w| h[w] = true; h } def initialize(vocabulary, *options) @vocabulary = vocabulary @vocabulary = @vocabulary.Vocabulary.values[0] if ActiveFacts::API::Constellation === @vocabulary @delay_fks = options.include? "delay_fks" @underscore = options.include?("underscore") ? "_" : "" end def puts s @out.puts s end def go s puts s puts "GO\n\n" end def escape s # Escape SQL keywords and non-identifiers s = s[0...120] if s =~ /[^A-Za-z0-9_]/ || RESERVED_WORDS[s.upcase] "[#{s}]" else s end end # Return SQL type and (modified?) length for the passed base type def normalise_type(type, length) sql_type = case type when /^Auto ?Counter$/ 'int' when /^Unsigned ?Integer$/, /^Signed ?Integer$/, /^Unsigned ?Small ?Integer$/, /^Signed ?Small ?Integer$/, /^Unsigned ?Tiny ?Integer$/ s = case when length <= 8 'tinyint' when length <= 16 'shortint' when length <= 32 'int' else 'bigint' end length = nil s when /^Decimal$/ 'decimal' when /^Fixed ?Length ?Text$/, /^Char$/ 'char' when /^Variable ?Length ?Text$/, /^String$/ 'varchar' when /^Large ?Length ?Text$/, /^Text$/ 'text' when /^Date ?And ?Time$/, /^Date ?Time$/ 'datetime' when /^Date$/ 'datetime' # SQLSVR 2K5: 'date' when /^Time$/ 'datetime' # SQLSVR 2K5: 'time' when /^Auto ?Time ?Stamp$/ 'timestamp' when /^Money$/ 'decimal' when /^Picture ?Raw ?Data$/, /^Image$/ 'image' when /^Variable ?Length ?Raw ?Data$/, /^Blob$/ 'varbinary' when /^BIT$/ 'bit' else type # raise "SQL type unknown for standard type #{type}" end [sql_type, length] end public def generate(out = $>) #:nodoc: @out = out #go "CREATE SCHEMA #{@vocabulary.name}" tables_emitted = {} delayed_foreign_keys = [] @vocabulary.tables.each do |table| puts "CREATE TABLE #{escape table.name(@underscore).gsub(' ',@underscore)} (" pk = table.identifier_columns identity_column = pk[0] if pk.size == 1 && pk[0].is_auto_assigned fk_refs = table.references_from.select{|ref| ref.is_simple_reference } fk_columns = table.columns.select do |column| column.references[0].is_simple_reference end # We sort the columns here, not in the persistence layer, because it affects # the ordering of columns in an index :-(. columns = table.columns.sort_by { |column| column.name(@underscore) }.map do |column| name = escape column.name(@underscore) padding = " "*(name.size >= ColumnNameMax ? 1 : ColumnNameMax-name.size) type, params, constraints = column.type constraints = [] if (fk_columns.include?(column)) # Don't enforce VT constraints on FK columns length = params[:length] length &&= length.to_i scale = params[:scale] scale &&= scale.to_i type, length = normalise_type(type, length) sql_type = "#{type}#{ if !length "" else "(" + length.to_s + (scale ? ", #{scale}" : "") + ")" end }" identity = column == identity_column ? " IDENTITY" : "" null = (column.is_mandatory ? "NOT " : "") + "NULL" check = check_clause(name, constraints) comment = column.comment [ "-- #{comment}", "#{name}#{padding}#{sql_type}#{identity} #{null}#{check}" ] end.flatten pk_def = (pk.detect{|column| !column.is_mandatory} ? "UNIQUE(" : "PRIMARY KEY(") + pk.map{|column| escape column.name(@underscore)}*", " + ")" inline_fks = [] table.foreign_keys.each do |fk| fk_text = "FOREIGN KEY (" + fk.from_columns.map{|column| column.name(@underscore)}*", " + ") REFERENCES #{escape fk.to.name(@underscore).gsub(' ',@underscore)} (" + fk.to_columns.map{|column| column.name(@underscore)}*", " + ")" if !@delay_fks and # We don't want to delay all Fks (tables_emitted[fk.to] or # The target table has been emitted fk.to == table && !fk.to_columns.detect{|column| !column.is_mandatory}) # The reference columns already have the required indexes inline_fks << fk_text else delayed_foreign_keys << ("ALTER TABLE #{escape fk.from.name(@underscore).gsub(' ',@underscore)}\n\tADD " + fk_text) end end indices = table.indices inline_indices = [] delayed_indices = [] indices.each do |index| next if index.over == table && index.is_primary # Already did the primary keys abbreviated_column_names = index.abbreviated_column_names(@underscore)*"" column_names = index.column_names(@underscore) column_name_list = column_names.map{|n| escape(n)}*", " if index.columns.all?{|column| column.is_mandatory} inline_indices << "UNIQUE(#{column_name_list})" else view_name = escape "#{index.view_name}_#{abbreviated_column_names}" delayed_indices << %Q{CREATE VIEW dbo.#{view_name} (#{column_name_list}) WITH SCHEMABINDING AS \tSELECT #{column_name_list} FROM dbo.#{escape index.on.name(@underscore).gsub(' ',@underscore)} \tWHERE\t#{ index.columns. select{|column| !column.is_mandatory }. map{|column| escape(column.name(@underscore)) + " IS NOT NULL" }*"\n\t AND\t" } GO CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX #{escape index.name} ON dbo.#{view_name}(#{index.columns.map{|column| column.name(@underscore)}*", "}) } end end tables_emitted[table] = true puts("\t" + (columns + [pk_def] + inline_indices + inline_fks)*",\n\t") go ")" delayed_indices.each {|index_text| go index_text } end delayed_foreign_keys.each do |fk| go fk end end private def sql_value(value) value.is_a_string ? sql_string(value.literal) : value.literal end def sql_string(str) "'" + str.gsub(/'/,"''") + "'" end def check_clause(column_name, constraints) return "" if constraints.empty? # REVISIT: Merge all constraints (later; now just use the first) " CHECK(" + constraints[0].all_allowed_range_sorted.map do |ar| vr = ar.value_range min = vr.minimum_bound max = vr.maximum_bound if (min && max && max.value.literal == min.value.literal) "#{column_name} = #{sql_value(min.value)}" else inequalities = [ min && "#{column_name} >#{min.is_inclusive ? "=" : ""} #{sql_value(min.value)}", max && "#{column_name} <#{max.is_inclusive ? "=" : ""} #{sql_value(max.value)}" ].compact inequalities.size > 1 ? "(" + inequalities*" AND " + ")" : inequalities[0] end end*" OR " + ")" end end end end end